How can the red hair have a feeling that can't be explained.

  Can Whitebeard's body go anywhere?

  "Momomomomo, that guy Whitebeard and Kaido are going to fight, and he still went to Wano Country!"

  "Mom, do we want it?"

  "Don't act first!"

  Aunt is not in a hurry, let's take a look first.

  Navy Headquarters.

  At this time, Sengoku was almost annoyed and didn't punch Garp in the face.

  What the hell is this white beard doing!

  He actually went to Wano country to fight the beast Kaido.

  "Does Marshal Sengoku need me to go to Wano Country?"

  Kizaru put down the teacup in his hand, looking at the situation, he seemed to need to come forward to mediate.

  "Need not!"

  At present, Wano Country is not a place where they can intervene.

  Holy Land Mary Joa.

  "Are you saying that Whitebeard is crazy?"

  "According to the information, his body seems to be getting better, you say it's strange..."

  "I don't know, let's see first."

  This technology has even invaded their phone bugs.

  I'm really curious as to who did it!


  "Thief hahahaha, why do I feel like I don't understand you more and more!!!"

  On a small raft, several people were sitting around looking at the white beard in the picture.

  "The captain is coming to the drum kingdom soon!"

  "Thief hahahaha, little ones take action!!!".

Chapter 115

  "Boss, we seem to be broadcast live..."

  Among Kaido's men.

  A subordinate who was holding a video phone bug hurriedly handed it over.

  The screen suddenly opened on its own.

  And around here, I haven't seen anything live!

  "It should be that kid!"

  Kaido glanced at Bai Ye pointedly.

  When Bai Ye didn't talk about this before, it wasn't live broadcast yet, but it was there.

  Everyone knows who it is related to.

  "Lord Kaido, do you want me-..."

  "Need not!"

  Jhin was interrupted by Kaido before he could finish speaking.

  This is what he wants.

  It would be best if the whole world could see how they eliminated Whitebeard.

  In order to plan a war that caused a sensation all over the world. .

  Kaido took great pains and now has a fight with his old rival Whitebeard.

  He was just so excited.

  Qiu Zixi: If Kaido is beaten later, do you think he will do it?

  Forever eighteen years old: Kaido's request is the cheapest I've ever seen, and he wants to be beaten on live broadcast.

  Ninja Dance King: Has he always been so brave?

  Meow Meow: Just kidding, super brave!

  Card Draw Master: Come on!Let me see!

  Sister Shinobu: Huh~ disgusting.

  Keisha is Bichi: The style of the dress changed all of a sudden...

  The wind rustled.

  At this moment, those who are watching the live broadcast are very nervous.

  Even the people of the Whitebeard Pirates are now organizing a plan to attack Wano Country.

  "Captain Marko, let's hurry over there!"


  Whitebeard is not there.

  In the pirate group, it is now led by the captain of the first team, Marco.

  Naturally, I saw the confrontation between Whitebeard and Kaido in the live broadcast.

  They couldn't bear it any longer and wanted to attack.

  "Can't move!"


  I don't understand that Dad is now surrounded by the Beast Pirates.

  They had to stand still.

  "Brother Bai Ye is there, and Dad didn't let us go there. Obviously, I'm sure. Besides, there are probably a lot of strength around us now, so we can't just leave..."

  Marco didn't get the captain's orders.

  Of course it can't just go away.

  What's more, Bai Ye's strength was there, and he directly killed more than a dozen of their captains.

  Since Whitebeard didn't ask them to go over, they naturally couldn't act without authorization.

  Dad is still alive, but it's not his turn to give orders.

  What's more, there must be many pirates, navy and other forces staring around.

  Once the whole group is dispatched, then these territories will definitely fall.

  "That's right, there is Bai Ye... Uncle, it should be fine!"

  "Although that guy's integrity is not good, his strength is indeed very powerful, and he has the ability to run in space."

  "Also, since Dad is not worried, we certainly don't need to worry, after all, Dad is the strongest man in the world!"

  "Hahaha, agreed!"

  All of a sudden, the atmosphere instantly became lively.

  With Bai Ye over there, they also believed that there would be no major problems in the end.

  After all, his strength, the captains are obvious to all, it is simply a blow to them without self-confidence.

  It will be solved with one move. They are the captains of the new world, and they will not be beaten by a single move against the generals, right?


  an exclamation.

  In an instant, all their thoughts were attracted to the past.

  At this moment, both Whitebeard and Kaido have acted.

  Whitebeard's Chung Yunqie and Kaido's mace didn't even touch in the air.

  A violent overlord color collided in the air.

  Purple-black lightning flashed under the entire reception.

  In an instant, under this momentum, all the surrounding houses were directly destroyed.

  The same is true for the Oiran House.

  Inside Xiao Zi exclaimed, and then accompanied by the collapse of the Hua Kui Building.

  She also fell.

  Beneath her, a spiky log was facing her head.

  If it falls like this, it is estimated that it will be headshot, right?

  Close your eyes.

  Xiao Zi also felt some discomfort in her heart.

  After all, I haven't seen whether the last Wano country will be able to open a country.

  After living for so many years, I feel tired.

  "I said beauty, although my embrace is very warm and enjoyable, but you don't need to keep your eyes closed."

  "not dead!?"

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