The terrifying chakra aura, the intensity of the battle, and the weather-defying momentum it exuded made Kaguya Otsutsuki, Kushina Uzumaki, Mikoto Uchiha, Hinata Hinata, Konan, Naruto, Sasuke, and Kazuya near the sacred tree. Cassie, Sakura and others noticed!

Including the four ancestors who were reincarnated in clay!

Everyone stopped moving and turned their heads stiffly to look into the distance!

On the distant horizon, like a flashlight, there was a dazzling light flashing.

That was the highest level battle between Uzumaki Tang En and Otsutsuki Hagoromo!

The battle between the two and the terrifying amount of chakra and the heaven-defying force emanating from their bodies is no longer a question of whether the perception is strong or not, whether they can sense it or not. As long as you are an individual, you can feel this heaven-defying collision!

From the horizon, the sound comes slowly after the flash!

boom! Boom boom! Boom boom boom!

The deafening sound made everyone tremble!

Otsutsuki Kaguya looked towards the horizon, and then said:

Is it Otsutsuki Hagoromo? This treacherous son! When I separated part of my chakra and combined it with the soil, I used the power of God to give birth to him. I didn't expect that he would join forces with my younger brother to seal me!

The more he talks, the more resentful Otsutsuki Kaguya becomes!

The next moment, she turned her attention to Naruto and Sasuke853.

Staring at the sun and moon marks in their hands, she asked Kushina and the others. She just didn't feel it from Kushina and the others, and their strength deserved her equal treatment.

Do you know anything? That traitor is planning something.

Xiaonan said coldly:

We know something. Tang En told us that Indra and Asura in the bodies of these two people are specially used to deal with you for this fateful reincarnation. When these two people do not perform the task of sealing you, They will be controlled by the souls of those two people and enforce the orders. To put it bluntly, every reincarnation is a puppet, including Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

So that's it? Then, just kill them!

Konan shook his head and turned to look at Naruto and Sasuke.

They can't be killed. Just take back the immortal power and immortal eyes from them. Just control them and wait until Tang En comes back to erase the abnormal souls in their bodies.

Minato came up and asked.

Then, will it have any adverse effects on Naruto?

Don't worry, it won't happen. Isn't it the same these years? There will be no problem.

Just as a few people were chatting, the situation suddenly changed!

The expressions on Naruto and Sasuke's faces suddenly changed and became lifeless, like puppets reincarnated from clay and controlled.

I just heard two people say:

Hahaha, I finally triggered that technique. After hiding it for so many years, I can finally come out!

Kushina narrowed her eyes.

Asura and Indra.?

The two of them scanned the crowd and finally fixed their sights on Otsutsuki Kaguya.

The two looked at Otsutsuki Kaguya's body greedily, laughing wildly and saying:

Great! Kaguya Otsutsuki, your body will become the best nutrient in this world. When my father becomes one with this world and becomes the only god in this world, we can be resurrected and gain eternal life. life!!!

Meiqin and the others shook their heads and sighed.

What kind of father is what kind of son?

Crazy without limits.

As Mikoto and the others sighed, the postures of the four girls changed drastically in the next moment!

boom! ! ! ! !

Everyone's body is burning with terrifying chakra!

Mikoto, Kushina, and Konan are glowing gold, with purple brilliance flowing among them!

Hinata is blue! Tsansigan Chakra mode, but there are traces of diamond-colored transparent lightning on the chakra coat, with sparks jumping!

Soul power!

Kaguya looked at the girls in surprise, it turned out that they were really strong!

Asura and Indra's expressions suddenly changed, and the two of them were a little confused!

What's happening here? Hey, hey, they are basically at the quasi-sixth level now, right?

How to deal with so many six-level characters?

And they don't look ordinary.

Xiaonan said:

You two, you better get out of these two people's souls!

All things are attracted by heaven!

The battle is about to break out!

On the other side, Tang En had a sarcastic look on his face. Apart from seeking the Dao Jade, what other uses could chakra and natural energy be used for?

Do you want to defeat me with this?

The next moment, the Immortal of Six Paths threw the black energy ball on his head!

Drink! Die, alien!

Tang En grinned, raised his arm, turned his fingers into a gun shape, and whispered softly!

Shinto Mode·Energy Decomposition!

The words just fell.

The Six Paths Immortal's confident attack suddenly disappeared into the sky in a flash!

Ugh! That's impossible!

The Immortal of Six Paths was filled with astonishment, his eyes bulging out!

The law of conservation of energy, this is the truth, even God cannot break it!

Suddenly, behind him, Tang En's ghostly figure appeared. His pair of ten-realm divine wheel eyes rotated strangely, the purple light in his eyes slowly flowed, and he laughed and said:

Do you really think you are a god? Then I will show you your unknown power now!

Shinto Mode·Ten World Divine Wheel Eyes·Open!

The next moment, Tang En's Tai Chi realm reappeared! Wrapping the two of them in the center of the space!

You are now locked by me. I am invincible in the entire field, and this move, I call it a sure-kill physical technique. This is a fusion of the essence of my two lives, bringing together another The essence of the country that has been inherited for five thousand years, combined with my own abilities and my understanding to create the most powerful physical technique!

Magic Body Technique·Arahui Tai Chi·Super·Splitting God Fist

At this time, the Six Paths Immortal found that he could not move! Totally locked down.

Under his horrified gaze, Tang En slowly opened his stance!

Death, you arrogant man!


Two punches!

Four punches!

Eight punches!

Sixteen punches!

Thirty-two punches!

Sixty-four punches!

One hundred and twenty-eight punches!

Two hundred and fifty-six punches!

Five hundred and twelve punches!

One thousand and twenty-four punches!

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

Tang En punched the Six Paths Immortal all over his body, making him look like a demon with three heads and six arms, his long cyan hair waving in the wind!

The whole space is shining with countless lights! Click, click, click!

As dazzling as countless flashlights!

I saw the Immortal of Six Paths with his mouth wide open, unable to make a single sound. His body was like a mosaic, slowly decomposing starting from his feet!

After Tang En took his move and stood up, he looked at the Six Paths Immortal whose body collapsed in front of him:

Don't think that your soul can escape. In my realm, how is this possible! Also, I have also accepted your underworld realm!

You should die, die, die, die, die, die, die!

Chapter 180 The Immortal of Six Paths died!

In the fantasy space, two Tai Chi figures, one up and one down, rotate slowly.

In the center of the space, two figures stood facing each other.

Tang En stared at this ambitious man indifferently. He was about to disappear with the wind.

You should die, die, die, die, die, die, die!

The Immortal of Six Paths had a ferocious expression, his bloodshot reincarnation eyes bulged, and he glared angrily at the man in front of him who had ruined his entire plan!

This world has been played by you for thousands of years. It's time for it to change to a new master. You will disappear completely!

The Immortal of Six Paths yelled crazily:

I haven't failed yet! I haven't failed yet! My son will help me take revenge, and they will definitely fulfill my wish!!!! Become the god of this world, and then kill you!!!!

Oh, since you believe in your son so much, let me show you their fate.

After saying that, Tang En waved his hand, and a scene appeared after a wave of space. It was the battle between the four girls plus Kaguya, Ashura and Indra!

No need to explain, this is a massacre.

Anyone can defeat their strength, and now there are five of them!

See, this is your fate.

Asshole...bastard, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! You!!!

Before he finished speaking, the last head of the Immortal of Six Paths also disappeared into this world.

Huh...then, the next step is to assimilate this world, so it can be considered a part of my eyes.

After saying that, Tang En clasped his hands together and shouted lowly!

Shinto Mode·Ten World Divine Wheel Eyes·Open!

The Eye of the Ten Realms, the Sky Realm, and the Void of God

The Eye of the Ten Worlds, Time Realm, God's Crossing

With a soft drink, Tang En's eyes burst into brilliant silver light!

I saw an inexplicable aura exuding from his whole body. Yes, this is the power of time and space!

The women on the other side all felt the shock of the world.

Is this Tang En's doing?

I can't think of anyone other than him. Hinata, first eliminate the souls of these two people from their bodies. You must have this ability.

Okay, Sister Xiaonan.

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