According to the size of this castle, they can see clearly from such a distance, which shows how big the castle is!

Tang En also glanced at it, and then regretted it!

This guy spit out soju!

Nima, they say I'm a nouveau riche, Cao, who is the nouveau riche?

Looking at the gorgeous and huge super castle, Tang En was also dumbfounded!

Chapter 61 Family

The devil train moved forward quietly, and everyone in the car started a round of discussions about the environment outside.

Tang En drank the wine in a depressed manner. Damn, I thought he was a rich man, but compared with Gremory, he was so sad!

As the saying goes, no comparison means no harm.

At this time Rias said to everyone:

Ever since passing through the dimensional wall, this has been Gremory's territory.

She said in a proud tone.

Then, including the route we just drove, is all the land owned by the minister's family!?

Elsa asked in surprise!

Rias smiled and nodded.

Tang En's mind was filled with thoughts.

real or fake! The mountains and rivers just now, including the city, were all the territory of the Rias family? So, are all the residents in the city just now citizens?

No matter how you think about it, the dimensions of the underworld are similar to those in the Middle Ages, but one is obviously a small fish and the other is a big cat.

How big is Gremory's territory?

This is Jenova's question. To be honest, everyone is very concerned about how big it is. Is it as big as a city in the real world? ?

Kiba suddenly popped his head out of his seat and answered.

If I remember correctly, using the location of our school as a reference, it is almost as big as a small country.


Tang En was a little speechless.

What is going on in this world! ?

Speaking of which, the entire underworld and the human world should be about the same size.

Although the underworld is about the same size as the human world, the population is not as large as the human world. Even if other races including demons and fallen angels are included, there are not as many as humans. Moreover, the underworld does not have an ocean, so the land is very wide. .”

Rias explained to Elsa, Xenovia and others.

That's right. Tang En, Aisha, Xenovia. The territory will be divided among you soon. If you want something, just ask.

Give me territory?

Tang En was stunned. This is of no use.

He is a traveler...

Besides, Tang En didn't envy Gremory's territory when he thought that he still had a divine realm.

Although the God Realm is not that big, the environment is obviously much better than here. After all, hanging a god character is not the same.

You are the familiar devils of the Gremory family. As Gremory familiars, you can live in the territory. Akeno, Yuto, Koneko, and Gaspar all have their own territory in the territory.

Then, with a bang, Rias used magic power to spread the map in the air.

Although it was a terrain that Tang En had never seen before, judging from the situation, this should be the map of the Gremory Territory.

Rias smiled and said:

The red area means that there is already an owner's land, and you can choose the others as you like.

Tang En looked at this huge map and sighed in his heart.

If this horse riding was in my hometown, this kind of thing would scare people to death!

The train is about to arrive in front of Gremory's house. It's about to arrive in front of Gremory's house. Thank you very much for taking this train.

Dozens of minutes later, the train announcement rang again. This time, they finally arrived at Rias's hometown.

Okay everyone, we're at the place, let's clean up.

Tang En, you must know that my father and mother will also come out to greet me, so don't be careless!

I know, I know……

Tang En was listless.

My father-in-law is a rich man and he should be very happy. Why is this guy Mao suddenly losing his energy?

Nothing else, just because Rias is a wealthy person! ! !

Just as he was thinking about walking through the aisle, Tang En was startled when he saw Azazel on the side. He didn't stand up and was obviously not allowed to get out of the car.

What, why don't you get out of the car?

No, I will leave Gremory Territory and go to Demon King Territory. Because I have to discuss something with Sirzechs. I will come back to Gremory Territory after that, so you can go first.

Tang Ennuo nodded thoughtfully.

After getting off the train, the group stood in front of the huge castle.

Welcome back, Miss Rias.

A woman walked out of the front door, wearing a maid outfit.

But no one in the group dared to think of her as a real maid.

Because this person is none other than the first queen of the underworld, Gurefia!

Ha, Gurefia, long time no see!

Tang En smiled and stepped forward to say hello.

Hello, Lord Sekiryuutei.

Tang En looked bored.

I said Gulefiya, how come you were so inhumane during your tenure!

Because it's my job.


Okay Tang En, let's go in. My sister-in-law will always be like this if she doesn't get off work.

Okay, okay...

Tang En shrugged his shoulders and followed Rias into the huge castle.

Looking at the countless servants on both sides, everyone was a little stunned.

Tang En's eyes bulged out, and his eyeballs almost popped out!

Although Tang En has a noble status, when has he ever seen such treatment like that of a medieval super-imperial aristocrat?

When he came to Rias's house, he finally knew.

However, for Tang En's dropper, having a servant is still a bit uncomfortable. He likes to do everything by himself.

Lady Rias!! Welcome back!

At this moment, a child, wearing a burgundy suit, ran over from the end of the corridor!

Then he threw himself into Rias's arms!

I'm back, Milikath!

Milikath Gremory, the son of Sirzechs and Grafia, and the nephew of Rias, also inherited the attribute from his father, the magic of destruction.

Rias touched Milikath's red hair, which was moving away from her.

Long time no see, Milikes has grown a lot taller!

Oh, by the way, let me introduce to you, this is my brother Sirzechs' child, and his mother is Gurefia!

Milikes, hurry up and say hello to everyone!

Gurefia reminded Milikes.

The corner of Tang En's mouth twitched. Gurefia was not only strict with herself, she even taught her children this way...

It is indeed a wealthy family!


Milikes quickly took two steps back and performed the standard aristocratic etiquette among demons.

I'm Milikath Gremory, first time meeting you!

Elsa and Xenovia laughed.

What a cute little gentleman!

Tang En also laughed.

First time we meet, I am Uzumaki Twain.

Wow! Are you the Sekiryuutei! I've seen the video of your battle! You're so handsome!


Tang En's face was stunned.

I wonder, is such a young child chasing stars?

Sekiryuutei, your armor is so handsome!


So it turns out that he is handsome in armor, but he is not a good person?

Rias and others looked at this embarrassing scene, covering their mouths and snickering.

Gurefia stood next to a door.

Then please come this way.

After saying that, he glared at Milikes and shocked him!

Chapter 62: Gathering in the Underworld

Sister Rias is back!

Don't be so excited, Millikais! Be polite!

After everyone walked in, following the direction of the voice and Milikes, they saw a beautiful woman wearing a white evening dress.

Tang En smashed it twice.

This is Rias' mother, his mother-in-law.

Tang En, please don't look at my mother with those hot eyes.

Uh, are my eyes very hot? It's obviously appreciation, okay?

Tang En spread his hands.

Long time no see, Lady Venelana!

Akeno stepped forward and was the first to greet Rias' mother.

When everyone heard this, they also hurriedly saluted.

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