Effective? It's just slow...

While the girls were taking action...

Warring States, Garp, Aokiji settled down...

Jinbei, Baki, Xiong... were confused.

Rear Admiral, Colonel, Soldier, stupid!

Everyone's brains are on fire!

There is magma in the sky, twice as much thunder, a slow range magic circle below, and countless icebergs around it.

In the sky, two gold, one silver, and one red sword lights reached the sky, rushing towards them like a big net.

The navy only knows that now they are fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered...

Zeng Guo's knees weakened and he almost fell to the ground...

Old man... our plan for a few days failed.

Garp also smiled bitterly... I didn't expect these women to be so terrifying! ,

How many of us will be left, only God knows...

The Warring States Period was full of love, and this plan completely failed because of the lack of knowledge of the other party's strength!

The world government is a bunch of idiots. B!

You still have to deal with Whitebeard and Kaido? Haha... It seems that I've thought too much! Even the Tang En family can't pass this level!

...If the World Government hadn't said it was going to deal with them, we wouldn't be in this embarrassing situation...

Warring States just finished speaking, the next moment!

The world is silent...

Boom, boom, boom, boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

This sea area is like a meteorite collision. A huge mushroom cloud, no, it should be a mushroom cloud reaching the sky, cuts through the dark clouds and illuminates the new world!

From places a little closer to here, we can see light that is even more dazzling than the sun!

Then, there was a deafening loud noise that echoed through the sky!

Then, countless violent winds swept across the new world!

And a series of consequences were huge waves hundreds of meters high, rushing in all directions!

The skills of the girls have changed the natural environment of this sea area!

Of course, the nameless island is no exception!

Whitebeard, hahahaha! I really want to see how many people are left in your pirate group? Will the group be wiped out under such a terrifying attack?

Ku la la la la, Kaido, as long as I am still alive, my sons will not lose a hair!

Chapter 97 The Navy is defeated again

The Tang En family's combos and large-scale AOE skills completely overturned the navy.

Not only the navy, but also the Kaido Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates were implicated.

Countless vassal forces were killed by huge tricks, and warships and pirate ships were sunk. I don’t know how many ships were sunk!

In the end, the decisive battle between Kaido and Whitebeard did not end, and they used all their strength to resist the oncoming collision!

With the strength of their four emperors, it is easy to fight against these aftermaths, but the number of people they can protect is limited after all.

The Kaido Pirates originally had a legion of 500 ability users, but only about 200 were left.

The vassal strength was basically wiped out.

Same goes for Whitebeard.

This time, the balance of the four emperors' strength became a little fragile.

Fortunately, with the strength of Kaido and Whitebeard, no one dared to stab them.

However, the hatred between the Tang En family, Whitebeard, Kaido, and the Navy is even deeper!

Whitebeard didn't talk about the forces that suffered heavy casualties, but he talked about Phoenix Marco and Diamond Bridges who were stunned.

When he saw the miserable situation of the two of them, Whitebeard almost exploded with anger!

They have no idea who injured them.

In the end, this account was settled on Tang En's head.

But the fact is, your calculation is correct!

Seeing such a scene that was like purgatory on earth, the girls on the leisurely ship finally let out a bad breath.

They usually just enjoy life, but occasionally they hear that there are devil fruits here, so they can just fight based on their ability, but the navy actually sets a trap for them.

This can't be tolerated, they must be taught a profound and unforgettable lesson!

Tang En's figure appeared strangely on the deck.

Oh, my wives are so irritable, what if I get disabled by the navy? We still have to rely on them to contain these big pirates?

The women turned around, looked at Tang En who looked like a ruffian, and rolled their eyes.

Actually, you've wanted to do this for a long time, right? We're just helping you do it.

The truth, the truth...

It was a little embarrassing for the girls to see Tang En's little thoughts!

Ahahaha, let's go, let's leave here, we've got the fruit! Little Peipei! You have to start practicing too!

Huh? I don't want to practice anymore!

That's not possible. If you don't practice and improve your strength, it won't be convenient anywhere!

Perona pouted cutely.

Every day I enjoy the sea breeze, drink juice, chat and play with my sisters, and have reliable Tang En!

This is the life she wants.

She doesn’t want to practice or anything like that!

But can he defy everyone...

The answer is impossible...

The leisurely number slowly left...

A hand stretched out from under a pile of broken boards...

With a crash, Sengoku and Aoki were carried out by Garp!

Ahem, bastard! Bastard! Bastard!!!!

Seeing Sengoku's furious look, Garp and Aoki were speechless.

What can be said?

You designed this plan yourself. Do you still blame me if the boat capsizes in the gutter?

Report this matter quickly, we can't control it anymore!

One Tang En family made our heads explode, and here comes the World God Emperor, so spicy!

After losing his temper, Sengoku looked around at the sea.

A sad look appeared on his face.

It was majestic when it came, with more than 200 super warships and tens of thousands of navy!

In the blink of an eye, there was nothing...

This is how to do ah?

The Navy Headquarters' combat strength was reduced by one-third this time, and this time it suffered heavy losses...


Garp reminded him:

Sengoku, we suffered heavy losses. Whitebeard and Kaido are not much better either?

Warring States thought about the same thing, turned his head, and there was no trace of the nameless island in his sight.

Needless to say, those violent women from the Tang En family must have been reduced to rubbish.

A few days later, the whole world was shocked again!

Countless newspapers turned into snowflakes and settled in the hands of various countries, islands, and forces.

The Navy is defeated again! 》

The Navy dispatched 200+ warships and were wiped out! 》

Shock! In the Warring States Period, Marshal Buddha joined forces with naval hero Garp to fight in the new world, and the entire army was wiped out? 》

The Tang En family shows its fangs! 》

The new world has another hegemon, the World God Emperor? 》

The Battle of the Four Emperors? Or add another emperor? 》

World God Emperor? The strange pattern of four emperors and one emperor! 》

The top cadre of the Tang En family uses all his firepower to kill the navy instantly! 》

Women are not easy to mess with! 》

When everyone saw these titles, everyone was stunned!

Spicy chicken, what are these and what?

World God Emperor?


The navy is completely destroyed?

This piece of news shocked the whole world and left them stunned...

New world.

The red-haired and Beckman looked at each other with wide eyes.

Ship...Captain, this is the Tang En family???

Isn't this... a bit too strong?

The corner of the red-haired man's mouth twitched... They still called the Four Emperors, which was a slap in their face!

According to the intelligence from the front and the intelligence analysis in newspapers, the strength of each of these women is at least the general level, or even higher!

Anyone with this kind of strength can dominate the new world and become a prince.

Why can so many of the Mao Tang En family appear at once?

This is a bit... cheating, right?

Beckman...we have an opponent!

Captain, are you talking about the Twain family?

Is there anyone else? Although we have no grievances, pirates are pirates, and you know that. No matter it is us or Auntie, we all have to fight with the Tang En family because of interests, understand!

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