
I, Master, why do you just want to change your name? What's the matter with the World God Emperor's gauntlet?

Tang En chuckled.

You're talking about this, because my title is World God Emperor. As your master and the user of a legendary artifact, of course I have to use my title to name you.


Ddraig was speechless?

What else could he say? Facing such a powerful master, it is also very desperate!

After getting the new artifact, Tang En got into bed and had a good sleep!

The next day...

As soon as it was light, this guy got up.

Wash, make breakfast, eat.

Put on your clothes, gather your energy, and stretch out in the morning sunshine!

Ah! The sky is so blue! The sun is so bright! Isn't that right, Ddraig!


I have to go out and make ramen for the girls at school today!


Ddraig felt that he had no ability to communicate with his new host...

Damn, as a powerful person, he actually opened a ramen restaurant in a small high school like Kuou Academy?

What is the difference between a spicy chicken, a person without dreams, and a salted fish!

Ddraig didn't even want to complain anymore...

Tang En's mood was excellent! As a result, he doesn't even walk in a straight line!

Snakeskin moves!

As that saying goes, accidents always happen when people get carried away.

The sun shines brightly, and the flowers smile at me! The bird says... I'm stupid!

With a bang, Tang En was knocked to the ground by a girl wearing a dark blue dress and a white headscarf. He was hit so hard on the back of his head that stars flashed across his eyes!

Oops! I got knocked down!



Chapter 12 Aisha Alget

Tang En was hit on the back of the head, and his brain was confused for a while. His eyes were filled with stars!

He said it instinctively:

Oops! I was knocked down! Such funny words...

However, the soft girl who was knocked to the ground by him was also hit hard. Not only did she sit down on the ground, but her salute was also knocked over and scattered messily on the ground.

Master, are you okay? The girl opposite seems to have been hit hard by you.


Tang En didn't hear anything clearly, but he heard the word girl in Ddraig's words!

This guy slipped out and stood up!

Looking down, I saw that she was indeed a cute girl!

Moreover, the long one is quite beautiful!

Brown boots and navy blue robe can't hide that standard lolita's body.

Especially those big eyes and long golden shawl hair!

Perfect loli!

The body is soft and easy to push down! The triple standards are fully met!

What's more important is that Tang En knows this girl's name!

Elsa Alget!

Little nun!

Even looking at and thinking about it is just a fleeting moment.

Tang En showed a big smile and stretched out his hand!

Are you okay? Beauty!

Aisha raised her head cutely and looked at Tang En!

Then he put his hand in Tang En's outstretched palm!

Thank you... thank you!

Tang En shouted crazily in his heart!

Oh my God! The voice is really soft! It makes your ears tingle! It's so exciting!

What's that? I'm sorry, I was a little... that's what happened just now. I didn't pay attention to the road ahead!

Elsa's soft voice replied:

Ah, it's okay. I was also at fault. I was thinking about something at the time...I didn't notice it!

Tang En glanced at the scattered salutes on the ground, and hurriedly knelt down to help Aisha pack them up!

No...no need to trouble you!

It's okay. It's all my fault. I should help you clean it up.

After cleaning up, Tang En started to want to pay attention!

What, to express my apology, how about we go shopping?

Oh? Is this really good?

it's okay!

Tang En smiled heartily, and then stretched out his hand.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Uzumaki Tang En, and I am the owner of a ramen shop!

I...I...my name is Elsa Alget, and I am a nun!

The next moment, Tang En held Aisha's little hand and pulled her towards the park not far away.

Inside his body, Ddraig complained crazily:

I, Cao, are you good at chatting with girls? My master. You can tell he is an expert at first glance!

Shut up Ddraig, have you forgotten the fear of being dominated by the supreme divine power?


I'm speechless.

Soon, the two of them were strolling in the park.

Aisha, look at your dress and hair color, you don't look like a local, right?

Yes...yes, I'm here to work.


Well, I came to serve in the church in this city!

Oh, that's it. By the way, there is indeed a church nearby.

Don't Mr. Dunn know that there is a church nearby?

Ahaha, I just moved here yesterday, so we're both on the same foot!

Really! It turns out that Mr. Tang En has just arrived here! So it's great to meet Mr. Tang En today!

This must be the Lord's guidance.

In an instant, Tang En's smile froze on his face...

My face twitched...

The Lord’s…guidance? I am Cao!

Tell me who the Lord is, and I promise not to crush him to death.

At this moment, Tang En glanced at the cross on Aisha's chest.

He raised his eyebrows.

I said Ddraig, there is a smell of holy light magic on that cross.

Of course, Master, the cross is the nemesis of demons and fallen angels! It cannot be touched easily, but it is ineffective against a human body like you.

Are you trying to say that I'm just a human being, and even the cross doesn't care about me?

How is this possible, Master! You are a human being who has surpassed gods!

Ddraig took advantage of the situation and changed his attitude in an instant!

Tang En grinned...

At this moment, a child cried loudly on the roadside, attracting their attention.

Aisha ran over in a hurry!

As a boy, you can't cry easily!

Then, he put his white hands on the child's injured knees.

Under Tang En's gaze, Aisha's hands were covered with green light!

Tang En thought to himself:

This is a healing artifact, right? The magical properties are indeed extraordinary and very rare.

Yes, Master, healing artifacts are treated like treasures no matter which force they belong to!

Is that so?

the other side.

Okay, the wound has healed!


Only then did Aisha react, and she showed her abilities beyond ordinary people in front of Tang En...

Ah! I'm sorry, I couldn't help but...

Tang En smiled and touched Aisha's head...

It seems that Elsa is very kind!

The two walked towards the church.

Mr. Tang En was shocked...

Tang En turned his head to look at Aisha and smiled.

Yes, I'm surprised. I didn't expect Aisha to have such magical power!

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