And the power of the world government has also been reduced.

This year is 1520 in the Haiyuan calendar.

The leisurely ship is floating 10,000 meters high in the sea somewhere, and the girls are enjoying a leisurely life.

Nami has also perfectly integrated into this big family.

On the other side, the child of destiny, where the destiny of the world lies, Monkey D. Luffy, goes to sea!

With the dream of becoming the Pirate King, he began his journey to the sea!

For this day, not only Tang En is looking forward to it, Shanks, Rayleigh and other people of the older generation are also looking forward to it.

Although this sea has always been colorful, something is always missing.

That is the new generation.

Since it is a new era, the protagonists are of course young people.

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

The Warring States Period has not been so happy these years.

Nothing good had happened to him since he took up the position of Admiral.

Seeing Garp leisurely eating donuts and senbei every day, his brain ached.

But today finally came some embarrassing news for Garp!

Garp, I heard that your grandson went to sea to become a pirate!

Pfft, pfft, pfft!

What? Bastard!! How is that possible! I trained him as a future navy, how can this bastard kid become a pirate??

Look, this is today's newspaper.

Garp quickly grabbed it and took a closer look. He was dumbfounded!

Luffy actually broke into a naval base in the East China Sea and rescued a bounty hunter!

Damn, there’s actually a reward! I am Cao!

Garp's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he seemed to be in a bad mood.

The Warring States Period teased:

Garp, take a look at your family, it's not right! You are a navy, but your son became the leader of the revolutionary army, and now your grandson has become a pirate! Tsk tsk.

Kapu tore the newspaper into pieces!

Asshole, I personally caught him and brought him to justice. This makes me so angry!

With that said, Garp shook his cloak of justice and left angrily.

Warring States rested his chin on his hands, his eyes looking a little heavy behind his glasses.

As a wise man, he can feel that this sea is about to change!

In fact, he didn't care about the Tang En family's affairs at all.


This involves some secrets.

In other words, there is no one in the Tang En family who deserves to be taken seriously by the Tianlongs and the World Government.

The reason for this is because...the word D does not appear in the Tang En family!

There is no D in their names, which means they are not the natural enemies of God.

For the Celestial Dragons and the World Government, the D clan is what they need to guard against!

If Tang En knew about this, he would be stunned!


Because they don’t know what the Tang En family is doing!

They are not from this world and cannot be measured by the knowledge of this world!

People always use their own knowledge to judge everything in front of them.

When something beyond their own knowledge appears, they will find it incredible, or treat it as a myth, or dismiss it!

Chapter 134 Sea Restaurant

Haiyuan calendar year 1522. East China Sea.

The Leisurely cruised freely in the East China Sea.

Not to mention the East China Sea, even the Grand Line or the New World, it has always been unscrupulous.

Occasionally, I can meet some naive sailors and pirates, who want to make a fortune when they see this big fish.

But in the end, they all gave away their treasures to the Tang En family.

This is also the thing that confuses the navy and pirates the most.

Because the Tang En family never hangs any flags or signs to represent their identity.

It is impossible for little people to know that Leisure Number has the ability to change modes.

During normal sailing, they sail with a beautiful and elegant appearance, revealing a gorgeous large deck. It can be said that the Tang En family is really showing off their wealth without limit!

It was this that gave the pirates the illusion.

look! This is not a pirate ship at all and poses no threat!

At the same time, looking at such a gorgeous ship, it must have a lot of wealth.

Yes, there is a lot of wealth.

But it would be a grave mistake to say that the ship and its crew had no fighting qualities.

This is true for the Grand Line and the New World, not to mention the East China Sea, which is like a novice village?

It is not an exaggeration to say that the Tang En family pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger!

Unless they show up on their own initiative, perhaps some old pirates who have returned from the Grand Line will be able to recognize their identities.

Of course, such opportunities are extremely rare.

Hey, where are you taking me today?

A warship was sailing on the sea not far from the Donghai Sea Restaurant.

On the deck, a man and a woman were drinking red wine.

And this sentence was said by one of the women.

Take you to the best restaurant in the world.

Could it be...above this vast sea?

Hehehe... Cheers to your beauty!

For the Twain family, who possess immense powers of perception, finding Barati, a restaurant on the sea, couldn't be easier.

Standing on the deck and looking at the strange-looking sea restaurant Barati, Tang En smiled.

The entire restaurant looks like a giant ship with fish-shaped bows on both ends.

This restaurant on the sea is similar to Tang En's Leisurely.

That is, he can transform and switch forms.

For this restaurant's battle.

They are afraid of destroying the interior of the restaurant during battle, so the entire ship can be converted into a battle state.

It is also known as the Fin battle venue.

Dear friends, let's go. This is a very unique restaurant. We also want to change our appetite today. Since we have come across it, we must try it!

The girls walked to the side of the boat and looked around!

Sea Restaurant Barati!?

Are you sure the food here is delicious?

Of course, I heard that the boss here is a chef who is a pirate. He entered the Grand Line and led the Chef Pirates to return to the East China Sea in triumph after sailing the Grand Line for a year. He is also considered a hero!

I see.

With that said, Tang En took the lead and walked towards the sea restaurant.

The family was walking on the sea so naturally. If someone saw this scene, they would be scared to death!

Stepping into the restaurant, the Tang En family walked inside.

When you open the door of the restaurant, you will see a quite luxurious dining hall.

Full of western restaurant flavor.

The arrival of Tang En's family made the diners in the restaurant let out exclamations of exclamation.

Obviously these exclamations are all for the goddesses.

Hey...these women are so beautiful!

Yeah, but it's not a big deal. You can often see beautiful women in this restaurant! After all, the style here is quite high!

Yes, but these people are so strange. I don't know them at all! They shouldn't be regular customers here. I don't know what their status is.

Maybe you are passing by and come here because of its reputation! Don't forget that there is also a restaurant called Barati here!

It seems that what people here care about is not your appearance, but your status.

After hearing these words, Tang En and the girls looked at each other and smiled.

They came to a large booth by the window and sat down, just enough for their family. At the same time, a chef came to them.

Sir, Madam, what would you like to eat?

Bring us some of your signature dishes.

Okay. Please wait a moment.

After ordering his meal, Tang En looked at the sea leisurely.

At this time, the corner of his mouth curled up, and the show was about to begin!

This is it, the restaurant on the sea! Barati!

Hey hey...then what is that!?

“It’s actually a navy warship!???”

While the Straw Hats were cheering, a warship happened to be sailing alongside them.

Oh, it's a pirate group I've never seen before!

I am Captain of the Navy Headquarters! Iron Fist Hobody! Who is the captain? Please tell me your name!

Coquettish pink hair, dark skin, and wearing a striped suit.

Tang En almost burst out laughing when he saw this outfit.

I'm Luffy!

I'm Usopp!

I'm Zoro!

Ara, what are you doing?

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