Tang En ignored him and looked down at Boya Hancock.

He smiled at her and said:

Hancock, wait a moment. I'll take you away after I deal with this scumbag. Don't worry, it'll be quick!

Hancock is also very worried...obviously this enemy is not easy to deal with.

But still said:

I...I believe you.

Tang En smiled.

Tang En gently put Hancock down, turned around, and his eyes became a little playful.

He raised his fingers three times at the man in black not far away, indicating that he was ready to attack.

This action immediately angered San.

How dare you mock me even if you are just a stinky rat? I will crush your bones piece by piece and let you die in pain!


San's face turned ferocious. This arrogant mortal actually ignored him, a person who served the world's nobles. Not only that, he actually dared to taunt him with his fingers! He was completely irritated!

I saw three eyes wide open, the scary eyeballs were filled with bloodshot eyes, and the strength of the whole body was working to the limit. Tang En was reflected in the pupils, and the legs were slightly bent, accumulating explosive power.

Huh? He's not a Devil Fruit user? A master of physical skills? He's still a strength type, not bad.

Tang En commented playfully on San's moves.

Hearing this, San was almost furious!

I'm going to crush you! Drink!

As San let out a low roar and a boom, the ground under San's feet broke into countless cracks with his feet as the center, and countless soil foam splashed at the same time. The bulging muscles all over his body trembled slightly, and then the whole body The body rose from the ground, roaring upwards like a discharged cannonball, and in an instant he was in front of Tang En!

He clenched a fist with one hand, veins popped out in his arm, and his muscles swelled.

The corners of his mouth opened, revealing a row of white teeth, and a cold chill danced in his eyes.

With the intensity of this blow, it was obvious that San had no mercy at all and just wanted to beat Tang En into a pulp!

Tang En simply ignored San, who was exuding a strong murderous aura. Instead, he lit up a cigarette leisurely and took a deep breath.

Then he opened his eyes, looked directly at San, and said calmly:

There is a road to heaven if you don't take it. There is no door to hell but you have to find your own way. I'm talking about you, a foolish frog in the well.

Tang En gently raised his right foot and looked at the guard three who was flying in front of him. His expression slowly became indifferent, and his eyes flashed with cold light.

I saw the dazzling silver light gathering on the gently raised right leg, and in an instant it turned into a dazzling, dazzling diamond platinum color!

Hancock's cute little mouth widened in surprise, his eyes were shocked, and he covered his mouth that almost screamed with his hand in time.

And San's face was even more frightened in the air. He was so close to Tang En, how could he not feel the terrifying energy on Tang En's right foot!

He felt horrified in his heart! Isn't this a stinky rat all the time? ?

Since you have this kind of strength, why don't you just attack the Holy Land Marigioa openly?

Why do you have to secretly rescue the hostages?

Wocao, do you still have the consciousness of being an invincible strong man?

Is it possible that your strong heart 473 is fed to dogs?

San can’t figure it out at all…

But can Tang En's character be understood by you mortals?

How could Tang En, who came from modern society, have such an idiotic and passionate character?

Keeping a low profile and showing off is the way to go, okay? A leisurely life is perfect.

Three's thoughts last only a moment.

At this time, only Tang En's lazy voice reached his and Hancock's ears.

Space is king and time is supreme. Have you ever been kicked by time and space?

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang En's right calf, which exuded a bright and dazzling light, kicked out ruthlessly from the side!

In an instant, a silver cross of light suddenly shined like a supernova in the holy land of Mariejoia!

next moment!

Boom boom boom boom boom!!!!

San's figure disappeared into this space in an instant!

San, who was just self-righteous and had the mentality that I have the general strength to crush you, a stinky rat, was directly kicked to pieces by Tang En. With San's body as the center, the entire space was like a broken mirror, making a clicking sound.

The next moment, three people were kicked into the void together with these broken spaces!

In other words, he was kicked away by Tang En's time and space, and his flying speed was dozens of times faster than the speed of light!

The body was crushed into fly ash in the void!

Chapter 39 Shocking the whole world



There was a loud noise, like the particle main gun of a space battleship, and the land in front of Tang En exploded from space to form a huge explosion!

A huge black mushroom cloud rose into the sky!

The entire coast seemed to have been chewed away.

With such a loud noise and dazzling mushroom cloud, it goes without saying that the top leaders of the World Government and the Celestial Dragons must have seen it too.

World ZF.

What's going on! Who is this energy...?

No! Tiger actually has helpers! Damn it!




The five Wulaoxing people were stunned at the same time.

There are only a handful of people in the world who can launch such an attack. Without the strength of a general, don't even think about it.

But no matter how the five old stars add up, it has nothing to do with Tang En.

With the explosion, a gust of wind blew.

Lifting up Hancock's already tattered clothes.


Tang En was stunned when he heard the scream.

Turning around, I saw Hancock who was almost blown away!

With a wave of his hand, he unfolded his protection and blocked the incoming wind.

Ha... I'm sorry, Hancock, I accidentally used too much force.

The strong wind was blocked by Tang En, and Hancock put down his arm and stared blankly at the mysterious man in front of him...

So...so powerful!

Such a man...could he be my Prince Charming?

It's not surprising. He's pretty tall, strong, gentle, and has a smile as bright as the sun.

Very handsome!

Hancock's face turned red as he thought about it.

Tang En looked at Hancock, whose face changed wildly, and was confused...

I can't help but sigh, women's hearts are so deep. He's only fifteen or sixteen years old!

Okay Hancock, let's go home!

Haiyuan calendar year 1509.

A big event happened that shocked the whole world!

Mariejoia, the holy land of the world's ZF headquarters, turned into ruins overnight!

When the navy stationed nearby arrived, all that came into view was the burning fire and the remains of a building.

Of course, this is nothing, there is something even more crazy that makes people all over the world crazy!

In this incident, three digits of Celestial Dragons died in Holy Land Mariejoia!

This... this is more shocking than any battle between big pirates, or the confrontation between pirates and navy!

And the person who caused all this turned out to be a fish-man!

Fisher Tiger!

It climbed to the top of the Red Earth Continent with its bare hands and sneaked into the holy land where the Celestial Dragons lived alone. Setting fires everywhere, and liberating thousands of slaves of all races who were imprisoned before being enslaved by the Celestial Dragons without discrimination!

This incident was called the Marie Gioia Attack.

Because of this Marie Gioia Attack, people all over the world discovered something. The Celestial Dragons who were previously unattainable could actually be killed! Being resisted!


Somewhere in the sea along the Grand Line.

A huge and beautiful warship broke through the waves and sailed on the beautiful sea.

I don’t know if it was God’s intention, but so many Celestial Dragons died last night, and today’s weather is particularly lovely!

The comfortable sea breeze blows on the skin, and the big sun shines under the sky.

On the gorgeous large deck of the Leisure.

The beautiful wives wore bikinis and showed off their perfect golden proportions on the sun loungers on the deck, enjoying the beautiful sea breeze and sunshine.

Some of them wore sun hats and some wore sunglasses, forming a beautiful landscape.

Tang En was wearing pink beach shorts and a red floral shirt, holding the newspaper that had just been delivered today in his hand and looking at it carefully.

Tsk tsk, do the world's governments also want to face shame? I almost kicked off half of the island with my kick, but there was no check-in at all...

As he spoke, he shook his head.

Robin, who was chatting with Hancock who had just uploaded the video, raised his head and smiled softly at Tang En.

Of course the world government also wants to save face, otherwise how can it maintain its majesty? Even so, this 'Holy Land Marie Joa' incident has shaken those participating countries, right? After all, no one wants their own interests to be harmed. If the world If the ZF does not have the ability to protect them, then...it is not impossible to turn to other countries. For example...

Tang En grinned and said to Robin:

For example...the Revolutionary Army?


Hancock had no idea what the two of them were talking about. Although he was about the same age as Robin, their cultural heritage...

Senior Sister Yu is not just talking about it...

Now the revolutionary army's strength is rapidly expanding, and many small countries have been liberated by them. The world's governments must also see their threat.

There is nothing you can do if you see it. What's the use if you can't catch it? And the strongest combat power of the world's government is on the great sea route, that is, on the sea. The revolutionary army has always fought on land.

Yeah...Monkey D. Dragon is really capable of making trouble. Those with the letter D are not easy to mess with. In other words, their fates are all very bumpy.

D? Tang En, you actually know such a secret thing?

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