And he didn't want his own reward.

  I had no idea there were so many good people out there!

  Forever Eighteen: Not Right!Absolutely not right!

  Qiu Zixi: I also don't feel right.

  Ninja Dance King: When did this guy become so noble?

  Be my son: I guess there is another plot, right?

  Newbie Village Chief: No, I think Brother Bai Ye is a good person. I don't think it's alright.

  Meow: That's right, Big Brother Bai Ye is known to like to help others!

  Kaisha is Bichi: Don't always target one person, I actually think he's pretty good, and he's good for chatting in his skirt.

  Qiu Zixi: Wrong!Those of you who are new to the skirt don't even know the true face of this profiteer!


  These people must have been deceived.

  Of course I don't know that I just joined the skirt and the number one licking pussy.

  But they don't know where these old people are, and Bai Ye is definitely not someone who doesn't ask for anything in return.

  Do businessmen ask for nothing in return?


  outside world.

  Kuriyama Miku also felt a little embarrassed at this time.

  Rubbing the corner of his clothes, he asked tentatively, "Why don't I invite you to dinner in the future? You saved me just now, and I don't know how to thank you, but it's impossible not to thank you!"

  "Look at you, you've become so thin, how could I have the nerve to ask you to invite me to dinner?"

  Bai Ye patted her shoulder.

  This also made the hearts of the skirt friends who were watching his live broadcast tremble.

  Could it be that they were wrong, and Bai Ye had changed his mind and returned to justice?

  When did you become so humane?

  The future of Kuriyama was even more touched.

  Nice guy!


  Kuriyama wanted to say something else in the future, but was interrupted by Bai Ye's hand in the next second, saying:

  "No need, but you are malnourished. If you don't want to come to work with me in the future, how about I give you food and shelter!?" Jiu.

Chapter 86

  Qiu Zixi: Sure enough, what I thought was too simple!

  Forever eighteen years old: It's fooling people again!

  Ninja Dance King: Every time it's all food and shelter, is it so easy to recruit people now?

  Be my son: Gu la la la la la, this product can be compared with the Orochimaru in your world, it is really good at kidnapping people!

  I really have no money: if only I could recruit all the superheroes on the condition of food and shelter!

  Kaisha is Bichi: It's not so easy to agree, right?

  Morgana wanted to come, it shouldn't be so easy to agree.

  After all, it's just a package.

  Where can there be such a stupid person who will work for free as long as they have something to eat.


  Kuriyama's future brightened.

  There is actually a job that includes food and shelter.

  Not only did he save himself, but he also gave himself a job with food and shelter. This person is really a good person!

  In order to protect himself when he was a child, he killed his friend, Ibuki, who was possessed by a demon.

  As a result, there is no source of income, so life is very poor.

  Anemia is often caused by excessive blood loss due to capacity.

  They also need to eat a lot of supplementary nutrition often, so they are even poorer.

  And because I love gardening.

  He once invested tens of thousands of yuan in a single potted plant to cultivate carefully.

  Often they can't even pay for rent and food.

  So poor he couldn't even afford to eat.

  If it weren't for being too poor.

  She's not actually going to play this game.

  "Of course it's true. Look at my sincere expression, it doesn't look like I'm lying, right?"

  "I'll ask you to take care of the boss from now on!"

  Kuriyama Miku hurriedly stood up and bowed.

   It feels really great.

  It's great to have a place to eat and live by yourself.

  Kaisha is Bichi: I take back what I said before, this thing is really...

  Call me Her Lady Queen: Can this be done as well?I'll go ask the lion girl later if she's willing to surrender, and she'll be covered.

  Qiu Zixi: Forget the lion girl, I don't think she would surrender like that.

  Forever eighteen years old: I have to say, you have a hand in flickering girl, you really deserve to be you, Bai Ye!

  Ninja Dance King: Fools are a necessary factor to become a strong person. How many people in the skirt have not fooled others?

  Light and dark controller: I have not fooled!

  The noble son of the demon world: Please don't add me to it.

  The executioner draws the sword: Seeing you, it seems that Mottle, Aizen, and that Morgana also like to fool people.

  Qiu Zixi: Haha, it’s the truth. In fact, the white-bearded father also likes to fool people. I finally know why I am not good. It turns out that I can’t fool people!

  Meow: Don't you pay attention to the current situation of Big Brother Bai Ye?

  outside world.

  Saitama touched his bald head. At this moment, he had countless doubts in his heart, but Bai Ye had just pulled Lishan Mirai in.

  He thought about it to some extent, so he waited for Bai Ye to finish speaking here before he was ready to speak.

  "I feel like my strength is gradually coming back."

  Saitama felt that the closer he got to the center, the more his power seemed to be unlocked.

  "Me too."

  Kuriyama Miku could feel that he seemed to have the power to weakly control his own blood.

  And the closer you get, the stronger you become.

  "Well, so you didn't understand the principles of this world before?"

  Bai Ye suddenly thought that he had explained a lot before, but they didn't understand it.

  The two shook their heads, obviously not understanding.

  "Okay, let me tell you again, have you used the Internet?"

  After Bai Ye asked, the two nodded one after another.

  The network must have been used.

  "Okay, is the signal good or bad?"


  This is true, but what does this have to do with them?

  There was some doubt in their eyes.

  "In this world, you can understand that the church is a signal base station. The closer you are, the stronger the signal. The reason why those evil spirits are weaker the farther away from the church is. There must be one in the church. Something is emitting something like a signal to keep the world up to the law of being able to use power!"

  This is actually a different kind of space.

  This space originally had no superpowers.

  Just like the world of ordinary people.

  A person who naturally enters this world, unless it is to break the rules of the world, this person absolutely does not use superpowers.

  Just like the system and the chat skirt, those two things are the things that break the rules.

  Otherwise, in the world of One Piece, how do you use Chakra and draw things from yourself?

  "In other words, is there something over there?"

  "That's right, that's something that changed the pattern of this space."

  A flash of excitement flashed in Bai Ye's eyes.

  Don't know what's in there either, but have to say it's got its own excitement.

  And the reason why evil spirits keep preventing people from passing by.

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