Isn't this just looking for trouble? How can devil fruits be so easy to find?

This thing also depends on luck. Who knows where there are devil fruits.

It doesn't matter so much, let's go!

Kushina also walked around with her feet and jumped up from the carpet excitedly!

Chapter 6 Naval Headquarters

A few days later, Marine Fando, Navy Headquarters.

A warship with a specially decorated bow slowly came ashore and stayed among the many warships.


The sound of neat leather shoes came from the ship. A kind of navy lined up in two rows below, standing upright and facing the owner of the ship with a serious look.

Ah haha, I'm finally back! This time I'm exhausted.

Yes, it was old man Garp, the naval hero, who had just returned to the Navy Headquarters.

Hello, Lieutenant General!

Ah hahaha, hello, hello, you, let me ask you, where is that boy from the Warring States Period.~

The major named by Bi suddenly shouted:

Reporting to Lieutenant General, the Marshal is in the office!

Okay, I understand, you can disband and I'll go by myself.


After saying that, Garp shook his cloak of justice and rushed to the marshal's office at the top of the office building.


I saw Garp slap open the door of the marshal's office and walked in.

Ah haha, Warring States Period, I encountered a very interesting thing this time when I went to sea.

Huh? What's the matter? But before I talk about this, can you knock on the door and come in next time?!!!

Ah haha, what's the matter? Come on! I'll treat you to donuts!

This middle-aged man wearing a seagull hat, round-framed black glasses, and a braided beard is the newly appointed navy marshal, Warring States!

Eat your sister's donuts. Isn't your mission to chase a small pirate group? Why are you back so soon?

Tsk, tsk, let others deal with that pirate group.

What? That's not a dumpling. The captain is a dangerous man with 30 million heads!

Yeah, I know. But the man I met this time is a bit interesting. His strength makes me feel very dangerous...


Sengoku's pen fell to the ground...

As an old comrade-in-arms, Warring States will know what kind of strength Garp is, or in other words, the people who know Garp’s strength best are Warring States and Grandma He.

The three of them entered the navy together and have worked together for so many years. Garp's background is basically clear. said it actually makes you feel dangerous? Who is it?

Well, a man I've never seen before. He calls himself a traveler. He's neither a pirate nor a bounty hunter.

After hearing this, Warring States frowned and then asked:

Can you please stop giving me a sloppy look and get to the point?

Ah haha!

Garp grinned and ate the donuts crazily.

That kid... filled the whole sky with visions with one move. Isn't that enough? I guess it wasn't his full strength. From his eyes, I can tell what kind of person he is. He is very selfish. I want to It's impossible to make him change his mind. My advice to you is that it's best not to contact or even monitor him. Anyway, he has no hostility towards us.

what do you mean?

What do you mean you still don't understand? I'm just telling you not to use some despicable tricks on that man, and reminding you that his ship is hundreds of times bigger than my warship!


Warring States really couldn't calm down this time.

What? Hundreds of times as big as a warship? What kind of behemoth is that?

And the whole body is made of steel. Can you imagine that a steel monster hundreds of meters long is speeding on the sea. Although I didn't see any weapons on the ship, anyone with toes knows it. How could there be no weapons?

This time the Warring States Period was completely confused. How many troops would be needed to fight such a huge warship?

Garp sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, glanced at the confused Sengoku, and continued eating donuts crazily.

Have you figured it out? Warring States Period...

Hey... let's put this matter aside for now, we have more important things.

...Are you talking about that?



Garp was silent, and so was Warring States.

The first half of the Grand Line is a windless zone.

The Tang En family returned to the seabed in the windless zone.

Here, there is the most beautiful underwater scenery, and the sea is also very quiet, and there will be no bloody things like the past few days.

For example, pirates...

My dear, when did our aimlessness end? Where are the devil fruits?

Well, I don't know where there are Devil Fruits. Those pirates got them by chance. We can only try our luck.

Tch, okay. Hey, Tang En. What do you think it is?

...What the hell?

It's so cute. Look, it actually sells newspapers...

Tang En was stunned for a moment, opened his senses, and immediately noticed the messenger bird circling on the sea.

I... we are under the sea?

Helpless, Tang En slowly surfaced the Leisurely, opened the armor wall, and the family came to the deck.

The letter bird flapped its wings and stood on Tang En's shoulder, handing him a newspaper. But Tang En skillfully gave him one of Bailey's coins.

When Tang En got the newspaper, his family immediately gathered around!

Hey, this world is so amazing. Newspapers are used to convey information. How backward.

Let's see what big news there is.

Tang En opened the newspaper, and what came into view was a headline that took up the entire page!

He read out word for word:

In the year 1500 A.D., the world's greatest villain, Pirate King Roger, will be executed live in the town of Roger, the town where he was born, in one week's time, broadcast live to the world!

After hearing this news, they finally looked at each other. And Tang En...

It seems like I have a very bad premonition...


Wow! Tang En, let's go join in the fun! How about putting the Devil Fruit and all that aside for now!


Okay, I can’t even think about showing off this time.

Don't you know that Roger's execution was a major event that shocked the world! Those who could come to Roger Town that day were all figures who could turn the world upside down!

What else can we be afraid of? If you don't accept it, just press it to the ground and rub it.

Kushina and the girls waved their hands indifferently...

Tang En looked up at the sky, put his hand on his forehead, and murmured.

What kind of good wife did I get!!!

Tang En was still sighing on the deck, while the girls walked into the cabin excitedly, preparing to reset the course.

control room.

Now, Rogge Town is here. It's not very far. You can reach it directly through this windless zone. It will take about a week.

That's right, hurry up. Apart from the deserted island we just arrived here, we haven't landed anywhere else yet. I'm so looking forward to it!

After saying that, Kaguya's hands were seen frantically adjusting the route on the complicated keyboard.

After a while, the settings were completed.

Target: Rogge Town!

Chapter 7 A major event that shocked the world

Excuse me! The Navy is preparing to execute the greatest villain, Pirate King Gol D. Roger, in a week! The execution will be in his birthplace, Tokairog Town!!!

On a bustling island where pirates gathered together in the Grand Line, a newsboy ran wildly, shouting loudly the news that shocked the world today!

At this time, a man came over. He had red hair and wore a black cloak.

Bring me a newspaper!

100 Baileys.

After the transaction was completed, the man opened the newspaper and read...

After he saw the content above, he grabbed the newspaper tightly with both hands, and finally tore the newspaper into pieces!

His face was filled with anger.!! Why is this happening!

Yes, this young man is the red-haired Shanks who just left the Roger Pirate Ship after it was disbanded!

No, I want to see the captain for the last time!

After saying that, he turned around and left in a hurry.

The Chambord Islands, also known as the Soap Bubble Islands, are located in front of the red continent in the middle of the Grand Line.

Near the Navy Headquarters, there is the world's largest mangrove, the Yalchman Mangrove. Because the roots of the tree are always exposed on the water, the Shampoo Islands are formed.

The island is made up of many large trees. The ground is the roots of the trees, and bubbles will emerge from the ground.

The whole island is composed of 79 trees, all of which are numbered. Each tree has towns and facilities. People call the archipelago of these 79 islands the Champaign Islands.

These numbers distinguish the composition of the islands.

It is composed as follows:

1st to 29th: Mainly include human trafficking shops, human auctions, illegal zones, etc.

30th to 39th: Mainly include soap bubble park, etc.

No. 40 to 49: Mainly tourist areas, specialty shops, etc.

No. 50 to 59: Mainly include shipyards, coating craftsmen, etc.

No. 60 to 69: Mainly include naval garrison, government entrance and exit, etc.

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