But... this woman came from that ship, and at the same time, countless people saw the mysterious young man standing next to Boya Hancock.

And the relationship between the two is also coming to light.

Terrorist with a bounty of 1 billion beli, ‘Traveler’ Maelstrom Twain…

Note: Danger, danger, danger!

As long as you are not a fool, you will know what the words on the wanted poster mean.

In this chaotic time period and this complicated situation, the most hidden figure in Onepiece finally surfaced!

New world.

The massive hull of the Moby-Dick sails the seas of the New World.


Ku la la la la la, this kid has finally appeared! I don't know what he is going to do this time! A mysterious man! But... there is only one throne. If you want to reach the top, you have to fight your way out!

Dad, how strong is this man?

White-bearded Edward Newgate looked down at his 'son' and grinned!

Hahaha, Marco, there will definitely be a very exciting battle between the two of you! I'm looking forward to it! Ku la la la la la!

Dad, after all these years of hard training, can I catch up with that person?

Whitebeard smiled and said nothing.

After thinking for a while, he replied:

Marco, it is impossible to catch up with that man, but I believe you must be very close to his strength! Just like I am close to mine... After all, we are all from the previous generation! And This man, Whirlpool Tang En, must be just like us!

Yes, in terms of age, Tang En is older than Whitebeard...

But if you can't stand up to others, are you a loser?

My body is old and I don’t believe it myself.

So...Whitebeard made a miscalculation...

This also led to Marco, who had inflated self-confidence, to eat a lot of heat in the future!

The other side.

The red-haired man stepped on the side of the boat with one foot, looked at today's newspaper, and then grinned!

Picked up the wine jar and took a big gulp!

You finally surfaced, hahaha, will the world become more exciting? I'm looking forward to it!

With a laugh, the red hair fell into memories...

When he was still a young boy, he met this mysterious young man in a bar in Roger Town, the hometown of Pirate King Gol D. Roger...

At that time, his strength had already made the red hair look up to him...

Captain, what are you thinking about?

It's Beckman. Take a look at today's news. With your brain, you should be able to figure out something!

Ben Beckman, the vice-captain of the red-haired pirates, should not be that bad as a person who assists the red-haired people. And his IQ must be comparable to Shikamaru in the Naruto world, or in other words, he is the one with the highest IQ in this world.

Is this... Vortex Twain? The traveler with a reward of 1 billion beli appears at this time? What is he going to do?

Who knows? Come and think about it...

Beckman looked deep in thought. He also knew a little bit about the man Whirlpool Twain. I heard that he had even given advice to the captain.

This man... always feels like he can predict the future. Because he can always appear in the most appropriate place at the most critical moment. Such as O'Hara, such as Holy Land Marie Joa...

Haha, Beckman! What are you thinking? If you can predict the future, can you call it a human? It should be a god.

That’s right, Beckman! He is indeed the person with the highest IQ in the world!

This guy can predict the future.

The two Four Emperors were very calm about Tang En's appearance. After all, there was no direct conflict between the two parties.

The other two... didn't think so.

The great pirate with a billion beli, the man who was said to be able to fight Whitebeard, Sengoku, and Garp more than ten years ago, and gained the upper hand with one against three!

One blow severely injured Warring States!

Hahahahaha! Finally... finally have a chance to die!

Traveler, come and kill me! You can definitely kill me...!

Awesome, this man looks so sweet, he must be delicious!

Mom, when he arrives in the new world, how about we catch him!

Hahaha, that's it, my child!

Tang En knew mentally that those big shots would pay attention to his appearance this time.

But so what? Again, if anyone disturbs his leisurely life, he will kill you!

The Leisurely cruises like wind and waves on the great sea route where the climate and magnetic fields change strangely.

The ships that I occasionally encountered all looked sideways at this steel giant.

I can't help it, it's too cool!

Cool appearance, huge hull, and pretentious English letters.

In addition to the big news this time, the captain is so awesome.

Who wouldn’t take a second look?

In the luxurious living room.

Hey, my dear, are you really popular this time? Your popularity has increased quietly? We are still just minions! No one knows us...

Tang En looked at Kaguya who was making fun of him with a wry smile.

It's not easy for you to become famous. Besides, what's the use of being famous in front of ordinary people and this bunch of little shrimps? Who among the top brass of the Navy and those big shots don't know you? Even if you don't know your name, you're definitely dead anyway. No. After all, your faces were seen by them in Rogge Town.

This happened so many years ago, they must have forgotten it.

Tang En was speechless...

How could you forget, Tsunade, have you forgotten that your nuclear blast almost killed Akainu Sakaski?

Honey, is the fruit wine almost gone?

...We will soon arrive at the Chambord Islands. If we bear with it, we will still have about a day's flight.

Okay. Be sure to buy more wine this time!

I also want to buy a lot of delicious food!

“I also want to buy all kinds of specialties!”


Chapter 71 Island No. 13

Haiyuan calendar year 1512. Located in front of the red continent in the middle of the Grand Line, here are the Chambord Islands.

Also known as the Soap Bubble Islands.

On this day, on the edge of Island No. 13.

The civilians working on the dock, or the pirates who had just arrived and were preparing to go to sea, were all stiff and dumbfounded as they watched the huge, beautiful, futuristic and technological super battleship coming towards the port through the wind and waves.

For this battleship, it seems to be completely inconsistent with the laws of physics. It has no idea what to slow down before docking...

But something happened that made their eyes vomit.

I saw the battleship maneuvering in a beautiful arc and docking steadily next to the deep-water dock.

From movement to stillness, it becomes strangely complete in an instant.

This feeling makes people feel extremely uncomfortable and disgusting...

Breaking everyone’s world view…

This... what kind of ship is this? You're a fool! You're cheating!

Brother, don't you know who owns this ship? You better stop being a pirate. Isn't this ship's exposure rate high recently? Look at the news of the past few days.

...a reward...a reward of 1 billion Baileys? Traveler? Damn!

What a big pirate!

Wocao, the Soap Bubble Islands are going to be lively this time!

Yeah... I didn't expect this big shot to come here to join in the fun before he entered the new world.

Maybe he's just passing by.

He was really right, he was just passing by.

There is no way, the food at home is running out and cannot be replenished.

The family packed up neatly, dressed beautifully, and stood together by the panoramic sunroof.

This is our first time to visit this legendary soap bubble archipelago. We have passed by several times but never came.

Tang En held the cigarette in his mouth, blew out a puff, and said:

This is the middle station of the Grand Line. After brave young people become pirates, they will travel from all over the world to the first stop, the Red Earth Continent on the other half of the planet. There is a famous place called Upside Down Mountain.

The only exit from Upside Down Mountain is to enter the Grand Line, which is the first half.

Young people have gone through various tests such as natural disasters, man-made disasters, etc., and with their strength and a little bit of luck, they can reach here, which is the Chambord Islands. Because this is the only place where ships can be coated and can go to the new world from the bottom of the sea. place.

Then why doesn't the Navy need to go from here?

Because the navy can walk directly to the Red Earth Continent not far away, which is the Holy Land Marigioa.

I see. No wonder the navy's power in the New World only has one naval branch.

That's right, their warships can only show off their power in the first half of the Grand Line. They don't have much combat power in the second half, unless they relocate their naval headquarters to the new world.

It's so complicated, or the technology in this world is too backward.

Tang En shrugged his shoulders and agreed.

That's right, the Grand Route and the Red Continent are like two rings, exactly circling the planet. In other words, there should be two intersections between the Red Continent and the Grand Route.

The first one is Upside Down Mountain, and the second one is the Navy Headquarters and the Holy Land Marie Joa.

The legendary Onepiece is at the end of the Great Route.

For Tang En and others who own the planet Earth, it is like a God's perspective and they don't care about Onepiece at all.

Because from the map, the end of the Grand Line is just on the back of Upside Down Mountain.

In other words, if the local pirates want to reach the end of the Grand Route, they will have to circle the planet completely after entering the Grand Route from Upside Down Mountain.

But for the Tang En family who have started a journey, they can definitely reach the destination if they want to.

However, Tang En had a pretty good guess as to what he had at the end. It should be historical data or information about the Celestial Dragons.

Origin? Ability? Something hidden?

Wait for these.

And the text of the road sign... haha.

Okay, let's go. This island is very lively. Island 13, let's go to a bar here to meet the big shot first.

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