The heaven and earth shook, the wind and clouds changed, and before he knew it, Tang En had the whole world in his pocket, or in other words, this planet!

The entire world is slowly merging with Tang En, becoming a heart of the world, stored in the Abode of God!

Time passes slowly.

When Twain returned to his original form.

In a corner of the Ten Realms Divine Wheel Eye, Divine Realm, and God's Residence, a beautiful hexagonal transparent stone appeared on the altar here.

Yes, this is the heart of the world in the world of Naruto.

Now, he has established a connection with Tang En, or has become a part of God's Residence!

Phew, it's done, then there's still Princess Kaguya Otsutsuki.

After saying that, Tang En's figure slowly disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already beside the four girls and Kaguya.

Looking down, he saw Naruto and Sasuke, who had officially recovered from a coma.

Have their Immortal Eyes and Immortal Power been recovered?

Well, here it is.

Hinata stretched out her hands, and two chakra balls floated in her hands.

Tang En smiled slightly, waved his hand, and received these two powers into the Abode of God.

Cultivation as a seed of power slowly, it can be used in the future. Then...

Turn around and look at Kaguya, who is as beautiful as a goddess.

Kaguya, you should know that your strength is not as good as mine. I also know your difficulties, so there is no need to fight. The traitor you created has been destroyed by me. I will help you unlock the seal and let you out. You'd better not lean over Uchiha Madara, uh, something like that...

Seeing Tang En like this, Kaguya's cold face suddenly showed a smile like a spring breeze.

Very beautiful.

She suddenly leaned forward, raised her lotus-like arms and hugged Tang En's neck, under the astonished eyes of everyone! Kissed Tang En on the lips!


With a slight click, Tang En was released.

Kaguya looked at Tang En with a tender look on her face.

If I could have met a man like you back then, I wouldn't have ended up like this...


Before she finished speaking, Kaguya left Madara Uchiha's body, and her soul returned to the seal of the moon!

The girls looked at Tang En playfully.

Dear, what are you going to do? Unblock, unblock, or unblock?

Ahem, what about that? I keep my word, so of course I have to unblock it. bastard!


Tang En chuckled, stepped into the void and disappeared.

At this time, Tang En had arrived in the starry sky above the moon, looking down at the planet where Kaguya's body was sealed.

Sighed, Kaguya.

Then he clasped his hands together, mobilized all the energy in his body, and shouted loudly!

Six Paths·Earth Explosion Star...Solution!!!

Boom! ! ! ! !

Just after the ground was freed from the kidnapping of the sacred tree, another thing was discovered that subverted their worldview.

That is……

Moon in the sky.


I wiped it!

That's the moon!

A group of humans who have just woken up are now all raising their necks, opening their mouths, and bulging their eyes, staring at the strange scenery in the sky!

Damn it, what should I do if there is no moon this night?

It doesn’t matter, just make another one!

I saw a palace appearing among the shattered moon.

This is Kaguya’s home after being sealed away for all these years!

I saw Kaguya wearing a long white dress, her hair of the same color floating in the starry sky, slowly flying towards Tang En.

You really came to save me.

Tang En scratched his head, smiled, and replied:

I will definitely do what I say. Besides, your life is also very miserable, but it's not your fault. It should be the world that is wrong, or the person who planted the sacred tree, that is, your Clan members...

Kaguya looked at Tang En in surprise.

I didn't expect you to know my identity. Yes, I did come from the stars. The tribe planted a sacred tree here.

Tang En looked at her funny:

Aren't you afraid that someone will come and steal the energy of this world from you?

Kaguya tilted her head and thought cutely for a moment before replying:

No, because apart from me, there seems to be no one in our tribe who can cross the stars.

Oh, so that's it. Is your tribe a single generation?

Yes, in my generation, I am the only one left! seems that the life level of your tribe is too high. This is the eternal law of the universe.

I don't understand either, but it's great to meet you!

After saying that, Kaguya leaned towards Tang En and held his arms with both hands.

She smiled, and her beautiful face made the starry sky light up!

Chapter 181 The Realm of Gods·The Residence of Gods

When Tang En brought Kaguya back to the ground, when the ninja coalition saw this strange woman, they were all shocked and silent!

Hold the grass, isn't this... isn't this the ancestor of chakra?

But after seeing her and Tang En's actions...

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang...

A group of jaws dropped to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Kakashi and Kai stood together with Haiichi, Shikaku, and Twelve Xiaoqiang, looking at Tang En with a smile.

As expected, it's Mr. Tang En. Even such a strong woman can be picked up!

Well, this is Mr. Tang En's youth! I also want to start practicing youth. My youth is already burning!

Li, let's start practicing now!

Yes, Teacher Kai!

A group of people around me had black lines on their faces...

What a pair of treasures!

At this time, Tang En brought Kaguya Otsutsuki, Kushina Uzumaki, Mikoto Uchiha, Konan, Hinata Hinata, and Tsunade Senju who had just come out.

One man and six women looked at the lively ninja alliance.

At this time, Tang En's disciples, Uchiha Izumi, Uzumaki Koso, Kaguya Kimimaro, and Yuki no Shiro, also came over with smiles.


Well, you guys have fun, and you won't have any trouble in the future.

Ah ha, of course I want to continue living like this. No one wants to fight and kill all day long, right?

Uh, that's true.

But, traveling is quite interesting. My goal is the stars and the sea!

The sea of ​​stars?

Well, you don't know this yet. It seems that I am going to find a world where you can learn about modern science.

Listening to Tang En's nonsense mumbling to himself, the disciples were confused.

Tang En's eyes lit up as he didn't know what he thought of.

Then, let's go home first. We have nothing to do. Tsunade, please give up your position as Hokage to Kakashi. Let's go home.


With that said, while the Ninja Alliance was still enjoying the carnival, Tang En and others quietly escaped into the void...

When light appeared in front of everyone's eyes again, it was already a beautiful forest.

Next to me, there was a piece of clear news. A large waterfall crashed vertically upstream, and a large lake sparkled.

This is my world, the realm of gods and the abode of gods!

God Realm·House of God?

That's right, Kaguya, I have ten worlds, and some of them are sub-worlds. The world elements are not complete, but this world is the only real world. It can be regarded as my own world. It does not exist in Any universe transcends the entire plane, so it is called the God Realm.”

Is that so, eh? That beautiful stone over there, I felt familiar fluctuations there...

The women and disciples followed Kaguya's gaze and looked over.

Sure enough, there was an altar there, with a shining, extremely brilliant hexagonal gem on it.

Oh, that is the Heart of the World in the Naruto world. When we are traveling, as long as you like, you can open the portal to fix the coordinates through this Heart of the World at any time and return there. As for the time difference, I don't know!

You are amazing!

Hey, it's okay, it's okay.

Let's go home first.

After speaking, Tang En led everyone towards his mansion.

This mansion is also a typical Japanese mansion style. In this place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, the happiness index should not be too high.

That night, the family held a big banquet!

It seems that the strength of several apprentices is not enough to resist alcohol, haha!

Tang En smiled obscenely.

In my world, it’s not me who has the final say! Tang En waved his hand and sealed his room!

He rubbed his hands and looked at the six charming bodies in front of him...


The man's voice resounded throughout the mansion under the bright moon!

A few days later.

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