With Vali's current strength, how could he be his opponent?

Are you sure Wally can handle it on his own?

I don't know about that. You and I also know Vali's character!

Forget it, let's settle things here first.

Okay, then let's go.

With that said, the two left the underground room and walked up the stairs. As soon as I walked up, I felt a strong chill. Tang En frowned. He was wearing a winter coat, and he still felt that the temperature must be quite low. Although this is not a big deal to them, it is still somewhat uncomfortable.

After walking inside the stone building for a while, we finally came outside.

Looking out, it was late at night outside. And a snow scene.

Tang En sighed as he looked at the beautiful scenery outside.

It's snowing now. Although it's the same season as there, it's obviously a bit cold here in Romania. It seems that the vampire's territory is in the mountains far away from human habitation, right? The extremely low temperature can be explained clearly.

Azazel pointed in one direction, and Tang En's eyes lit up:

“What a nice view, it feels a bit medieval!”

While sighing, he looked into the distance.

It was an auxiliary town, surrounding the magnificent castle in the center, and many buildings were built around it.

And it is surrounded by snow-capped mountains, which is a breathtaking scenery.

The two of them stepped on the white snow crunchily, and Azazel explained the current situation to Tang En:

It seems that the Disaster Group was behind the inducement to create this situation. It was the anti-government group in Tepes who joined forces with the Disaster Group. They were blinded by their dissatisfaction with the current regime and the hope that they could overcome their weaknesses with the help of the Holy Grail, and they obeyed They were the ones who got the sweet talk from the terrorists. They were also the ones who sent the enhanced vampires to attack Carmilla.”

Is this why I came here?

That's right, you don't need to take action in other matters. As long as you stop that man when he appears, just leave the rest to the rest of our force!


as expected.

The two people soon arrived in the dungeon of the castle.

On the ground, there were messy weapons and clothes everywhere.

There are countless bright red blood!

Apparently, the coup has begun and fighting has taken place!

But in the most conspicuous place, a woman was lying there!

The two people looked at each other and ran over quickly.

Looking at this man's face, Azazel looked ugly.

Valery Tepes.

She must be the owner of the Holy Grail. So what's going on with her now?

The God-destroying tool in her body was taken away!


Tang En was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized!

It seems that the news of Azazel came too late, and the Disaster Group has already taken action.

In other words, the original Evil Tree and now the Disaster Group have taken action!

Since it has become like this, let's organize the battle here first. Where are your helpers?

Come right away.

Help? No need.

The two people were talking when a man's voice appeared in the dark corridor.

Tang En and Azazel narrowed their eyes at the same time.

Hahaha, what a good trick you are playing behind your back? Not only are you spreading chaos around the world, but the artifacts you made are so worthless, and more and more people are becoming hand-forbidden!? Now you are targeting vampires again coming.

This is Mr. Whirlpool Tang En. Your record is brilliant. Originally, I didn't want to fight you when I wasn't fully prepared. But now I'm basically ready for everything, so I'm here. I don’t think it’s a big deal if I meet you!”

The voice fell, and the man walked out of the darkness.

Tang En stood up from the ground.

Rizevim Lihuaen Lucifer.

The current leader of the Disaster Group. The transcendent born of the ancestral demon king Lucifer and the demon mother Lilith. A character recorded in the Bible under the name Li Lin. He is frivolous and cold-blooded. His ability is invalidated by the artifact, and the power of the artifact is reduced to nothingness. . It is also the main culprit of this chaotic situation.

Oh my god, does it seem like you still know a little bit about me?

Tang En ignored him and kept talking to himself.

In the past, when the former Demon King clan dominated the underworld, Lezevim Levian Lucifer was one of the few transcendents along with Sirzechs Gremory and Achu Kabeelzebub at that time.

This is why, during the gathering in the underworld, they were all said to be the four demon kings, but only three of them came forward.

That was Lezevim Levian Lucifer, the Demon King, who did not attend.

At that time, during the civil war between the demonic forces, the old government and the anti-government forces, Lezevim Levian Lucifer disappeared on the way, until now...

In other words, he has been planning something for these years, otherwise it would be impossible for him to disappear for so long and then pop out now!

It can only be said that his plan will succeed soon.

What are you looking forward to? You used to be a central figure in the old devil sect. You like war? Like chaos? Doesn't the current peace bring you happiness?

Hahaha, Your Excellency, how can you say that? Don't you feel that this world is like a pool of stagnant water, too boring?

Tang En raised his eyebrows.

Do you know what my dream is?


Rizevim Lihuaen Lucifer made an exaggerated move.

Sir, your strength is obvious to all. Except for a few individuals, you are already at the top of the world. Why do you still have such a dream that only mortals have? Are you kidding me?

The words of Rizevim Li Huan Lucifer made their faces darken.

How dare he insult someone who has a dream?

It seems that there is no need for us to sit down and talk. Your and my positions are completely opposite.

Now, the evil dragon that is causing fear all over the world was also created by your hands, right? Use the research data you accumulated from the hand-censored experimental subjects!

Rizevim Lihuaen Lucifer shrugged.

But there is still one step left. Because there is no power from Ophis, only half of the evil dragons have been promoted to the Tianlong level. This is also a gift from your Excellency.

Speaking of this, Tang En and Rizevim Lihuan Lucifer's momentum increased.

Azazel retreated suddenly!

Chapter 86 The Evil Dragon Arrives

In the battle between Tang En and Lucifer, Azazel thought he couldn't get involved!

As a transcendent, Rizevim Lihuaen Lucifer's strength may have surpassed 99% of people!

The remaining ones who are a little stronger than him can be counted on one hand!

Uzumaki Tang En, you are the most critical person who is blocking the implementation of my plan, haha! I don't even care about the rest of the people!

Tang En smiled, it seemed that this guy didn't just play tricks, he was indeed a transcendent.

next moment!

Without any warning, the two people disappeared at the same time!

Bang bang bang!

The next moment, the sound of gas explosions was heard in the sky!

Facing Rizevim Lihuaen Lucifer, Tang En did not use any magic power. The two of them were in a pure contest of strength!

Tang En just wanted to see what the strength of Rizevim Lihuan Lucifer, the legendary Transcendent, was like! ?

Is it just as simple as deactivating the artifact?

Obviously not!

Rizevim Lihuaen Lucifer can not only neutralize artifacts, but can even reduce all magic energy back to 0, turning it into nothing!

This is also the scary part about him.

In layman's terms, when fighting Rizevim Lihuaen Lucifer, you cannot use any magic skills or even magic power increase, because there is a circle of forbidden magic enchantment around him! It's that simple.

Therefore, it is more reliable to use pure physical strength when facing Rizevim Lihuaen Lucifer!

This is also the reason why he can be called a transcendent!

Because in his field, Rizevim Li Huan Lucifer himself can use magic, and of course he can also enhance his body.

And his enemies are in trouble!

There is only one way to defeat this extraordinary person, and that is to break his upper limit of forbidden magic, or in other words, use abilities beyond his limits!

Unfortunately, Tang En has both of these methods.

However, he is now very interested in the forbidden magic field of Rizevim Li Huan Lucifer, and he wants to know what kind of mechanism it is.

The two were fighting at a speed that even Azazel of this level could no longer keep up with the naked eye.

Obviously not the same level at all!

If an extraordinary person can be ranked at the top of the Heavenly Ranking, then he is also considered high among the ninth level!

Haha, does the legendary Uzumaki Tang En only have this ability? Why are you so afraid of my characteristics? Why don't you use energy to attack me?

The two of them quickly shuttled and exchanged blows, and Li Zewei, Lihua En and Lucifer started talking to Tang En.

This is also a talkative player!

Tang En frowned. His mother probably didn't educate him well since he was a child.

Since you asked the question sincerely, I'm too embarrassed to hide it!

Time Kick!

Boom! ! ! ! !

In an instant, Tang En's entire body turned into a ray of purple light, a huge right angle illuminated the sky, and suddenly appeared behind Li Zevim Li Huan Lucifer!

Then, Tang En kicked him out!

The bright silver light suddenly exploded!

But then, Tang En's time and space kick, which he had tried countless times, was unexpectedly blocked by Rizevim Lihuan Lucifer with his arms raised!

Moreover, the silver power of time and space was actually neutralized!

The diamond-colored cross star light that appeared every time did not appear!

Oh? This is your ability, isn't it!

Tang En narrowed his eyes.

Sure enough, he can turn any energy into nothing.

This is really a terrifying ability. I guess even Sirzechs and I are no match for you!

Hehehe, I am flattered to be praised by His Excellency Uzumaki Tang En, the God Emperor of All Realms!

At this moment, Li Zewei Lihua En Lucifer noticed that Tang En had a strange smile on his face.

He was stunned!

But it's too late!

Tang En lightly punched his right fist!

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