Ninja Dance King: [Hey!I don't know how to say you, how can people like us indulge in women's pornography? 】

  Be my son: [Do you want to indulge in women's clothing? 】

  Ninja Dance King: [What a white-bearded old man, I want to fight you one-on-one! 】

  Uchiha Madara felt that this stalk could not be avoided in the future.

  Te Tian said that he wanted to fight Whitebeard one-on-one.

  This old man has drawn a doll himself!

  Would you mind talking about your own clothes?

  Be my son: [Hey, singled out, anyway, I don't have women's clothes. 】

  Ninja Dance King: [What are you... Didn't your son say he wanted to marry an aunt for you?How about you invite me to a drink on your wedding day, and I'll send you some gifts! 】

  Madara Uchiha didn't know what to say.

  But when he thought of the white beard, his thoughts became clear.

  Didn't this guy Whitebeard say that his son was going to help him snatch Auntie over.

  It just so happened that Madara Uchiha took this matter out.

  Let's see who breaks the defense first!

  Kaisha is Bitchi: [Childish, just like elementary school students, if you hit me, I will bounce back right? 】

  Sister Shinobi: [It's not very funny, by the way, have we forgotten something? 】

  Meow: [I believe in the boss, I agree with the boss being the talker... sorry, I went to the wrong channel...]

  Card drawing master: [Farewell, I really don't have what you said. In short, this matter has been revealed. If you really talk about it, I will copy it for you to see later. 】

  Forever eighteen years old: [Don't... I won't say it! 】

  Qiu Zixi: [Cough, I won't say anything...]

  At the beginning, they also knew that Bai Ye definitely didn't copy them.

  If he really has this idea now, and if he really replicates it in the future, the ghost knows what will happen.

  Although it is not himself, no one can accept this kind of copying.

  This topic has come to an end.

  Ninja Dance King: [So what happened?Copy me, I'm not afraid anyway! 】

  Madara Uchiha can't let this go.

  I finally found the point of 'attacking' Bai Ye.

  How can you give up on this.

  You must know that Bai Ye used to talk about his women's clothes a lot.

  Now that there is such a good opportunity, wouldn't I be a fool if I don't seize it?


  At this moment, Madara Uchiha is already a warrior-like existence in their hearts.

  Sure enough, the entire chat skirt needs a presence to suppress Bai Ye.

  It can't be like this anymore!

  That's right, Madara Uchiha is not afraid of being copied.

  He is a man, how could he be afraid of being copied?

  Card Draw Master: [Really?Then I'll make a copy for you later, take some special photos for you, and you're not bad, do you think there will be people in those places...]

  Ninja Dance King: [...]


  He's playing shit!

  Madara Uchiha now knows what it means to shoot a bird with a gun.

  I knew I wouldn't show up.

  He admitted that he was a little flustered.

  Before, I thought that Bai Ye had copied himself, and he absolutely couldn't come up with something.

  But he found that he was naive, or overestimated Bai Ye's integrity.

  There are so many things that can be done.

  It can even be said that after this time, all kinds of photos of myself may go viral in the skirt.

  Madam teacher! ?

  Ninja Dance King: [I suddenly remembered that the two of us are good brothers, how could I do such a thing, are you right? 】

  It's changing too fast...

  After seeing the news, the person in the skirt groaned for a while.

  I thought that Madara Uchiha would betray, but I didn't expect Madara Uchiha to betray so quickly and completely.

  The speed is simply.

  They are still so unscrupulous, why didn't they say they were brothers before?

  Card Draw Master: [Okay. 】

  A look of disappointment flashed across Bai Ye's face.

  I originally thought that I could copy Madara Uchiha, and then I came to do something.

  But now, it seems to be a bit of a no-brainer.

  This guy is still cowardly at the critical moment.

  This is not the Uchiha Madara I know!

  real world.

  Fubuki took a deep breath, as if he had made a decision.

  Grab Bai Ye's hand, then raise his hand and slowly take it towards him.

  While holding it, he couldn't help but muttered, "Teacher, actually I...Actually I...Is my task completed?"

  After talking for a long time, Fubuki still did not say this sentence.

  As if deflated, along with Bai Ye's hand, he let go.

  I feel annoyed for a while, what I am doing, I will do it if I want to, and if I don't do it, I will not do it at the beginning.

  Now that it's like this, Bai Ye shouldn't think too much about it, right?

  Fubuki carefully observed Bai Ye, and found that there was no strange color on his face.

  While she was relieved, she was also somewhat disappointed.

  It seems that what I wanted to say before, I guess Bai Ye didn't think of it.

  Fubuki felt that he was too embarrassed.

  In the end, it can only be pushed to whether the task has been completed.

  Are you the old eldest sister?

  "One is still missing, and the rest are all dead."

  above the displayed radar.

  Bai Ye was observed, and a small dot was flashing.

  From the beginning to now, it has always been in the same position.

  Just get rid of this.

  After that, the task of Fujiang was over.

  "Then teacher, let's go there quickly."

  Fubuki was excited for a while.

  The thought of an impossible task is about to be completed by yourself.

  Although I just followed the soy sauce.

  But at this moment, Fubuki still felt that his sense of accomplishment was overwhelming.

  "Well, I'll take you there."

  After Bai Ye finished speaking, he reached out and put his hand on Fuxue, and his face was relieved.

  This mission was supposed to take a long time.

  As a result, there is that 'noble' to help.

  Now that 'noble', Bai Ye is probably going to explode with anger.

  Help yourself to gather all Fujiang.

  It's just that he is a little strange, why he still lives in a rich river outside.

  Was it intentionally unknown or not found?

  After all, Fujiang will split itself.

  In other words, if there is still one left, there may be many more in the future.

  Of course, in general, Fujiang would never do this.

  Because everyone wants to be the only rich river.

  After knowing that Fujiang has only himself, it is estimated that it is very likely that there will be no more splits.

  According to the radar coordinates, Bai Ye was sent to a garbage dump.

  Bai Ye and Fubuki almost didn't spit out this stinky smell.

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