He Whitebeard didn't even bother to do it at this time.

  In the distance, various rumbling footsteps appeared in Whitebeard's ears.

  Above the sky, the circling dragon is now announcing the people in the city.

  Kaido is here!

  "Run quickly, Lord Kaido is here!"

  "Let's go quickly, there will be a fight later!"

  "Xiao Zi, what are you still doing? Hurry up!"

  "You go, I'm not going!"

  Xiao Zi bit her lip. She didn't want to leave. Today's scene is what she has been looking forward to seeing.

  If she could, she would like to be able to watch it.

  After all, Whitebeard is the most powerful man in the world.

  And he was the captain of his father.

  And the little guy next to him seems to be very powerful.


  "Let's go, if you don't go later, you won't be able to go!"

  Xiao Zi didn't leave because she was different from them.

  I want to stay here to witness.

  If it is said that even they can't do it, Xiao Zi feels that it may be better if she almost died here.

  In the end, all the people in the seat also ran to the outside.

  Kaido came with the Beast Pirates.

  If you don't want to die later, it's best to leave. As for property, no one cares about this anymore.

  I have forgotten how long it has been since I saw Kaido make a move, but no one will forget his fear.

  "It's you!! Whitebeard!!!"

  In the distance, Kaido, who saw the white beard, was instantly excited.

  I didn't expect Whitebeard to come here.

  that is really good!

  "White beard!?"

  Quinn's eyes widened instantly, but he didn't expect Whitebeard to come here.

  So are they still the Pirates?

  Thinking about the war between the two Four Emperor Pirates, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

  They have been in peace all these years, and the Whitebeard Pirates have left their own waters, such an important thing.

  How come they have no information at all?

  "Who is Lao Tzu, let me rely on it all!"

  Relying on the ship king Jack immediately refused to accept it!

  No matter what kind of admiral you are, or the most powerful man in the world, he is a man with the ability to rely on ships and fruits, and he is fearless!

  "It seems that there is only one Whitebeard, and there is... an unknown person beside me?"

  Jhin looked at the lineup over there.

  Strangely, none of the Whitebeard Pirates seem to be here.

  How can there be only one Whitebeard.

  What is his purpose here?

  And how did he get here?

  Someone is guarding outside.

  If he wants to come in, he will definitely be discovered. What does Whitebeard want to do here?

  He didn't bring the pirates here, what's the purpose...

  The Beast Pirates approached the two of them.

  The Black Charcoal Orochi, who was still pretending to be dead, woke up immediately, and then wanted to run towards Kaido.

  But the next second, a slash directly cut his head open.

  In an instant, he fell down again.

  "If I say alive, I will kill you one more time!"

  Whitebeard snorted coldly.

  You don't think you don't exist, do you?

  "Whitebeard, you actually came to my site to make trouble!"

  Seeing this, Kaido's face that was originally bitter and hated was even more angry at this moment.

  He didn't care about the life or death of the black charcoal snake.

  But Whitebeard came to him to make trouble, which made him feel very shameless.

  "Gu la la la la, since you can come to my place to make trouble, Kaido, why can't I come?"

  Whitebeard laughed.

  As the strongest man in the world, where can't you go?

  He is not what he used to be.

  The sickly white beard is long gone!

  "Let me fight this guy for a while, I haven't fought seriously for a long time!"

  Whitebeard turned to look at Bai Ye.

  He didn't want Bai Ye to take action later.

  I have to fight Kaido for a while.

  This bastard used to rely on his physical strength to make waves on his side. Today, he uses Kaido as a sandbag to practice well.

  Ever since he recovered, Whitebeard has had a good fight.

  The sandbag in front of me happens to be a good sparring partner.

  "Well, I can do it. I'll explain the game to you on the side!"

  Speaking of which, he was interested.

  It would be nice if it could be broadcast live.

  【Ding!It can broadcast live all over the world, and spend [-] points to directly invade all the video phone bugs in the world! 】

  A prompt appeared instantly in the skirt chat.

  Bai Ye immediately became interested.

  Good guy.

  What's the title?

  Whitebeard beat Kaido?

  Qiu Zixi: Ahem, let’s show it live to the world!

  Forever eighteen years old: I'll go, this function is fun, if this is broadcast live, what do you think the world will be like next?

  Ninja Dance King: Whitebeard, who was dying of old age, came to Wano to beat Kaido?

  Card Draw Master: Cough, I have invaded, please look forward to my explanation later!

  Right now.

  In the entire pirate world.

  The video phone bugs were all turned on in an instant.

  It also frightened many people for a while.

  Just seeing the faces that appear in the picture.

  They were instantly stunned.

  What the hell?

  "Hey, hey, you can see, I invaded your video phone bugs, and today I'm here to broadcast a battle for you. That's right, the protagonists are our Whitebeard and Kaido!"

  Finished the night.

  Just turn the camera around.

  Whitebeard is holding the cloud cut and the beastized Kaido stands on the opposite side.

  "By the way, and the corpse black charcoal snake over there, don't think about escaping!"

  After that, Bai Ye raised his hand and sealed him in the space barrier.

  If you want to run away in front of your own face, is it too disrespectful to yourself?


  "Boss, what's going on here!"

  Jesus cloth was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

  Why did Whitebeard go to Kaido Pirates?

  "I don't know, go and see what's going on with the Whitebeard Pirates. Did Whitebeard leave the territory..."


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