Uchiha Itachi also died in the battle. Now the organization's combat strength has been greatly reduced. Red Sand Scorpion, Deidara, Kakuzu, Hidan, plus Uchiha Itachi, have lost five people.

Now the only ones left are you, Kisame and Zetsu. It's time to capture the Kyuubi!

This time, I, the god, will do it myself to let these mortals wake up and feel the pain.

Chapter 146 Eve

Uchiha Itachi has been at Tang En's house for a while, and he has adapted to the leisurely life now.

For him, besides his brother and the village, there is nothing wrong with enjoying this leisurely time.

What's more, the strength of the shop owner and his wife makes him qualified to enjoy it like this, because his task has been completed.

The bustling streets of Konoha Village and the peaceful atmosphere put a smile on every villager's face.

But obviously Lord Hokage is not leisurely. She is having a headache about the Akatsuki organization.

In other villages, Iwagakure, Sandgakure, and Kirigakure, all the tailed beasts in these villages have been captured by the Akatsuki organization, so now only the other half of the Eight-Tails and Nine-Tails are left, that is, Konoha and Thunder Ninja. .

The peaceful ninja world on the surface is actually undercurrents. All major villages have raised their alert levels and strengthened their defenses, and Konoha is no exception.

Just look at the busy ANBU and you will know how nervous they are.

However, Tsunade never even thought about Konoha being attacked, nor did she think about what kind of people were hidden in Konoha?

Are Tang En's family so easy to mess with?

The Liangxiao organization didn’t dare to come over. Wouldn’t that be pulling teeth out of a tiger’s mouth and seeking death?

But sometimes, the truth is so unexpected.

Jiraiya had just left for the Rain Hidden Village in the Land of Rain to prepare for a fight with the Akatsuki organization. The leader of the Akatsuki organization, Six Paths Pain, actually took the initiative and attacked Konoha!

And where is Naruto at this time?

Of course 183 is practicing magic at the Great Toad Immortal in Miaomu Mountain!

This time, Tang En decided not to take action and see if Naruto could defeat Six Paths Payne like in the original work!

Akatsuki Organization Base.

A Fei took advantage of the gap when Kakashi and others did not arrive and rescued Uchiha Sasuke who was seriously injured and dying.

Looking at the unconscious Uchiha Sasuke, the Sharingan under A Fei's mask looked even more weird and evil. It seemed like he was plotting something.

Huh? Where is this place? Ahem...

you're awake.

Uchiha Sasuke turned his head and saw the masked man, who was Fei.

Who are you? Huh? Akatsuki organization?

That's right, I'm here to tell you the truth about something.

Uchiha Sasuke frowned:

What do you mean?

Haha, will you be interested if I say this? It's the truth about Uchiha Itachi.

Sasuke's brows moved when he heard these words with a confused look on his face.

A Fei slowly spoke in a hoarse and gloomy tone:

Hehehe, by the way... you seem to know your brother very well, but... you actually know nothing, hehe. I have no choice, let me introduce myself first. Like you, I am from the Uchiha clan. The survivor is the one who knows the truth about Uchiha Itachi.!

At this time, suddenly! Uchiha Sasuke's eyes turned into kaleidoscopes!

Wocao, it's impossible, this is it!

Ahhhh...Amaterasu...Uchiha Itachi...

Well, actually A Fei was fine and used his divine power to dodge.

Haha, that's the Amaterasu that Itachi set on you. As expected of him, he can still surprise me even after death. I didn't expect that he would be so considerate for you.

Uchiha Sasuke was panicking inside.

what are you talking about!

Oh yo yo, he put a spell on you to kill me or to prevent me from getting close to you.

Don't you understand this? Uchiha Sasuke.

A Fei paused and broke the news that shocked Sasuke Uchiha.

Uchiha Itachi...it's to protect you, ah...

Uchiha Sasuke's troubled expression was completely dumbfounded! His eyes were widened and he looked at A Fei in a daze.

You...you, what did you say again? Protect me? You actually said...it was to protect me???

Ha, haha. This is really a big joke. That man actually said it was to protect me!

The corner of A Fei's mouth curled up under his mask, and there was a joking expression on his face. He spoke coldly and reminded Sasuke again.

If you didn't hear clearly, I'll say it again. You seem to know your brother very well, but you don't know anything at all.

Sasuke turned his head and gritted his teeth:

If you say anything more ridiculous than this, I will kill you.

Ah Fei really wanted to laugh.

If I hadn't made you a pawn, would I have talked so much nonsense with a joke like you?

He was so different from his brother Uchiha Itachi!

It seems that it is not that easy to convince you, but you still have to listen to me, because it is your obligation. You have to tell whether it is true or false. Well, this matter started decades ago. Talking about it.

A Fei, also known as Uchiha Obito, started the strongest mouth escape. I think with Uchiha Sasuke's IQ, he must have been fooled by that...

Hey, hey, your sister, you roll your eyes while playing cards. This is a foul, okay?

In the guard room at the entrance of Konoha Village, a group of ninjas were playing cards and living a peaceful life every day.

No more fun, no more fun, it's time to write a report.

Several people teased each other about going out, but at this moment.

A man wearing a black robe with red clouds appeared in front of them.

Is this...Akatsuki!? Report to Hokage-sama quickly!

Tiandao Payne just watched them rush towards him without saying a word, and hit several people to death with an iron rod with two pops.

Clean and crisp.

Konoha Village.

The ninja monitoring the village's boundary suddenly discovered something unusual!

No, there is an intruder! The ninja in charge of monitoring changed his face and shouted loudly!

Quickly determine the quantity. Who is here? Report it quickly!

The alarm bell rang loudly here, and Six Paths Payne also started taking action on the other side.

No matter whether that person is hiding in Konoha or not, this must be done. For the sake of nuclear peace!

Then we will divide them into two groups: luring enemies and exploring.

Let's confirm the candidates first. The enemy luring group is the Shura Path, the Animal Path, and the Hungry Ghost Path.

The exploration team is executed by the heaven, the human world, and the hell.

Konoha has opened a spherical barrier below and above the village. If you invade rashly, you will be discovered.

According to the plan, first throw the animal path into the sky above Konoha, use the animal path to summon the psychic beast, and disrupt the enemy's intelligence on me. During this time, launch a search and find the Nine-Tails before arresting him!

Beside him, there was another ninja, Kisame Kisaki.

No problem, Chief!

From now on, let the world feel the pain!!!!!!!!!

Boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Psychic art!!!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

On this day, the prosperous Konoha ushered in the scene it had two years ago and was invaded again!

The sudden attack caught Konoha by surprise!

Crabs, lobsters, rhinoceros, buffalo, crows, and many more various psychic beasts appeared in all directions of Konoha almost at the same time!

This is the beast path among Pain's six paths!

He was thrown into the air by the others, and in an instant, he summoned these psychic beasts and began to wreak havoc on Konoha!

Humph, this way, they won't know where we are entering from, and who is the real enemy, because there are enemies on all sides.

Kisame grinned at the side.

Plan begins, take action!

Chapter 147 Six Paths of Payne Attack

The prosperous Konoha in the past disappeared on this day, and the peaceful days were broken here, causing the villagers to complain and cry for injustice. A large number of villagers began to take refuge in an orderly manner under the organization of ninjas.

The Tang En family was still in the shop, just like usual, paying no attention to the chaos outside.

Several disciples had nothing to do, wiping the table with rags and chatting at the same time:

Hey, since the Fifth Hokage took over, the village's work efficiency has been much higher. Look, just after the attack, the village's evacuation order has been issued, and the action is very orderly -

Tang En was listening to the chat between his disciples and almost choked himself with a puff of cigarette.

Wow, the disciples’ hearts are really getting bigger and bigger. This is not a drill, this is not a drill! This is really invaded!

Why can you be so calm?

Xiaonan seemed to see through what Tang En was thinking. Wiping his hands on his apron, he walked over, stood next to Tang En, looked at the panicked crowd outside, and said coldly:

It's not because of your fault. Isn't it normal for your apprentice to follow you?

Uh, I don't do that either?

Then who doesn't want to care about anything he sees and is always watching the show?

Ahem, Xiaonan, don't say it so harshly. I should take action now, not to mention that Mr. Payne will deal with it. It's not my turn to take action.

Kushina and Mikoto giggled when they saw that Tang En was so pretentious that he didn't say anything about Konan.

Damn, this is a psychic beast. There are intruders. Get rid of these guys quickly!

Where did this come from!

In addition to organizing the villagers to evacuate in an orderly manner, the idle ninjas in Konoha Village also began to launch a counterattack!

They held kunai and attacked these psychic beasts in groups, with shurikens and detonating charms flying around!

Ding, ding, ding... These shurikens made of fine iron hit these psychic beasts, but they couldn't break the defense at all. They could still recall the sound of gold and iron clashing, which shows how powerful the defense is.

This... is such a powerful psychic technique! It can't even break through the defense, use ninjutsu!

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