Guests from afar, this is the first time I meet you. I am Rias's mother, Venelana Gremory.

Are you the Sekiryuutei, Uzumaki Tang En?

Who is Tang En? He is not timid at all, even when facing his mother-in-law!

I saw him smile faintly and said:

Yes, I am Uzumaki Tang En, Sekiryuutei and so on. Those are all called by outsiders, so... don't call me auntie.

Haha, you are very good at talking!

Okay, everyone, please come this way!

Everyone walked through the corridor and came to the huge restaurant.

Looking at the long and extremely luxurious dining table, Tang En felt guilty again.

After everyone took their seats, Rias's father also arrived.

Welcome everyone, this home will be more lively!

I am Geoticus Gremory, Rias' father.

Everyone secretly compared, and it turned out that this was Rias's father.

The same bright red hair.

Tang Enjun, is it okay to call you this?

No problem!

Then starting from today, you can officially enter the Gremory house.

Tang En's mouth twitched!

I, Cao, Rias's parents are simply weird.

Ahem, no problem.

Although Tang En agreed, with his identity, how could he possibly barge in?

This is only temporary.

There is only one way for a girl to marry into Tang En's divine world, there is no second way!

It was a warm night.

Tang En spent the evening with Rias.

Seeing Rias and Tang En walking into the same room, Rias's father and mother looked at each other and smiled!

The second day.

The practice in the underworld has begun!

What shocked them was that Azazel returned here in just one day!

In the square in front of the castle.

Okay, within the limited time this summer vacation, I have arranged some training for each of you.

The first one is Rias.

Azazel arranged different training based on each person's characteristics.

The characteristic of Rias is that her overall abilities are generally even.

So Azazel arranged for her to go to the library.

In Azazel's view, Rias should not focus on fighting, but should work more on command and judgment.

Tang En nodded aside.

After all, Rias is the commander, and giving full play to the abilities of her subordinates is what she should consider.

And Akeno...

When a man appeared in front of everyone, Rias and Akeno's expressions changed.

Akeno looked at him with an ugly expression.

Why is that you?

Long time no see, Akeno.

The man had short hair and was wearing a cloak.

Slightly stubbled.

Tang En was also a little confused when he saw the person coming.

I am Cao, now he is on N boat, the girls did not say anything.

It was two father-in-laws who bumped into each other, but that was a bit bad, right?

Yes, the true identity of the visitor is none other than Himejima Akeno’s biological father!


A leader of the ten-winged fallen angels, his combat power is comparable to that of Azazel. He can control thunder and lightning, and his attack power ranks first among the fallen angels.

The combat power is comparable to that of the Fallen Angel Governor, which shows how powerful he is!

Akeno's face turned even darker when she heard him call her name.

Don't make it so easy! You don't deserve it!

You must accept the blood flowing in your body, plus the blood of the fallen angel sleeping in your body, then your attribute thunder and lightning will gather and turn into lightning!

This is also the ultimate purpose of Azazel asking me to train you.

That's all you have to say?'

This is an order from the Governor.

I didn't expect that it was my own daughter who wanted to know.

After saying that, he turned to look at Tang En.

Are you the Red Dragon Emperor Tang En? I heard that you have some shady relationship with my daughter?

Tang En shrugged his shoulders and chuckled.

The relationship between Akeno and I is based on your own will. What, you want to get in the way?

Akeno frowned...

I'm warning you, you'd better stay out of my business. I won't be like you. You should know what you have done! So you have no right to criticize me!

Everyone was confused and had no idea what conflict had occurred between Akeno and the man who claimed to be her father.

However, under Tang En's eyes, Akeno bit her lip and followed!

She knew that Tang En was also doing it for her own good.

The next one is Yuto, his master is a little special!

He is the knight of Demon Lord Sirzechs and the companion of Gurefia.

But the strongest swordsman in the underworld!

Jenova has nothing to say! It's enough to just work hard to control the Holy Sword Durando!

And Gaspar!

Under Tang En's dumbfounded gaze, Azazel threw him directly onto the street!

He also claimed that if your death by exposure to light could be cured, your strength would be greatly improved!

The kitten started strength training.

However, both Tang En and Azazel knew that Kitty Baiyin's ability had not been channeled.

She and Akeno are in exactly the same state now.

Aisha is also very simple, just keep praying.

Watching everyone start training one after another.

Tang En and Azazel looked at each other, and then...

Came to the fountain!



Two pots of soju and a few appetizers!

A pack of cigarettes!

Before leaving, everyone cast angry looks at the two!

This is a matter of course! They are training hard!

These two people are just there looking for pleasure!

Azazel waved to everyone!

Hurry up and go to training! You must know that we can enjoy the leisure time today precisely because we have worked twice as hard in the past!

This sentence made everyone feel relieved.

Not to mention Azazel, who is the Governor of the Fallen Angels, Tang En's strength is also terrifying!

Everyone also felt the gap!

In this way, it also strengthens everyone's belief in becoming stronger!

The time of cultivation always passes quickly.

A month flies by.

In the big living room of Gremory's house.

Azazel looked at everyone with satisfaction.

It can be seen that they all gained a lot.

Well, the time is just right. You all should get ready. Representatives of various forces will gather for a welcome party tonight. I will go there first! Remember not to be late!

Chapter 63 Odin

Everyone packed their bags, changed into formal evening clothes, and boarded the Gremory family's train again.

This time, the territory they were going to was the Demon King Territory.

The owner of this place is, of course, the current Demon King Sirzechs Lucifer.

Tang En noticed it while the car was driving quickly.

The cities of the underworld are no different from those of the human world.

Various high-rise buildings and neat streets.

What intersection, subway, commercial street.

Exactly the same!

Elsa and Xenovia were also curious.

Why is there no difference between the underworld and the human world?

A group of people were walking in the underground passage. When they heard Aisha's words, Rias turned back and explained:

The relationship between the underworld and the human world is very close, and of course all kinds of convenient things have been passed down. You know, there are many demons reincarnated from humans!

The group nodded.

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