Why is this world getting weirder and weirder? I can’t understand the powerful person who suddenly ran out of nowhere!

At this moment, Tang En could no longer pretend. You have to finish the show and retreat quickly!

His voice came from the sky, and the voice like rolling thunder made the entire navy wake up instantly.

Hahaha, it turns out to be a navy!? I like this Devil Fruit very much, so I took it away first! Hahahahahaha!

Warring States and others immediately raised their heads!

In an instant, he saw the thunderous figure floating in the sky.

In his white robe, countless lightnings crackled around him, and his hair floated against gravity, looking down at a navy like a god!

Who are you!? I've never heard of anyone like you?

Tang En, who transformed into the God of Thunder, burst out laughing!

Me? In my hometown, people call me the World God Emperor. You can call me that too!

World God Emperor!? What an arrogant title!

Hahaha, it's not up to you whether you are arrogant or not. Since you want to know why I am called the World God Emperor, then...

After saying that, they held the sky with one hand.


In an instant, the dark clouds that had just dispersed condensed again!

Countless lightning flashes from the clouds!

Furthermore, the sea is no longer calm!

This is our first interface. Let's give you some gifts!

Thunder Realm·Yushu Divine Thunder·** Volt·Thousands of Thunders Falling from the Sky!

Thousands of thunders descend from the sky! ! ! ! ! ! !

Warring States, Garp, and Aoki's faces turned pale with horror!

In an instant!

The vast sea area where the navy is located, including unknown islands, are all within the range of Tang En's moves!

Boom boom boom boom boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Countless thunders fell from the sky, and in just an instant, several of the hit warships turned into ashes!

Powerful power, unparalleled speed, terrifying range!

No wonder this man dares to call himself the World God Emperor!

Chapter 96 Instant Explosion

As Tang En finished speaking.

This space became the world of Thunder.

The originally huge warship was just a small boat in front of the most terrifying element in the world.

They can only float helplessly on the sea, praying not to be hit by the countless thunder and lightning in the sky.

And the few warships that were just turned into ashes by a single blow are a lesson for them!

Quick!!!! Get out of here!

Stow the sails!

Lieutenant Colonel! Lieutenant Colonel, we can't stand it anymore!


Lieutenant Colonel, our steering rudder is broken...

Damn it!

Are we going to die like this!? This damn World God Emperor!!!

Justice will prevail!!!!

Justice will prevail?

Tang En in the sky smiled playfully.

A group of mortals who have not thought about the true meaning of justice.

But he was right, justice must prevail.

But obviously, Tang En is the righteous one now.

Because he is stronger now!

On the flagship, Warring States' face was livid, and he looked up at Tang En with a look of despair.

How to fight in heaven? He never expected that this man could actually fly?

Even Moon Step can fly, but he is a user with the Thunder Fruit ability.

How to hit it at the same speed as light?

Moreover, this is still on the sea. If it is on land, there may be a way.

Asshole! Stop it!

Tang En chuckled:

What, are you feeling distressed? It doesn't matter, there are only more than 200 warships.

That's it? I'm a fool!!!

The Warring States Period was angry!

He never thought that the navy would be teased one day!

Looking at the spectacular scene of thunder falling from the sky, he was convinced.

This man with the title of World God Emperor has an overwhelming advantage.

Tang En took one last indifferent look at the navy.

I hope you won't reduce your numbers too much, right? Are the two strong men over there waiting for you?

Hearing this, Warring States' heart skipped a beat.

Yes, they came here to deal with the two four emperors, Whitebeard and Kaido.

It's good now, before the Four Emperors are caught, another Emperor appears!


Tang En laughed, his whole body turned into purple lightning, his body flashed, and a purple light flashed from the sky and disappeared before his eyes.

Look away.

The girls on the Leisurely looked at the navy's embarrassment and giggled.

Marshal of the Warring States Period, then we won't play with you anymore. Forget it, let's leave you some small gifts? Otherwise, it will be in vain that you used bait to trick us into coming here!

After saying that, in the Warring States Period, Garp, and Aokiji were stunned and dumbfounded, Kaguya launched an attack...

Her voice became a little majestic, but it was still so pleasant!

Heaven's Imperial Palace·Magma!

The sky that was originally covered by dark clouds opened a huge hole in the navy's confused eyes...

Just like the Kingdom of Women, magma rolls down like a waterfall from the cracks in space...

The Warring States period was about to burst with anger!

NO!!!!!!!!! Damn woman!

Crash, lava, lava and thunder turned the sea area into a purgatory on earth in an instant!

Ahhhh! Help!


Marshal! Help!

Warring States waved his hand vigorously!

Ao Pheasant! Garp! Let's go!



Damn it, let those Shichibukai work for me too!

Golden Buddha·Shock Wave!

Fist Bone·Meteor Swarm!

Ice Age!

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, the attacks of the three people collided with the magma waterfall released by Princess Kaguya!


Countless water vapor and shock waves were instantly generated in the sky!

However, this was not over yet. Kaguya turned her head and looked at the people who were eager to try in a funny way.

You guys come too?

Wow, wow!

Kushina was the first to stand up!

Same bloodline, different attributes!

The Royal Center of Heaven·Iceberg!

Next...Mikoto's pupils also showed a trace of ripples.

Thunder in the Heavenly Palace!

Magic Body Technique·Fist of Nuclear Explosion!

Konan and Hinata are more direct! The two women both raised their hands and faced the navy fleet...

Holy Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion!

Seven Souls Ginlun Reincarnation Explosion!

Ellie took out the key from the king's treasure house...

Looking at each other with Saber...

A smile appeared on Ellie's beautiful face!

Give it a sip!

Heaven and earth are deviant, open up the star!



The six black wings behind Robin spread out, like an angel, full of charm!

Amaterasu Flame·Super·Archangel Impact!

While the girls were releasing a wide range of moves one by one, the mysterious magic halo under Hancock's feet had already unfolded.

The girls’ ultimate moves are magnified many times more than usual!

Then, with Hancock as the center, the entire azure mysterious magic halo spread to the entire sea area!

Guardian of the God of War·Great Halo·Slowness!

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