A huge dark blue sphere suddenly appeared in Tang En's palm. As it rotated irregularly, it grew larger and larger, and the roar could be heard for thousands of miles!

A few seconds later, under the horrified gaze of a group of pirates, Tang En condensed a dark blue disordered sphere with a diameter of several hundred meters.

Just after Tang En condensed this technique, a 100-meter phenomenon of surging sea water like a tsunami appeared in the void! It can be seen that Tang En is really angry this time.

Damn you pirates!

Divine Technique·Void Water Escape·Super·Crying Jade Spiral Wheel Geng!

As soon as the sound fell, Tang En gently pushed out the huge water ball that produced a 100-meter strange phenomenon!

The pirates were confused and completely stunned. Who had they offended by riding on the horse? ?

This...this kind of strength! ! ! !

Looking at the 100-meter energy ball flying closer and closer to the pirate ship, the pirates already knew what was going to happen next.

Ahhhhhh! Help!

However, Tang En had already turned his head and looked in another direction after throwing the skill.

Not looking at the explosion is of course Twain's confident skill.

As a huge pile of waves surged up, a roar came out, which became the background for Tang En to show off.

He held a cigarette in his mouth and looked at another wooden boat in the distance.

Eyes narrowed. He murmured:

The navy... I didn't expect that the pirate navy would see them all in one day. This can be considered a very good beginning, haha.

Tang En was in a good mood, but the old man standing on the warship, wearing a white cloak of justice and the same white suit, was not in a good mood.

I couldn't see his eyes clearly under the dog-head hat, but I could tell from his face and the expressions of his deputy and the soldiers on the ship that they were not in a good mood now. To tell you why...

Because of the super giant ship not far ahead!

Is this horse something that humans can create in this world?

From the perspective of this naval officer, the Youyouyi looks like a giant beast lying on the sea. The black and white hull is as smooth as a mirror, and there is no trace of connection. The graceful arc , it seems that it is not a mothership, but a huge sperm whale!

But the general with good eyesight could still clearly see the towering figure under the open armored deck.

Black leather shoes, black trousers, black belt, black shirt, cuffs turned up, one button on the collar opened, and tie loosened.

He has red hair, a standard slender and muscular figure, short red hair and a cigarette in his mouth.

The admiral pressed his dog-head hat and said to his deputy:

Don't get too close. Even now, we are probably within its strike range. Judging from its size, you should also know how dangerous this mysterious warship is. I'd better go by myself.

But Lieutenant General...

Okay, it's settled!

After saying that, this majestic lieutenant general jumped into the air with a clatter!

Then, he stepped on the air and flew towards Tang En's Leisurely, or in other words, it was like walking in the air!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

It even makes strange sounds when it kicks the air and walks.

Tang En looked at this legendary figure amusedly... Although this walk in the air was a bit... secondary!

With a click, this strong man wearing the skin of justice arrived on the deck of Leisure. They stood face to face not far from Tang En.

Why, don't you need to ask for the owner's permission to get on the ship? You just come on board casually, Lieutenant General?

Tang En looked at the visitor with a smile.

I saw the person lifting up his dog-headed hat, revealing an old face that everyone knew among pirates!

Dog head hat, Lieutenant General!

It's none other than Navy hero, Monkey D. Garp!

Ah hahaha! There are so many rules. Besides, for a strong man like you, you won't care about such a trivial matter with me, hahahaha!

Hearing this hearty laughter, Tang En was speechless.

Could it be...are all the D-word people such idiots? No, isn't the dragon quite gloomy?

Complaints are complaints, but Tang En still asked interestingly:

Hero Garp, how do you know I am strong? Look at how strong I can be with my small body.

After hearing Tang En's answer, Garp's face became very serious and he said word by word:

I saw everything that happened just now.

Chapter 5 Hero Garp

In the first half of the Grand Line, the leisurely ship welcomed two waves of guests as soon as it sailed out of the windless zone.

One wave is the funny pirates, and the other wave of guests is now the legendary big man, the naval hero, Monkey D. Garp!

On the huge and beautiful deck of the Leisure, Tang En and Garp stood facing the wind, their cloaks and ties swaying from side to side in the sea breeze.

Hearing that Tang En did not admit that he was a strong man, Garp's face became very serious and he said word by word:

I saw everything that happened just now.

Tang En was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

Oh! You're talking about the attack just now. I didn't want to take action at first. You should be chasing that pirate group, right? But who made them mess with me? It doesn't matter if they mess with me, but they dare to insult me ​​verbally His wife must be ruthlessly eliminated.

After saying that, he shrugged his shoulders indifferently and spread his hands again.

Garp looked at Tang En seriously. This man gave him a very, very, very dangerous feeling!

Yes, Garp's intuition has always been very accurate. Although this man is standing there like an ordinary person without any trace of his aura leaking out, the super attack that produced a huge phenomenon just now cannot escape Garp's eyes.

Strong, very strong. even……

657 You are very strong... You can give me a sense of oppression at just one stop. You are still the first in this world, not even the Five Old Stars can do it.

Huh? How can I give you a sense of oppression? It's just you who scares yourself, okay?

Garp curled his lips.

Then what is your identity?

After hearing about Garp's culture, Tang En smiled half-heartedly.

What identity? Of course I am an ordinary citizen. I am neither a pirate nor a navy, so what else can I be?

You're not a pirate?

Why am I a pirate?


A rhetorical question left Garp speechless, yes, why is he a pirate?

Ah hahahaha, misunderstanding, misunderstanding! Then since it's okay, I'll go back!

After saying that, Garp turned around and wanted to leave, but at this moment, Tang En called out to him.


Garp paused, wondering what this mysterious man wanted to do?

That pirate's head just now should be worth 30 million beli, right? Since I happened to meet your navy, why don't you give me the money?

This... this... I don't have any money either? If you want to get money, you should go to the Navy Headquarters. Anyway, it's only a few days' flight from the Navy Headquarters. How about...

Tang En smiled.

This old man is quite scheming. Deceive your own ship to go to the Navy Headquarters?

Even if I'm not afraid of the navy, I don't want to go to avoid trouble.

With that said, Tang En issued an order to expel guests.

Forget it then. I don't lack the money anyway. Can you leave? I still want to eat.

Old Man Garp is a little embarrassed. As a dignified naval hero, he actually let a young boy issue an eviction order...

Ah haha, then I'll leave first! By the way, I don't know your name yet?

Tang En smiled softly and replied:

My name is Uzumaki Tang En. I am a leisurely traveler.

After listening, Garp shook his cloak, turned and left.

When he walked to the side of the ship and finally left, Garp took a deep look at the man named Uzumaki Twain, jumped into the sky with a whoosh, and left on moon steps.

Looking at Garp's leaving back, Tang En raised the corner of his mouth and said to himself:

As soon as we went to sea, we were targeted by the navy. What a bad time!

After speaking, he shook his head and returned to the restaurant...

Lieutenant General, you are back, nothing is wrong.

Seeing Garp return, the adjutant immediately ran over and asked with concern.

What can I do, but I have to report this to Warring States today. The captain of this ship is very dangerous... Although he looks harmless, he actually gives me a sense of danger. This man is too scary. ”

The adjutant was shocked when he heard Garp's comment!

They all know the strength of their boss. He is the naval hero who captured the pirate king Roger!

Not even Roger could bring this kind of pressure to Garp...

Looking at Garp's calm blue face, the adjutant swallowed the stupid question he wanted to ask. He knew that this was true!

Then...then he is a pirate?

No, not a pirate. He said he was a traveler.

Then why don't we get him into the Navy?

Haha, when did you kid become so naughty? This is a good idea, but it is impossible. Although we only had a brief contact, it can be seen that this man has an extraordinary spiritual will. He is a very self-centered and strong man. It is impossible for anyone to change his mind, including us of course, so it is impossible for him to join the navy, but I can also see that that kid is a person who enjoys life. , it’s even more impossible to join the pirates. Just pray that he doesn’t cause imbalances in several camps!”

Looking at the disappointed Garp, the adjutant also fell silent.

Okay, although the pirates were not caught and pushed into the city, they were eliminated. Our mission is considered completed. Let's return.


After Garp's warship left, Tang En changed the mothership into diving mode.

In this way, you can avoid many eyes, and the days of comfort are always the best.

The family enjoyed dinner while looking at the beautiful scenery of the deep sea through the huge panoramic skylight.

Wow, Tang En, the underwater creatures here are completely different from those two worlds. Look over there, what a big fish!

Hearing Kushina's idiotic question, Tang En almost spat out a mouthful of black tea.

The women on the side even laughed.

Airi chuckled and put her arm around Kushina's.

Dear, didn't I tell you that it is a sea king species, not a fish. Tang En said that this sea is completely different from our two worlds. Isn't the legendary secret treasure of the sea fished out from the sea? , should we look for it?

Huh? This is a good idea, Tang En!

Ah? What are you doing...

How about we go collect Devil Fruits? Sister Kaguya also wants to study them, right?

Kaguya sat dignifiedly on the sofa with her bare feet. After hearing Kushina's words, she put down her tea cup and said:

Yes, I am very interested in special things in this world. I wonder what the true face of Devil Fruit is?

Tang En looked up to the sky...

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