But the next second it feels wrong.

  Because a living person is absolutely unable to survive in the face of a carload of evil spirits.

  If this is not over, how will the ceremony be carried out next?

  "By the way, is there another illustrator who is not dead? Silence her early so that we can do our thing with peace of mind!"

  The black-robed leader seemed to have thought of something.

  Eiri, who was peeking, was also surprised.

  This is supposed to be me, right?

  Sure enough, she was going to be killed!

  "Boss, lost contact with the guide ghost, and the illustrator seems to be being protected, so..."

  "Trash! A group of trash, an ordinary person can't kill it, if someone finds it here, I see what you will do, hurry up and find a guide ghost!"

  The fear in the leader's heart grew stronger.

  next second.

  A stone was thrown directly in the air and hit him on the head. A lazy voice instantly entered his ears: "Yo, it's me here!"

  Qiu Zixi: I have never seen such an arrogant person when I grew up!

  Card Draw Master: Hey!You saw it today! .

Chapter 107

  "who is it!?"

  A group of people in black robes looked up at the top of the stone cave.

  Bai Ye waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's me, didn't you want to find us before, and I brought you all the illustrators!"


  Ying Lili has never been so speechless.

  Did you sell this product directly?

  Don't you want to be low-key?

  "Those are the illustrations she drew. In fact, I really want to know, why did you kill these illustrators?"

  In fact, Ying Lili is also very curious about Bai Ye's question.

  Can't everyone pay with one hand and deliver with one hand?

  Why even kill it?

  Just took away these manuscripts, shouldn't it arouse suspicion?

  "There's no reason, because everyone involved is going to die."

  "What's the reason for this, do you want to die too?"

  "Of course! We can die for revival!"

  Speaking of the back, a kind of cultist below suddenly became fanatical.

  Don't think about it.

  This is a bunch of lunatics.

  Bai Ye originally thought there was a reason, but now it seems that he thought too much.

  Qiu Zixi: These people seem to have been brainwashed.

  Forever eighteen years old: mad believers are like this, what should be the ceremony below.

  The executioner drew his sword: If that's the case, what's the point of the ghosts below?

  Forever Eighteen: Not quite sure, but there must be a meaning to existence.

  In fact, they all felt that this matter was very troublesome.

  Because it's still not clear what's going on.

  There is absolutely no logic to what these people do.

  Even Bai Ye doesn't know what this group of people is going to do now.

  But he actually didn't want to know. Now he just wanted to complete the task and see if the big cauldron was a good thing.

  If so, take this away yourself.

  "Kill this group of people in front of you!"

  The black-robed leader commanded the monsters that appeared from the cauldron before.

  He wasn't going to talk nonsense with the group of people in front of him.

  Since it has been discovered, 18 must not be escaped by them.

  Because... the plan must never be discovered by anyone!

  "Be careful!!"

  Inri looked at a large group of evil spirits rushing up in front of her.

  Many of these are from his own writing, and at this moment he actually wants to take his own life.

  Suddenly she felt that this was somewhat ironic.

  "You can even make an axe with a small skill of carving insects!"

  An oversized mirror instantly appeared in front of Bai Ye, covering the swarming ghosts and monsters. He clenched his fists hard, and Bai Ye smashed his fist on the mirror.

  click... click...

  Mirror shattered.

  The ghosts in front of them disappeared in an instant with the shattering of the mirror, as if they did not exist in this world.


  Ying Lili stared blankly at Bai Ye.

  This man, with just one move, wiped out all the terrifying ghosts and monsters in front of him, and didn't even leave a corpse behind.

  Qiu Zixi: Is this ability too buggy?

  Forever [-]: The power of the mirror is to reflect, replicate, and also the people who appear in the mirror. Once the mirror is destroyed, the people in it will also die?

  Be my son: I always thought that my Zhenzhen fruit was a bit BT, until I saw Bai Ye's ability.

  Where is the collapsing jade: I don't know if my Jinghuashuiyue can be rebounded.

  Aizen was also a little curious.

  When I used Jinghuashuiyue myself, I was bounced back by the mirror.

  Will you be hypnotized by the mirror flower water moon?

  Looks like I can test it later...

  Brother Bai Ye is really unpredictable!

  Aizen lifted the lens on the bridge of her nose, and a gleam of light flashed in her eyes.

  "Captain Aizen, what's wrong with you?"

  Seeing Aizen's thoughtful look, Hina Sen Tao on the side also asked curiously.

  He was talking before, but Aizen-sama didn't listen carefully.

  Pooting her mouth, Hina Sentao was very angry, and she actually ignored herself!

  She is reporting information!

  "Sorry, I was thinking about something just now, let's talk."

  Aizen shook his head, the gentle smile never seemed to disappear from his face.

  As the best actor in the Soul Society.

  At this moment, Aizen still has a good impression in the hearts of many captains.

  But Aizen, who was planning to carry out her own plans, was actually somewhat confused after knowing her future.

  In the end, the evolution failed and was sealed by Urahara Kisuke and Kurosaki Ichigo.

  Unexpectedly, my heart was read by Bengyu, which caused the evolution to stop.

  In the end, he would even join forces with one of his own households to deal with Youhabach.

  "Mmmm, Aizen-sama is like this. Recently you asked me to observe Rukia's activities here. She seems to have really gone there recently."

  Hinamori Tao passed the information to Aizen.

  She didn't know why Aizen suddenly paid attention to Rukia.

  And he would even arrange such a thing for himself to do.

  【Ding!The plot changes, reward: [-] points! 】


  A hint of understanding flashed in the blue eyes.

  Even if it is a small change, as long as it is changed, then there will be points.

  Just like in the original book, although there is no explanation, but I will definitely not let Hinamori Tao investigate this kind of thing.

  In other words, this time he asked Hinamori to investigate, and he knew about Rukia in advance, and planted a seed of doubt in Hinamori's heart.

  This is a change!

  It seems to be the same as what I guessed.

  Putting the information behind him, Aizen didn't rush to read it, or he didn't want to read it at all.

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