Hurry up! You idiot, hurry up and set sail!!

I want J8 Woolen, run quickly!

The pirates were in panic...

This is for sure. Everyone knows that if a Tianlong person is beaten, let alone dead, a naval admiral will come forward.

But this location...isn't it a bit unreliable on the sea?

Hancock looked at the Draco who had just been headshot, with a relaxed smile on his face.

He glanced at the confused agents beside him, turned around, jumped lightly, and flew back to the Leisurely.

How's it going, Hancock... feel much more relaxed now.

Hancock smiled softly.

Well, do you still have the same fear in your heart?

Haha, let's go, baby! A wonderful tomorrow is waiting for us!

Twain, don't you ask this ship about your destination?

No need to ask. He must be going to the Chambord Islands, otherwise he wouldn't appear in this sea area. We also happen to be going to buy wine. So I heard that an auction is going to be held, so let's go there and have a look.

Okay, but...will there be no problems if we just let them go?

Oh, by the way, I would have forgotten it if you didn't tell me!

The corners of Tang En's mouth quirked up strangely, and then he pulled Hancock back into the cabin.

Afterwards, Leisurely's armor began to slowly close. After completing the closure...

Click, click, click, click, click, click!

A mechanical sound sounded!

Countless thick black muzzles were aimed at the trembling naval warship!

No! Turn the rudder quickly! We are being targeted!

What are you doing, get out of here!

The captain of this warship angrily pushed away the first officer and took control of the direction.

But what's the use!

The next moment, Leisurely's attack illuminated the sea again!

The Grand Line, somewhere in the sea.

Some ships coming and going, whether they are pirate ships, cargo ships, or merchant ships, including some warships...

Seen them all!

That direction!

Dazzling light like the bright sun struck from the sky!

They couldn't open their eyes in an instant!

And there is a warship not far away from Leisure!

Boom! ! ! ! !

A huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose.

And with the explosion, this high-end warship that pitied you was completely wiped from the sea.

The pirates who hadn't gotten far were completely stupid.

The eyes looking at the Leisurely were full of horror...

What is this horse riding on?

Why not cannonballs!

What does it fire?

beam? ?

I can't understand it at all...

Navy Headquarters, Marinevando!

Marshal Warring States, emergency!!!!

What's going on in such a hurry? Didn't I tell you to behave yourself?

Yes, I'm sorry, Marshal Warring States, but this matter is too... too important.

Warring States raised his head and waved...

He signaled the sailor to speak quickly.

Marshal, heaven... heaven... heaven...

Warring States frowned!

What the hell? You're stumbling. You're not like this usually? What's going on?

The navy swallowed furiously, then stuttered out the message.

Tian... Tianlong Ren... was killed!


Warring States suddenly stood up!

He looked at the marine with a horrified expression and an unconfident look on his face.

Can you say that again?

Marshal! The Tianlong people were killed on the Grand Line!


Warring States stared blankly, looking confused.

Which big brother is this? Even the Celestial Dragons dare to kill.

Although the navy and the world government are not interested in the Celestial Dragons, they are just talking about it in secret.

After all, he is a world noble and has a profound background. No one knows what terrible things are hidden, so he has to pretend to be a grandson.

Unexpectedly, this big brother suddenly jumped out and not only slapped the Tianlong people in the face, but also slapped the world government and the navy in the face!

Has anyone found out?

The navy seemed to have thought of something... a look of horror on his face.

Marshal Yuan... is...


It's a woman...named Boya Hancock.

Hearing this, Warring States was stunned? woman? What woman?

Warring States glanced at the other side who was gloating over his misfortune while eating senbei and playing Kapu, and he felt so angry that he couldn't stand it!

She glared at him fiercely and then asked:

Is there a wanted warrant for this woman?

Back to Marshal, there is no...

You've never been wanted? Then how can you be with the Tianlong people...

The navy hesitated for a moment, then replied:

Marshal, after checking the information, this woman is 19 years old. She was born in the land of women, Amazon Lily. She mysteriously disappeared while sailing on the sea four years ago. When she reappeared, she came to the underground auction of the Shampoo Islands and was regarded as a The slaves were bought by the Celestial Dragons...

Only then did Warring States suddenly realize.

I see... So, she was also the one who escaped during the 'Holy Land Marie Joa' incident?


Warring States stroked the goatee on his chin, a pair of small eyes with round black frames shining with the light of wisdom.

In this way...a reward will be issued for Boya Hancock...and the amount will be determined...

Marshal, I think there is one more thing I need to tell you...

The naval soldier interrupted Sengoku...

Warring States glared, expressing his dissatisfaction.

Garp grinned.

Is there anything else? Isn't it just Boya Hancock who killed the Celestial Dragon? Just send the general to arrest him then.

What...Marshal, Boya Hancock is actually from this ship...

As he said that, the navy soldier strangely pulled out a photo from behind... and held it up in front of Sengoku and Garp.

The two of them stretched their heads to take a look...

Puff, puff, puff, puff!

The senbei in Garp's mouth spurted out, and of course Sengoku was the unlucky one...

Although his face looked like the remains of senbei, Sengoku was in such a mood that he had no time to deal with this matter right now...

Because he also recognized this steel monster that only one person in the world owned...'s him!

Hahahaha, Warring States! You must be confused again this time!

Shut up!

Sengoku was clearly in a bad mood, and if Boya Hancock was one of the people on this ship...

Then everything will be explained.

He murmured:

The weird semi-arc-shaped pit in Holy Land Marie Joa must be his masterpiece, so his purpose of going to Holy Land Marie Joa is for Boya Hancock?

While thinking about it, he walked back and forth with his hands behind his back.

If it was him, then anything was possible.

This mysterious young man with an unknown purpose always does something unexpected.

Chapter 70 Target: Chambord Islands

At the end of 1511 in the Haiyuan calendar.

The first half of the Grand Line, near the waters of the Chambord Islands.

Something big happened that shocked the whole world!

This incident is the killing of Tianlong people!

There is no way this matter can be hidden.

After all, with so many bystanders, it is normal for the news to leak out.

The incident of killing the Tianlong people may have a great impact on civilians or small pirates, but for the Yonko, the Shichibukai, or some big pirates, the top brass of the navy will only say Well done.

After all, they are strong enough to kill the Celestial Dragons, and at the same time they are not afraid of trouble caused by the World Government and the Navy.

But if they still sneer at this news, then the direct perpetrators of this incident, or participants...

It will let them think about it carefully.

Although it was not Tang En who killed the Celestial Dragon, but Boya Hancock...

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