Then they were obtained by the Zerg, but they were not fully usable!

  Until the appearance of Dark Mika!

  This is also the reason why a girl can transform into a king of darkness and evil!

  Holding the boy's hand and walking on the snow, the girl's sadness became more and more obvious!

  I don't know if it's because Lin Huan is nearby, the power of mimicry is slowly returning to the body...  

  Or because of false memories from Mika.

  A large part of the reason why she didn't take action against Lin Huan and completely possessed the power in her body was because of the false memories she had acquired.

  In my memory, the young man is very important to himself. The important thing is to let the young girl want to take the young man as her own!

  And the girl, after all, did not choose to do it!

  Maybe it's because of some feelings, or maybe it's because she knows that she is not Lin Huan's opponent!

  The real truth, who can know!

  "Let's go, take you to a place!"

  Lin Huan took the girl to a dessert shop.

  The store is locked and empty!

  But for the two of them, getting in is not a difficult thing!

  The girl is a little weird.

  In the mind, the memory from the mimetic, tell the girl!

  This shop is a genuine favorite dessert shop!

  However, at present, although there are various ingredients needed for dessert!

  But the staff and chefs who make the desserts are not here!

  According to the familiar recipe in memory, Lin Huan prepared a cup of milk tea with the ingredients and props here!

  "You drink first!"

  After handing the milk tea to the girl, Lin Huan got busy again. .

Chapter 155

  Looking at Lin Huan's busy figure, the girl's eyes were full of curiosity.

  In her memory of replicating Mika, she always prepares food "by herself".

  And Lin Huan, almost never did it.

  She was very curious about Lin Huan's cooking skills.

  Looking at the milk tea in front of her, the girl lightly took a sip.

  It seems that it is somewhat different from the milk tea that Mika has drunk in memory!

  Obviously, in terms of taste, the difference is not much, but drinking this, it seems to feel better!

  A faint sense of happiness?

  Desserts take a long time from ingredients to finished products, but after using the power of time to speed up.

  Dessert, soon, is ready!

  "Is it tasty?"

  "Well, it doesn't look very good!

  But what my brother made is delicious! "

  The girl was like a small animal, showing a happy expression.

  "If you like it, eat it all!

  This is something that Mika has never eaten before! "

  "What, can I choose to eat less?"

  The girl's face instantly turned bitter.

  A table full of desserts!

  She is not a pig!

  "It's okay, don't force yourself!" Lin Huan reached out and rubbed the little girl's head.

  "Then brother, will you think that 25 is just a replica?


  "No, despite having the same appearance, you are who you are!

  Now, this is a memory only for the two of us! "

  Well, if possible, Lin Fanhua will keep the girl alive!

  Before today, Lin Huan had always felt that the Zerg were relatively mild protozoa.

  It is also difficult to coexist peacefully with humans.

  After all, everyone's race is different!

  Until, on the street, he saw an old couple!

  In the heavy snow, an old woman, holding an umbrella, wanted to go to the pharmacy and buy cough medicine!

  She knew the situation outside, but she still went without hesitation.

  The old woman's husband quietly followed behind the old woman, trying to suppress his cough.

  Along the way, no larvae attack!

  Everything seems to be warm

  , and romantic.

  However, God, does not seem to like comedy!

  At the self-service vending machine in the pharmacy, I bought some cough medicine, got up, and walked to my home not far from the pharmacy.

  It seems to have foreseen what his wife will look like after taking the medicine and returning to health!

  The old woman's face was filled with a kind smile.


  The old woman is very old, and her hands and feet have become very inflexible.

  But she still tried hard, squatted down, and picked up the dropped cough medicine.

  The old man who followed far behind couldn't help but lift his heart!

  He coughed softly and walked quickly towards the old man!

  The old woman had already picked up the cough medicine, but she couldn't stand up again because of her bad breath.

  The umbrella fell to the side, and the old man hugged the old woman and sat on the ground as if stunned.

  The heavy snow fell on him, and tears streamed down his cheeks non-stop.

  In fact, he knew that he and she would always be separated!

  He only hopes that this day, he can play a little bit, and then a little later!

  However, this day has come!

  From 1999 to 2019, a full 20 years!

  As the first protozoan to come to Earth, he mimicked a man who left in a car accident.

  Instead of his own impersonation goal, he took good care of her!

  She has already become a part of his life!

  A strange sound came from the man's mouth.

  The larvae around came over and solved the man's life!

  The sad old man, together with his lover, fell in the snow forever!

  Maybe this is love!

  You are dead, how can I live alone!


  After the girl finished eating, the two walked out of the dessert shop side by side.

  Under the dim street lights, all the larvae automatically moved away from their "king".

  "Brother, can you carry me on your back?

  is it okay! "

  Look at the girl's look of anticipation!

  Lin Huan finally nodded!

  Without too many words, the boy carried the girl on his back and walked on the road.

  Put the little face on the boy's back, the girl is happy and satisfied!

  Inexplicably, she hated her own identity.

  Suddenly, the boy stopped in front of a certain wood.

  There, there is a brand new tomb!

  Inside was buried a kind old woman with a husband who loved her very much.

  "What's the matter, brother?"

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