Feeling Hancock's fear in his hand, Tang En gently squeezed her little hand and showed a faint smile to him, indicating that she didn't have to worry, I had everything under control.

Haha, you want to arrest me for no reason? Who do you think I am? It should be an honor for the trash here and you to come to Mariejoia.


Several people in black looked shocked when they heard the red-haired man's calm tone! How can he be so calm in front of the world's government officials, not to mention that this is the holy land of Marie Gioia!

The expressions of several people suddenly changed, and they obviously knew that this man was no ordinary person!

In the blink of an eye, they were all ready to arrest!

After speaking in classical Chinese, Tang En raised his eyelids, and there was a hint of coldness in Tang En's eyes...

This is the first time in this world that he has murderous intentions.

I didn’t want to get involved in such nonsense, but you have to seek death...

When several men in black were about to approach Tang En and the two of them!

An indescribable terrifying repulsive force suddenly hit us!

With a loud noise, these people were instantly sent flying out.

PS: Dafei has become popular! Thank you all book friends for your support!

Chapter 37 Conspiracy

The red earth continent, the holy land of Mary Gioia.

Different from the usual peace and tranquility, tonight the Holy Land Marie Joa was ablaze!

Among them, in an alley in Mariegioa, there was a muffled sound from the sky of a carriage!


As the men in black rushed up from all directions, bright diamond-colored energy suddenly erupted from the surface of Tang En's body, and an irresistible terrifying repulsion burst out of Tang En's body.

In an instant, all the men in black scattered and flew away like a goddess scattering flowers!


The people in black groaned on the ground. If you look closely, you will find that their bones are broken, their internal organs are misplaced, and their seven orifices are bleeding. Under the broken sunglasses, their eyes are even darker, without the luster of healthy people, and their mouths are dying. Make noise.

There was too much air coming in and too little air coming out, and it looked like he was going to die.

The leading man looked at Tang En in shock. Unfortunately, he could no longer make any sound and blood spurted out from his mouth! Eyeballs bulging sharply.

Taking a closer look, it turned out that Tang En had taken special care of him, and obviously he had done more for him.

Tsk, tsk, they are a bunch of scum. They didn't want to take action at first, but they have to force me and let me leave safely.

Seeing that a group of people had lost their voice, Tang En shook his head.

He lowered his head and said softly to the trembling Hancock:

It's okay, no one can threaten you in the future, as long as I'm still alive...

Looking at Tang En with a gentle face, young Hancock shed tears...

Tang En and Hancock were thinking deeply as they walked towards the seaside.

Someone is obviously behind this big incident. Without the help of the mole, Tiger's three-legged cat Kung Fu can break through the holy land of Mariejoia where so many masters are hidden?

What's more, what makes Tang En strange is that the guards with general-level combat power are also well hidden and have not taken any action at all. It seems...

It should be the internal conflicts among the Tianlong people and the conspiracy of those old men.

Just listen to him murmuring:

Is it to eradicate the bottom-level garbage that has no use value...

Hancock raised his head and looked at Tang En curiously.

What are you muttering about?

Hey... Are you curious, Hancock? It's actually nothing. I'll tell you more about it when we get home.

After saying that, two figures, one tall and one short, faced the firelight and slowly left.

The world's highest power center, the World Government Building.

Hahaha, I mean, Lao Wu, is it really okay for us to do this? This incident will definitely be widely reported tomorrow and shock the whole world.

In the brightly lit hall, dancing elderly men of different shapes can clearly be seen. They are standing, sitting, or leaning on the wall.

Everyone's eyes were filled with a huge sense of oppression.

This is also a manifestation of their strength.

Everything has been done, what else do you want to do? Just slap them in the face. Face and other things are not important in front of those guys. After all, we are also in a cooperative relationship. With fewer moths, it will be much easier for us to do things.

The old man with neat blond hair said calmly.

On the other side, an old man with long white straight hair and a long beard shook the cup in his hand and said in a low voice:

No one would have thought that we were responsible for this plan. The fish-man Tiger was originally a slave of the Celestial Dragons. It is human nature to take revenge on them. We just quietly helped him. Even if some of the families over there are dead. If a drunkard comes to us to ask questions, we can definitely blame Tiger.

It's a good idea. This way we can pick ourselves out. This plan is very successful.

After the incident, all the people we arranged will be executed secretly. They know this secret. Only the dead can truly keep it. If those people know what we did, the consequences will be disastrous.

Among them, the old man holding the knife had a murderous look on his face, and his words were even more chilling.

This is an old man who is decisive in killing!

Death without proof, this is a good move. By the way, all the charges will be pinned on Fish-Man Island's head.

Tang En's guess was good.

The relationship between the Tianlong people and the Five Old Stars is not as harmonious as the outside world imagines.

Wulaoxing is not a Celestial Dragon, but in the eyes of the outside world, the world government must obey the orders of the Celestial Dragons, and the entire world government is serving the Celestial Dragons.

As the rulers of the world's government, the five most distinguished people control huge power. How could they willingly obey the orders of those losers?

If they didn't have real masters behind them to support them, they would have been crushed to death!

And this time is a good opportunity to get rid of these moths.

Because someone among the top leaders of the Tianlong people spoke up...

It happened to be what Wulao Xing wanted, so the two parties hit it off immediately, and those moths were unlucky.

Twain, how can we leave? I...I am a devil fruit user.

Tang En smiled.

Hancock, don't worry, you can fly if you can't walk.

As he said that, amidst Hancock's exclamations, Twain stretched out his arms and crossed the crooks of Hancock's fair white legs. The other side put his arm around her weak shoulders, and picked her up in a princess hug.

Hancock, who had never had such close contact with a man from birth to life, was confused by Tang En's sudden movements!

My mind went blank, my eyes were straight...

The whole person huddled in Tang En's fierce mouth...

Feeling Tang En's unique masculine aura makes Hancock blush and his heart beats!

She murmured in her heart and asked:

This...what does this feel like...well, so strange!

I'm getting so weird!...

But... I like this feeling so much...

Tang En had no idea that Hancock's little head would have all kinds of thoughts because of his action...

But apparently that's a good thing...

The next moment, Tang En's whole body slowly floated up, and then he slowly flew away from the Red Earth Continent with Hancock in his arms.

Under the deep sea dozens of nautical miles away.

In the leisurely account, the girls were speechless for a while when they saw Tang En going out for a walk and picking up a little loli 4.4.

He looked to be about the same age as Robin.

I said...he did it on purpose, right?

What do you think...why else would you come to this shabby place if you have nothing to do? Haven't you noticed that the smell of the people in that place is simply disgusting?

Even Saber, who had never been very judgmental, frowned.

I heard that here are the world's nobles and Celestial Dragons. Those disgusting auras should come from them. Why do they give us different feelings from ordinary people? It's so strange.

There should be some special means. After all, you can enjoy the highest privileges in the world and call yourself a 'descendant of the creator'. The hidden things must be extraordinary. If people in the world want to become the Pirate King, then... This process won’t be easy.”

Chapter 38 Time and Space

Red Earth Continent, Holy Land Mary Joa.

Tang En flew up with Boya Hancock in his arms, rising slowly under Hancock's shy expression.

But things don't go as planned. There are always some scumbags who like to show off at such times. Like now!

A lazily voice sounded from behind.

So it's not just one person? There's actually a stinky rat who fishes in troubled waters and does dirty things secretly.

Tang En paused and didn't look back.

Hey, what did you just say?

His voice was still as comfortable as the spring breeze, but he was obviously not in a good mood.

This feeling is like finally being able to wait until get off work time, and excitedly go home to eat the delicious food cooked by my wife, but my boss just said, I have to work overtime today.

Or, if you manage to stay up until school is over, the class teacher will come and add two extra classes.

How will you feel?

This is how Tang En feels now.

Very, very, very unhappy!

The man standing on the edge of the cliff, wearing a standard black suit, needless to say, must be a subordinate of the world government or the world's noble Celestial Dragon.

Why...didn't you hear that, you stinky rat?

Tang En was very angry.

Are you so arrogant that you are used to following the Celestial Dragons?

He slowly lowered his body and landed on the shore again.

He smiled down at Hancock, slowly turned around, and raised his head to look at the man in suit opposite.

Before saying hello, don't you know you have to say your name first?

Haha, I didn't expect you to know a lot about the stinky rats in the sewers. Then just remember that the person who is going to kill you is called San.

Tang En was stunned.

Three? Huh, code name? It seems that you were trained by some secret organization of the Tianlong people?

Boy, I didn't expect you to know a lot. Then I can't let you run away! Now that you have seen my true face and know my identity, you will definitely die. I will give you a chance to commit suicide. I'd rather help you dismember the body.

A gloomy, arrogant voice came from the man in black, with a disdainful sneer on his face.

Tang En has not shown his face in the world for many years. It is normal for these people who squat in the holy land every day not to know. It is probably that the navy and pirates have forgotten this fierce man who crippled the navy marshal Sengoku with one blow. Almost done, right?

Or do you think he is dead?

However, Tang En's reaction disappointed him.

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