You know, the two of them were fighting each other with their arms and legs. Such a distance...

Magic Body Technique: Five Hundred and Twelve Divine Air Strikes!

Rizevim Lihuaen Lucifer was confused!

Looking at the golden vacuum giant fist so close, I didn't react for a moment!

next moment!

With a bang, the first punch hit him directly on the bridge of the nose!


Countless fists hit every part of Lizevim Li Huan Lucifer's body in an instant!

Boom, boom, boom!

A series of loud noises resounded throughout the sky!

This made the vampires fighting outside confused!

They were all stunned when they saw the golden light that suddenly appeared in the center!

One of the vampire girls looked stunned!

She knew what was going on inside now, but what was going on with this golden light?

Could it be that a foreign enemy invaded and interfered with the vampire affairs?

Follow me! There's something going on inside!


But just when the two vampires were about to take action again!


The roar of a huge beast came from the distant sky!

Everyone can hear it!

This roar is full of blood, full of madness, and irrational!

Everyone raised their heads in astonishment and looked to the sky!

I saw a huge black shadow quickly growing in size from the horizon!

That is……


How could something like this happen here!

We...may have been plotted against!

Elmehilde Karnstein! What to do!

Hmph! I'm here to stop it! You end the battle quickly and see what's going on in the castle! I have an ominous premonition.


the other side.

The entire castle dungeon was torn apart!

The originally dark, low-key, and luxurious dungeon was directly reduced to ruins by Tang En's divine air strike.

Cough cough cough!


Under a collapsed stone wall, Rizevim Li Huan Lucifer crawled out in embarrassment!

I saw that no part of his body was intact, and his seven orifices were beaten with blood!

Amazing, amazing!!! Hahahahaha, God Emperor of All Realms, Uzumaki Tang En! I never thought you could reach this level just by relying on your physical strength and your super god-like physical skills!


Lizewim Lihuaen Lucifer suddenly laughed!

The laughter is so crazy, the laughter is so irrational!

But is it difficult for you to make a choice now? Should you continue to deal with me, or...

Hehehe, what are you going to do with the things outside? My plan is still a little bit complete! Then I'll run away first? Quack!

Tang En also heard the deafening roar outside.

His face was gloomy, and his eyes were filled with cold murderous intent.

How dare you summon the evil dragon to vampire territory?

Gaga, the vampires have no use value to me anymore. I have obtained the Holy Grail, so let them fend for themselves! Hahahaha!

Crazy laughter, accompanied by the figure of Rizevim Li Huan Lucifer gradually disappeared into the darkness.

he left.

Chapter 87 Crazy Will

The Sinful Tyrannosaurus Grendel!

This is the true name of the incoming evil dragon!

It is a true fighting maniac!

In his less developed mind, apart from destruction and bloodlust, there was only chaos.

His eyes were scarlet, and a harsh roar came from his mouth!

This was the first impression that Grendel, the Tyrannosaurus Rex named Sin, brought to the vampires, Tang En, and others!

Tang En's face was gloomy and he let Li Lin run away, which he couldn't accept.

But as an ally of a vampire, he couldn't ignore it. He had to take the overall situation into consideration. Tang En was not a reckless person. Even if Li Lin killed him later, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Azazel, leave this evil dragon to me and keep the vampires away from here!

Azazel's eyes narrowed, and the enthusiasm in his eyes made Tang En have to avoid the edge for a while.

This is the best experimental material. You should be gentler. The whole corpse is the best!

Tang En's face twitched.

How come Azazel and Uncle Snake have a...marriage! ?

Ignoring Azazel, who was showing off his scientific spirit, Tang En stamped his foot!

In an instant, it disappeared into the dilapidated castle, and at the same time, it drew a purple-gold light in the sky and went away!

Ho ho ho ho!!!!

Boom boom boom!

Grendel, the Sinful Tyrannosaurus, used his unparalleled powerful magic to launch a collapse attack on the canyon where the vampires lived in seclusion!

Powerful magical dragon breaths turned the battlefield into a sea of ​​fire in the blink of an eye!

Damn it, this is our territory! How dare you, evil dragon!

The voice fell, and a figure appeared in the dark sky.

Her long platinum hair was spread behind her shoulders.

Wearing black stockings and a red and white lace princess dress on her body, she looked even more petite and cute.

Elmerhild Karnstein!

She is a high-level pure-blood vampire, a girl who looks as cute and beautiful as a doll. The skin is snow-white, the eyes are blood-red, and the ability is greatly reduced when exposed to direct sunlight.

Hearing her voice, the Tyrannosaurus of Sin, Grendel stopped his attack.

A pair of blood-like dragon eyes turned towards her.

The moment the evil dragon's eyes fell on her!

Ermehilde Karnstein felt a bone-chilling cold!

You know, it's still snowing heavily here, but for the vampires who have lived here for generations, this kind of cold is simply commonplace!

But just being stared at by the evil dragon made the girl Elmehilde Karnstein, a high-level pure-blood vampire, shiver!

It's murderous!

Crazy murderous intent!

This evil dragon's reason has disappeared and his mind is in chaos. Apart from destroying and killing, only fighting is left!

However, something happened that shocked Ermehild Karnstein!

Vampire, with your strength, how dare you fight against me? You are looking for death!

boom! ! ! ! ! !

Before Elmehilde Karnstein could react!

The evil dragon's wings shook violently, and it instantly glided forward, closing the distance to Elmerhilde Karnstein in an instant!

Before the evil dragon arrived, Elmehilde Karnstein had already felt the absolute oppression that was so powerful that she almost suffocated!

I'm going to stop you!

Ermehilde Karnstein bit her lip hard!

As she gave a soft drink, she unleashed all her strength!

Dark red magic covered her whole body, and then she raised her hands.

Two rotating magic arrays appeared, and the next moment, the magic arrays shot out countless magic bullets!

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Like a rain of missiles, all the magic bullets accurately hit the evil dragon's body.

Hmph! I was hit so easily, and the evil dragon is just like...



Suddenly, the smoke of the magic explosion was broken by a huge figure!

At the same time, a detonation cloud suddenly exploded with it as the center!

With a quick acceleration, he arrived in front of this girl!

The huge gap in reminders almost makes the hearts of those who see this scene collapse!

Elmehilde Karnstein!!!!!! Run!!!! You are no match for that guy!

But it's too late!

A strange expression of ridicule appeared on Grendel's dragon face.

Then, under the gaze of the scarlet dragon eyes, it raised its huge dragon claw and swatted at this cute vampire girl coldly!

The ear-piercing roar lets everyone know!

How powerful is this claw?

Not to mention this vampire girl, even vampires who are stronger than it will never be able to survive it!

And of course there is only one ending after that...

That’s being photographed like meat sauce!

At this critical moment!

The vampires who didn't close their eyes suddenly saw the golden-purple light piercing the sky!

Like a ray of hope, it hit the evil dragon's giant claw with a bang!

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