"Teacher, how are you..."

  Fubuki felt that there must be a problem.

  How the two of them were brought into the garbage heap.

  "its not right......"

  A strange look flashed across Bai Ye's face.

  Obviously the radar signal is here.

  In other words, the last Fujiang will be here.

  Why did she disappear?

  There should be no stealth in Fujiang's ability.

  This also directly made Bai Ye look stupid.

  Qiu Zixi: [What the hell?Is there something wrong with the space teleportation of Baiye? 】

  Forever eighteen years old: [It is estimated that it is unlikely, his spatial ability uses the perfection! 】

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????

  Miaomiao: [Could it be that Fujiang has the ability to be invisible? 】

  Qiu Zixi: [There should be no... but there are variations...]

  After all, there are so many rich rivers, maybe there is a rich river that has mutated?

  This kind of thing is also unpredictable.

  So she also seems to think that maybe Fujiang is nearby, just invisible.

  Look carefully and you might find it.

  "Teacher, why don't we leave?"

  Fubuki feels a little strange, but it's normal to think about it, after all, Bai Ye can't be so accurate every time.

  There are still times when mistakes are made.

  This is also normal.

  Better to get out of here early.

  Fubuki can't stand the surrounding environment.

  It's so ugly.

  It is estimated that this garbage heap has not been disposed of for a long time.

  Accumulating here, the smell is enough to make the smoked person faint.

  "Can't go wrong... it should be here..."

  Bai Ye can be sure, it is definitely here.

  If it's the system that's wrong, it won't be right in the first place.

  Since it is shown that there is Fujiang here, then Fujiang must also be here, otherwise the system should report an error.

  Of course, there are times when the system is stupid. If this is the case, he must kill the system.

  Actually let myself teleport into this garbage dump.

...... 0 0


  Fubuki felt that everything around him was disgusting.

  If you let her find it here.

  Fubuki felt that he must not be able to do it.

  Where is Bengyu: [Maybe it's not stealth, if Brother Bai Ye is so sure, you can look for it. 】

  Qiu Zixi: [Cough, what can I find in the garbage dump...]

  Forever eighteen years old: [If you're sure, let's look for it. I'm still looking forward to rummaging through the garbage in Baiye! 】

  The village chief of Novice Village: [Suddenly I feel that you are good or bad! 】

  Ninja Dance King: [Is this a black history?I have started recording video! 】

  Be my son: [The sense of substitution is too strong, I feel that after the spot will be fixed by the white night! 】

  Light and Dark Maker: [The garbage heap is actually nothing, I have flipped through it before. 】

  They think that since it is determined to be here.

  Then take a good look here.

  Even if he's not here in the end, he's actually looked for it, at most it's just a matter of time.

  "wait for me."

  Bai Ye closed his eyes and sensed his surroundings.

  Then he looked at the trash can right in front of them with a very strange look.

  Following Bai Ye's gaze, Fubuki also looked at the trash can.

  But it's just a newer looking trash can, is there something wrong?

  "Teacher is such a small trash can, don't tell me that Fujiang is in this..."

  A trace of teasing flashed across Fuxue's face.

  In short, she wouldn't believe that there was Fujiang in such a small trash can.

  Unless she has the ability that Bai Ye said before, she also has a bone shrinking skill.

  "It's in this..."

  Bai Ye sighed, although he didn't want to admit it, in his previous perception, Bai Ye also felt that Fujiang was a big trouble...


  Looking at the complex expression on Bai Ye's face.

  Fubuki hurriedly used telekinesis to open the bucket that was covered on top.

  Inside, it looks very new and new, it seems to be a trash can just bought.

  Inside, there was a baby sleeping.


  Fubuki was stunned on the spot, just like Bai Ye.

  Could it be that the baby in front of me is Fujiang! ?

  "Yes, this is Fujiang..."

  A trace of complexity flashed across Bai Ye's face.

  This is one of Fujiang's abilities, and its blood can be fused with the baby, making the baby become Fujiang when it grows up.

  In other words, the baby in front of him is Fujiang.

  "But she seems to have been abandoned just after birth, maybe not?"

  Fubuki asked tentatively with a hint of luck.

  She hopes to know the answer she wants from Bai Ye's mouth.

  But after seeing Bai Ye's face, she felt a little uncomfortable.

  This baby... do you want to kill this baby who was abandoned shortly after birth?

  This is too cruel.

  What should be done! ?Long.

Chapter 156

  "Teacher, this baby..."

  As an adult Fujiang, she can start without hesitation.

  But this is a baby.

  Fubuki was also hesitant.

  "give it to me."

  Bai Ye sighed.

  Adopt this for yourself.

  I'll teach her how to be a good person later.

  I really can't make a contract.

  I still can't believe that I can't restrain this kid.


  Fubuki gave the baby to Shiro.

  She actually felt that killing a baby was somewhat sinful.

  If you give her to Bai Ye, maybe new values ​​can be established in the future.

  "After that, when you go back, tell that the mission is complete, and Fujiang has all died. From today onwards, you will be stinking!"

  Bai Ye reached out and teased the baby in his arms.

  Since it was picked up in the garbage heap, it would be called Smelly.


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