I guess he just wanted to protect that thing.

  "But...why do you call someone here?"

  Since according to the white night.

  This needs to be guarded, so why should people be summoned.

  Isn't this shooting yourself in the foot?

  "Because of energy, the construction of every world requires energy. It's amazing that this space wants to evolve into a new world."

  A flash of surprise flashed in Bai Ye's eyes.

  No matter what the location of the church is, it's sure to be a good thing.

  "I see."

  Saitama tapped his palm and instantly understood what it meant.

  But this reaction made Bai Ye a little confused.

  He co-authored and talked for a long time, did he only know now?

  [Come on, rely on, what the hell is this person talking about! 】

  [Strange, I feel like I have a problem with my IQ. 】

  [People who don't understand do have problems with their IQ. According to what this little brother said, there is a big treasure here! 】

  [Damn, so they came here to get this big treasure? 】

  [The meaning is such a meaning, I thought it was bronze, but I didn't expect this little brother to be a king! 】

  [I also want to work for my brother! 】

  [Forget it, people only need superpowers! 】

  Those who were watching the live broadcast were also stunned by Bai Ye at the moment.

  It turns out that people don't come in casually.

  Others are for a wish.

  It's better for him, and he directly hit the idea here.

  Where is Bengyu: No wonder I felt something was wrong before. It turned out that a new world was brewing. It is estimated that the rules are not very complete...

  Qiu Zixi: This world relies on killing people to take souls to absorb energy and then brew up a world of its own. This feeling.

  Forever eighteen years old: The world is unconscious, and they will not let go of anything that can shape themselves at the beginning of their birth.

  Kaisha is Bichi: This is indeed the case. I have been to many worlds. In fact, the birth of a world must require a huge amount of energy.

  Light and Dark Maker: The Law of the Jungle applies to any world!

  Before, they were still very surprised, why Bai Ye's ability disappeared.

  Now I understand that the rules of a world are incomplete.

  At present, the scope of radiation is only so much. Under the circumstance that the rules are not complete, it is understandable that anything happens.


  It is something that lasts in any world and that basically few people can break.

  "My power is back."

  Saitama clenched his fists, the church was below, but he could feel the surging power surging out of his body.

  Miku Kuriyama also felt the same way.

  And under this, evil spirits are also gathering here at this moment.

  The church must never let anyone in!

  This has always been engraved in their bones.

  "Can you solve the following for me?"

  These are all points.

  Saitama naturally had nothing to say.

  I saw Bai Ye raised his hand, and a black particle was thrown out.

  Boom! !

  The entire ground collapsed for hundreds of meters, and all the evil spirits were wiped out in an instant.

  Only the church in a radius of thousands of meters still exists in the air.

  Outside, there seems to be a protective film protecting the church.

  【I rely on!Isn't this guy too awesome? 】

  [Just one trick to make it look like this? 】

  [I took it, lost something and went out, and then it was all destroyed? 】

  [I want all the contact information of this little brother, I feel that I am in love...]

  "I remember that it seems to be live broadcast. We are interested in the office. We can come to our side if we have any entrustment in the future. Of course, if there is no entrustment, don't come here, and we don't need garbage here!"

  Bai Ye scratched his head, remembering that it was still live broadcast.

  Let's talk about it first, just to advertise.

  "Master Bai Ye's strength has recovered!"

  "Is this his power?"

  "Unmatched power... Kaguya-sama, I feel his power..."

  Among the people who are watching the live broadcast, there are many who have been in contact with Bai Ye before, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, Shinomiya Kaguya and others...  

  After seeing that Bai Ye's move directly caused all the surroundings to be destroyed, some of them did not recover at once.

  Qiu Zixi: This wave, this wave is a black particle dimensionality reduction attack!

  Forever eighteen years old: Looking at it like this, the world is estimated to be impossible to form!

  Light and dark maker: Generally speaking, there are good things in this kind of world that is trying to shape. You can go into that church and see.

  Keisha is Bichi: You can indeed go and see, only that the church is not destroyed, obviously there is a problem.

  Everyone is very clear.

  Moreover, the new world was found by Bai Ye, so it is estimated that he did not get it.

  【Ding!Kill six evil spirits, reward points: 6000. 】

  Just so much.

  Bai Ye pouted a little helplessly.

  I thought it was a lot.

  But think about it.

  No matter how few mosquitoes are, they are meat.

  With the ability to release the floating card, the three jumped out of the air.

  to the door of the church.

  Push open the church door.

  without hindrance.

  After the three walked in.

  With a bang, the door of the church was closed instantly.

  [Mummy, why is there no picture? 】

  [Why is there no more inside, I still want to see what is inside the church! 】

  [I want to see it too, it's numb! 】

  After entering the church.

  The live broadcast screen also disappeared.

  The three of them also felt a bit of shock at this time.

  Right now they are standing in the universe.

  The surrounding stars are moving according to their own laws.

  In an instant.

  A book sprang out of it.

  The light that bloomed directly made the three of them unable to open their eyes.

  Qiu Zixi: This...what is this?

  Forever eighteen years old: I don't know, but what can be known is that this thing must be very powerful.

  A look of solemnity flashed across Yakumo Zi's face.

  This kind of thing is not simple at first glance.

  I didn't expect that there was such a thing in the world of Bai Ye.

  Did he think wrong before, his world is actually a high-level world?

  Ninja Dance King: Did you fight the galaxy war directly?

  Where is Bengyu: It's really fascinating!

  Keisha is Bitchi: I have to say, this created galaxy is beautiful, is it the ambition of this book?

  Light and Dark Maker: This book seems to be unconscious, it is estimated that it is evolving the world.

  Luke has the most say in this regard.

  He knew very well that this book was probably the source of this space.

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