If this car doesn't come later, he can also use the ability to copy to build one directly.

  And a hearse that can repair itself, if he let it go today, Bai Ye would not be eligible for the title of profiteer.

  As long as it is useful, don't even think about it!

  "This...how are we going to get back later?"

  Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was a little stunned.

  If this car disappears, do they have to go back through this tunnel?

  "You don't think it might come later, do you? Don't worry, I have a way to go back!"

  He wouldn't do anything he wasn't sure about.

  "It's very weird inside, don't let go of my clothes, or I won't care if I get lost later!"


  The two have long known that they have never wanted to let go since the beginning.

  It's pitch black here.

  The two looked around curiously.

  Is this hell?

  How does it feel so quiet.

  Closing his eyes, Bai Ye sensed the situation in this place.

  It seems... someone?

  I don't know if it was my own illusion, but Bai Ye actually felt a group of people in his perception.

  It's not that people who come here have to become ghosts to get off the bus.

  What the hell are these people?

  Forever Eighteen: It feels like I've discovered something!

  Qiu Zixi: Of course, the perception ability of this guy is very powerful.

  Ninja Dance King: Come on, I can't wait to see what's in this.

  Keisha is Bitchi: Then again, is this your hell?

  Card Draw Master: Not quite, I don't think it's necessarily hell...

  At first Bai Ye felt possible.

  But now he doesn't think so.

  Because if this is the case in hell, then it is too weak, not a single ghost can be seen, and living people can still be seen.

  In hell, it is absolutely impossible for a living person to appear, and the ghost in the car is actually right.

  "follow me!"

  Bai Ye twitched his sleeves, then took the hands of the two of them and walked towards the position he felt.

  While walking, he also warned: "Don't make a sound when you see anything, understand?"


  The two assured.

  Bai Ye doesn't expect them to do it, as long as it's not too noisy.

  Pull the two towards the target location.

  in front of you.

  A cave appeared in front of them.

  Qiu Zixi: Are there caves here?

  Forever Eighteen: I also kind of believe it won't be hell anymore.

  Ninja Dance King: Maybe every world is different.

  Light and Dark Maker: Hell is such a thing... maybe only the dead can go...

  The three entered the cave.


  in the cave.

  A group of people in black robes are praying for something.

  Watching the situation below from the top of the cave.

  "What is this?"

  "As if praying for something..."

  The group looked at the black robe below who was doing his own thing.

  I couldn't see what was under the black robe.

  As the ceremony went on, one by one silhouettes came out of the big cauldron.

  Looking at the figure coming out, Eiri paused.

  Isn't this what I painted before, and there are some people I don't know that are probably drawn by other painters.

  It really is here!

  A hint of surprise flashed in Ying Riri's eyes.

  "How to do?"

  Ying Lili turned her head to look at Bai Ye.

  In this situation, she doesn't know what to do.

  The one who was chasing her before was here, and she felt that the best way was to take action, but she saw Bai Ye was looking down at him with relish...  

  There was no intention of doing anything.

  Qiu Zixi: By the way, what kind of ceremony is being held next?

  Sister Shinobu: It should be, and there seems to be a problem with that big cauldron.

  Forever eighteen years old: I feel that this thing is going to be taken away by Bai Ye again!

  Card Draw Master: No!I have this image in your hearts. From this point of view, they are using this thing to harm people. As a messenger of justice, I feel that I need to take this back and protect it from being used by others to harm people!

  Ninja Dance King: Good reason, I almost believed it.

  Be my son: Gu la la la la la, brother Bai Ye really likes to joke!

  Where is Bengyu: You can really take it and study it carefully. By the way, I am considering getting Bengyu in advance. How do you guys feel?

  Card Draw Master: Don't you already have an idea in your mind?

  Bai Ye felt that Aizen was asking this on purpose.

  In fact, he himself had an idea.

  How could Aizen, such an opinionated person, ask their opinion.

  In other words, in this skirt, basically few people will ask other people to do things, because everyone knows what they want.

  Where is Bengyu: I really have an idea. Brother Bai Ye is really amazing. Next time we have a chance, we can chat together!

  Qiu Zixi: Wow, Captain Aizen is interested in Bai Ye?

  Where is Bengyu: I'm really interested, but it should be fine. I feel that the strength of Brother Bai Ye has crushed me.

  Card drawing master: No, the whole skirt is a big guy except me, give me a reward, the child will starve to death, and remember to ask me to draw the card, the child's house will not be exposed!

  Bai Ye didn't expect that he was actually interested in Aizen.

  It seems that the person in the skirt can't take the initiative to attack.

  Moreover, as long as Jinghuashuiyue knows the effect, it means that the power has been reduced a lot, and she is not afraid of this effect.

  It's good to go to his world.

  Xu, Spirit King, and all kinds of Zanpakutō can be absorbed by themselves.

  Anyway, as long as anyone invites him to pass, he will pass, and the world with good things must pass.

  In other words, you can go to Miaomiao's world first.

  Bai Ye no longer expects Miaomiao to find Pokémon for herself.

  Why don't he go over there to find Pokemon himself, which seems to be a good choice.

  Catch Mewtwo and Shanaido back.

  But it seems like a dream...

  Bai Ye is not sure if he can catch it, and if he is just born, he can coax him.

  Take back your thoughts.

  The ceremony below seems to have come to an end.

  It was just a group of ghosts standing in a daze, and the black robe headed up stood up, with a hint of cold light in his eyes, and asked, "Why...the train hasn't come today!?"


  Very wrong!

  Judging from the previous time, it should have been sent.

  And according to the guidance, the group of ghosts have arrived, and the result has been until now.

  The ghost still hadn't arrived here, and the black-robed leader suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

  "Boss, according to the notice of the guide ghost on the train before, it seems that someone has come on the train!"

  "It turned out to be a living person, but...even if there are living people, it should have been solved long ago?"

  The leader was relieved.

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