However, Mika and Meihuan had to stop just after taking two steps.

  Because, the end of the galaxy of female Woz, flew directly in front of the two.

  Dark Mika hit the end of the galaxy with her bare hands?

  Mika and Meihuan looked at each other, their pupils shrunk.

  "I said, I can't let you get a knight watch of a different type of armor for the time being!"

  Mei Jia walked slowly towards Shi Wang Erjie (Mei Jia) and the resurrected ㄧ Ganglie (Mei Huan).

  "I am now, not, your clone!

  Or, Mimic!

  I am stronger than you! "

  When walking towards the three, Dark Mika had a black knight belt like a double-headed taiyaki on her waist!

  That is, every magic drive!

  Unlike the space-time drive, this one cannot be plugged into the watch!

  "Henshin! (Transformation!)"

  Dark Mika's hands held both sides of the belt!mouth.

Chapter 154

  "Impossible, you can't have this power!" The female Woz, who stood up, was instantly stunned.

  At this moment, the belt on the waist of Dark Meijia is the exclusive belt of the King of Demons!

  "nothing is impossible!

  Obtained the power that did not belong to this era, this world!

  It's easy for me to gain the power of the King of Demons! "

  A huge clock exuding black luster appeared at the feet of Dark Mika!

  Between the cracks in time, black magma poured into the dark Mika at the center of the clock!

  "Darkness ㄧ blessing moment!"

  "Excellent benevolence!

  High to Strong

  s King! "

  "Darkness meets Demon King!"

  As the light shone, a black domineering knight with a dark body appeared in front of the three of Mika.

  The unparalleled momentum rushed towards the three of them in an instant.

  "Your Majesty the Demon King, I suggest that we should retreat first!

  You, who have not yet reached your full form, are not yet the opponent of the King of Demons! ' Female Woz suggested.

  "is it?

  I think, if you don't try it, how do you know it won't work! "

  In the eyes of Mika and Meihuan, the fighting spirit is boiling!

  Just two knight watches!

  Mika didn't think that she was really worse than the identical woman on the other side!

  Looking at Meihuan, the two reunite!

  After becoming a complete state, Mika once again took out her two strongest knight watches!

  A Momo watch that is close to being materialized!

  And the resurrected dial dial!

  After activating the magic power in the dial of the resurrected and turning it back to gold, Mika pressed the two knight watches.

  "OHMAZI-O (The King of Demons!)"

  "REVIVE! (Resurrected!)

  "Henshin! (Transformation!)" Mika inserted two golden dials on the space-time drive.

  "KINGTIME! (King's moment!)"

  Mika turned the space-time drive.

  Exuding a terrifying aura, a golden energy clock that was close to materialization appeared behind Mika.

  "Theresurrectionofthedemonkingoftime! (Resurrection of the Demon King of Time!)"

  "OHMAREVIVE! (The resurrected one is the king of the devil!)"

  The golden clock turned into golden armor, covering Mika's beautiful figure.

  Behind it, a pair of almost substantial golden wings shone!

  "Let me see, what you call the power of the king in times of devil!

  How awesome is it! "

  The next moment, the golden knight, waving the wings behind him, rushed towards the black knight!

  Between the two knights, the simple and unpretentious fisting intersects, but it contains overwhelming power!

  If the two are equal in strength, this may be a wonderful duel!

  It's a pity that Mika's magic power is not complete!

  The power of knights has not been collected yet!


  After a short battle, Mika was kicked out by the dark Mika!

  "The final hour!

  When the devil hits, the king must kill! "

  The King of Darkness and Demons, who leaped into the air, kicked Mika with the black clock behind him.

  "The time of the devil!

  The resurrected king will kill the devil when he meets the devil! "

  Between the golden wings whistling, the resurrected man, the king of the devil, flew up!

  Kick to the King of Darkness!


  The golden and black rays of light are colliding with each other, swallowing!

  This battle of kings did not last long!

  At the moment when the kick was over, the resurrected man, the King of Demons, flew upside down!

  Female Woz hurriedly ran over, caught Mika and Mikau who had been knocked into the air, and forcibly released her transformation.

  The two were not injured, but obviously they had no ability to fight anymore!

  Female Woz originally thought, ran away with the two of them!

  But right now!

  The golden clock appeared beside the female Woz, and the three people who sensed the familiar atmosphere did not resist!

  The next second, the golden clock devoured the three!

  The King of Darkness and Demons did not stop him, and even took the initiative to release his transformation.

  He walked towards the place where the three disappeared.

  After the three disappeared, there was a handsome boy there.

  "elder brother!"

  Like Ru Yan returning to her nest, the girl rushed towards Lin Huan.

  After hesitating for a while, Lin Huan didn't open the girl's arms more.

  Time, as if at this moment, stopped!

  On the roadside at night, in the sky, there is heavy snow falling!

  Teenagers and girls in the heavy snow are wearing summer short-sleeves, slacks, and skirts!

  With a happy face, the girl leaned her head against the boy's arms!

  Warm and happy!

  At a certain moment, the girl even thought that she became the genuine one!

  But girls understand!

  Your own existence can only be counted as piracy!

  Opening her eyes, there was a trace of sadness in the girl's eyes!

  She is a very special category!

  The mimetic power on her body, strictly speaking, is the power that was lost when the boy descended into the Knight Universe!

  However, the young man does not know for the time being!

  The power of mimicry is the same as the duplication, capture, and origin of the youth!

  Originally, it should also be part of his golden finger!

  But for some reason part of the golden finger is missing!

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