Such a powerful family actually fell in love with her!

Tang En chuckled and suddenly took out a devil fruit from behind.

Said to Nami:

Nami, look what this is?

Nami was stunned, and her eyes were instantly attracted to the Devil Fruit that Tang En was talking about.

This is a devil fruit that is as black as ink.

Deep and mysterious.

What's even more strange is that it itself is emitting little bits of starlight.

Completely different from other ordinary devil fruits.

Nami pointed at it in surprise and said: this a devil fruit? Why is it so...well, different?

Tang En smiled, looked at Nami's cute look, and explained:

Of course it's different. This is no ordinary devil fruit.

Well, it's a bit troublesome to explain, so I'll keep it simple for you.

The devil fruit you see now is just a special kind of fruit. To put it bluntly, this fruit is the carrier of the mysterious substance contained in it.


Tang En nodded with a smile and continued:

In every devil fruit, there is a small fragment of the law. What is the law?

It's a certain operating law of this big world, for example, fire!

Why does fire appear in this world? From a scientific explanation, it is of course a phenomenon produced during the burning process of matter. The light and heat emitted are the way in which energy is released.

And from a magical perspective, fire is one of the laws of the world.

The laws in ordinary devil fruits are incomplete, so our family named it the law fragment.

Now, here's me. My bloodline has a special ability, which is completion. The law of completion, with the fusion of my bloodline, becomes a rule!

A rule, of course, is the name for a process of developing some kind of definition.

In other words, the Devil Fruit in front of you is a super ultimate Devil Fruit. It has no weaknesses and is complete. Once you take this fruit, the complete rules in it will become one with you.

After listening to Tang En's long speech, Nami's brain was no longer full!

What rules, what rules... made her head confused.

Then...then what's here is!

Tang En smiled mysteriously and blew gently into Nami's ear, making Nami blush and feel like a cat was tickling her whole body.

He glared at Tang En angrily:

Say it quickly!

Tang En blinked:

It must be a very powerful ability, and it is very suitable for you. You will know after eating it yourself.

Nami looked at Tang En in disbelief.

Can such a powerful devil fruit really be given to her? If you take this thing outside, it will be a priceless treasure, right?

Tang En patted her little head and placed the Devil Fruit in her little hand.

Nami, in my heart, family is the priceless treasure! That is you. Everything else is unimportant. Well, this is... my first anniversary gift to you!

After saying that, Tang En smiled softly, turned around and left.

Nami held the Devil Fruit in both hands and stared blankly at Tang En's back, her eyes moist.

As a child, she was a war orphan.

Later, he was met by his sister, and finally he and his adoptive mother, the three of them depended on each other.

Later, after a series of events, her adoptive mother joined the army and died in battle!

Living with my sister in Cocoa West Village, the Aaron incident happened again.

The warmth is gone forever.

Now, at Tang En's home, Nami felt the warmth between her relatives again.

What is family affection.

At the same time, she also realized Tang En's unique feelings for her.

This is something she has never experienced before...

A drop of tear fell to the ground, and then one drop after another became tears.

Soaked the ground.

Nami lowered her head, the curtain covering her eyes...

No one knew that Nami, who was strong on the outside but soft on the inside, would release all her years of grievances in an instant!

The string in her heart was slightly shaken.

Just watch her lips move and murmur:

Is this feeling... just... love!?

I... am liked!

Chapter 133 The Power of the Stars

Tang En stood in the corridor, as if he noticed something, he turned his head and raised the corners of his mouth.

It seems that Nami will definitely accept this fruit.

In the training room.

Nami wiped her tears hard.

Then he ate it with big mouthfuls!

For his family, how could the Devil Fruit that Tang En made taste unpalatable!

Sweet and sour, it can be called a holy product.

After Nami ate all the fruits.

I immediately felt the difference in my body.

This...this is!

Nami looked at her hand, and it...disappeared!

She was shocked!

What...what's going on!?

I have no idea what's going on!

Twain! Tang En! What's going on!

Tang En, who was secretly standing outside the room, heard Nami's call and of course hurried in.

Seeing Nami's arms, she smiled.

Don't worry, this is why you just ate such a powerful fruit and can't control it well. Your current strength is barely that of a major general. After eating this fruit, it is not impossible for your combat power to rival that of a lieutenant general.

Of course its ability is not what you see now. Its potential is endless. If you continue to develop it, you can reach the height of Kaguya and the others!

Nami seemed to understand.

Then...what kind of devil fruit is this?

Tang En was so happy that he couldn't feel anything even after eating it.

This is... the star fruit!


Nami was confused.

What the hell? Never heard of it! ?

Tang En was speechless, and then he spread knowledge about Nami:

This is... a super fruit that combines the superhuman system with the natural system. It contains the power of the stars. You have also seen that now your body can be transformed into starlight. This is the symbol of the natural system.

At the same time, you can also change the surrounding environment. When you develop it to a certain extent, the starry sky realm will appear!

In it, you are invincible.

Starry sky...realm???

That's right...

Nami was stunned by Tang En's words!

What is all this and what?

But...this fruit is really suitable for her.

Of course, you can also use the ability of this fruit to draw various drawings and use your connection with the stars. Not to mention navigation charts, you can also draw star maps in all realms!

You must be ready, my navigator!

Nami burst out laughing when she heard Tang En's joking words.

Who is your navigator, huh!

So arrogant!

Haha, Nami! From now on, you will not draw the sea, but the sea of ​​stars!

The Tang En family is in harmony.

But the Grand Line does have its undercurrents.

Supernova Ace has entered the Grand Line!

After two years of sailing, he first found the red-haired Shanks, one of the four emperors!

On the red-haired pirate group, Shanks also warned him not to mess with the mysterious force of the Tang En family! ! !

He also told him that Uzumaki Tang En was the only person he could not see through.

Time flies, time flies.

In the blink of an eye, two years have passed.

For the Tang En family, two years has just passed in the blink of an eye.

For others, being human makes a big difference.

Ace is a good example.

Challenged Whitebeard and was defeated.

Dramatically, he became the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates.

This year, the World Government invited Ace to become a Shichibukai, but he was rejected.

In my childhood, the World Government held a world conference and invited all countries that joined the World Government to participate.

The core theme of this meeting is the revolutionary army that has caused turmoil in the world in recent years!

Compared to the mysterious Tang En family, the World God Emperor, and the Four Emperors, the purpose of the revolutionary army is very clear, which is to overthrow the world government!

Therefore, the most important thing for the world government at the moment is to make arrangements for the revolutionary army.

In just these two years, many countries were liberated by the revolutionary army.

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