It's a very miraculous power given to me by the Lord God!...Yes, miraculous...

Speaking of this, Aisha's expression darkened...

Tang En frowned slightly without Aisha paying attention...

Ah, that's right there, Mr. Tang En!

Following the direction Aisha pointed, Tang En quickly noticed the stained glass cathedral not far away.

The church sits on the mountainside, some distance from Tang En's home.

Not bad, this church...

Great, thank you for your help, Mr. Tang En!

That's right, even if he is a crazy person, Tang En still has to show his beautiful side in front of girls!

How can you let a girl get lost?

Tang En had no choice but to inquire in many ways, and finally found out the location of the church.

Aisha, has anyone really stayed in this church?


Tang En nodded.

Well Aisha, let's say goodbye here. If you have time, come and play at my house. My house is located right where we met today!

Okay Mr. Tang En, it's great to meet such a good person like Mr. Tang En when I first came here!


He was actually given a good guy card.

Tang En's mouth twitched.

Then he smiled at Elsa.

Then he said to Aisha with deep meaning in his eyes:

Aisha, if you encounter anything unsatisfactory, just come to me. I will help you solve everything, including... some haha!


It's nothing, just remember to come to me if you have any trouble! I'll leave first!

Goodbye, Mr. Tang En!

Bye Elsa!

Chapter 13 Fake Priest?

I will protect this smile!

Chapter 13 Fake Priest?

After seeing Aisha off, Tang En strolled to Kuoh Academy.

I looked at the time and saw that it was already past the morning rush hour for school.

After arriving at the campus, there were not many people visible on the playground. It was obvious that everyone was in class.

He lit a cigarette and walked towards his ramen shop.

Open the door, prepare ingredients, and prepare ingredients for lunch.

While doing this, Tang En was looking towards something.

If I remember correctly, this city should be the territory of the Gremory family, including this school of course.

Are these fallen angels really ignorant or are they pretending not to know?

Soon, the morning passed.

At noon, Tang En welcomed another busload of female fans!

Tang En's incident has spread throughout the school!

The handsome male boss makes super delicious food! The key is to be very gentle!

In just one day, Tang En inexplicably attracted countless fans...

This also made him very speechless!

However, what surprised him was that those who came here for dinner today did not find Rias and Akeno. Instead, the ones who came were the student council president, Shitori Sona, and the vice-president Shinra Tsubaki, plus the little follower, Samoto. Shirou.

Tang En wiped his hands and walked up with a smile.

Welcome you three, what would you like to eat?

Seeing Tang En's sunny smile, Cang Na felt a little confused.

The purpose of coming this time is obviously not as simple as eating.

She and Rias have been friends for many years. Last night, after partying with Rias, she accidentally mentioned a new ramen shop that opened here yesterday and it became very popular on the first day of school.

I took a look today and found that it is indeed the case. Is this such a simple thing that it is so popular?

Most of the girls in the school are crowded at the door, okay?

She looked at Tang En carefully and found that there was nothing special about him, he was just handsome.

There is no trace of special power on his body, he looks like an ordinary person.

But Tang En's deep eyes made Cang Na, a superior demon and the successor head of the Sidi family, slightly distracted.

What's wrong? Guest?

Tang En asked confusedly, Canna, who looked into his eyes blankly.

Tang En's words instantly woke up Cang Na, making her face turn red!

I secretly thought:

Unexpectedly, the usually calm self would actually be in front of this mortal! (manual funny)

“It would be nice to have some special dishes.”

Tang En smiled at her and the two people behind him, then turned and left.

Looking at his back, Cang Na was even more sure that this was an ordinary person!

After the three of them found a table and sat down, Shirou Shigen couldn't wait to say to Sona: there anything wrong with this man? Isn't he just a bit more handsome? As for Shi Lezhi, who even people like you look up to?

When Shirou Shigen said this, Sona's ears instantly turned red.

Don't talk nonsense, I'm not one of those nymphomaniacs. I came here for a purpose. Rias told me that this man is very special, but she is also very unsure, so let me make sure.

What's the result? President. Did you find out anything about him? Could it be that he is from a hostile camp...

Cang Na shook his head...

No, he is just an ordinary human being...

Oh, that's it! That makes me feel relieved.

Vice President Shinra Tsubaki glanced at Shigen Shirou in confusion.

Why are you worried?

Ahem, it's nothing...

Shirou Shigen made a pun!

One of the reassurances: I thought the president had fallen in love with this young man, but seeing that he was an ordinary person, he was relieved! Because it is impossible for the factional party to be right.

Rest assured number two: It’s not a hostile force.

Soon, Tang En brought what they ordered, and the three of them thanked them respectfully.

Just then... Sona discovered something similar to Rias!

That is, Tang En lit a cigarette!

And Cang Na's eyes were instantly fixed on the lighter!

She murmured:

That' expected!

What president?

Nothing. After dinner, I'm going to the Supernatural Research Club.

Are you looking for Rias-senpai?

That's right...

Soon, it got dark. School time has long passed.

It will take some time for Tang En to clean up the store, but he is not in a hurry anyway.

It's now around 10pm.

Regardless of whether Sona went to the Supernatural Research Club or not, Tang En was going home now.

After all, he is not a student.

It was not lonely to quarrel with Ddraig along the way, and Ddraig also told Tang En about his dragon life experience!

Especially the last time the two heavenly dragons disrupted the situation, allowing the three major forces of the Bible to join forces to fight to death.

Tang En almost burst out laughing!

How good are you two stupid dragons? I'm too lazy to comment!

Ddraig was scurrying back and forth in the mental space!

You're not that funny White Dragon Emperor! He's so crazy that he wants to fight me!

Then you, Shi Lezhi, rushed into the war between the three major forces in the Bible...


Just when Tang En was laughing at Ddraig, he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

He turned his head slightly and looked towards a house.

The house was dark, with no lights on.

The atmosphere in the entire residential area also seemed a bit strange.

Why did Tang En stop?

Because he smelled a hint of blood.

He opened the sensing area and searched, and soon, the corners of his mouth turned up.

Oh, not bad!

Master, there is a breath of light there.

I know, go and have a look.

While talking, Tang En walked towards the house thinking about it.

When you got to the door, you didn’t even need to knock on the door, just walked in...

As soon as he entered the house, a strong smell of blood hit his face!

For a place with such a rich flavor, many people must have died!

Tang En walked along the corridor toward the living room in front.

The strange thing is that he didn't even make a sound when he walked, and his entire body disappeared into the shadows!

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