Hey, this black fire is a combination of Yin Escape and Fire Escape, right? It's quite powerful.

Yes, that should be it. Otherwise, how could it not be extinguished?

Uchiha Sasuke was seen moving away, but in the end he did not escape the fate of being bombed.

Tang En shook his head.

It's really ridiculous that such strength is actually the reincarnation of Indra.

I still borrowed Uncle Snake's skills, tsk tsk.

Sasuke then used Fire Release continuously to pave the way for Thunder Release and Kirin.

Then there is Uchiha Itachi's Susanoo.

When Uchiha Itachi finally fell, the entire space returned to silence.

The four members of Tang En's family stared down at this scene, and noticed that Black and White Jue had already evacuated, probably to find Ah Fei, right? They looked at each other and slowly disappeared.

When the four figures reappeared in the real space, they had already arrived next to Uchiha Itachi's body. Sasuke was gone, and he probably walked away.

Tang En, Itachi's soul hasn't gone over there yet. It should be able to be saved.

Tang En's lips curled up.

Of course, dear, you don't even know who I am. Not to mention that I haven't gone there. Even if I have gone there, I can drag you back.

Let's take his body and leave first, then go home. It won't be fun when Kakashi and the others come here and see us.

After saying that, with a gentle wave of his hand, Uchiha Itachi's body was received into the sky.

The figures of several people blurred for a while and then disappeared.

On the other side, Fei used funny actions and funny voices to tease Kakashi and others.

Black and White Jue appeared at this time and told him the result of the battle just now.

When Naruto heard about Sasuke and Itachi, he felt excited again!

Fortunately, Kakashi stopped him...

After hearing the result, Fei stopped teasing them and retreated with Black and White Zetsu, leaving Kakashi with a shadow of Sharingan...

Quick, let's act quickly!

After saying that, the two 193 teams quickly started their steps.

Konoha Village, the Tang En family compound.

In a wooden house, Uchiha Itachi's body was lying on the tatami, and Tang En's family looked around. Especially Uchiha Izumi.

He looked at Itachi with a complicated expression.

After all, he was his childhood playmate, and I didn’t want him to die in vain...

Tang En was waiting for this opportunity. He couldn't let Itachi, such a good seedling, die like this!

Tang En stood up, raised his hands, and the Ten World Divine Wheel Eyes in his eyes slowly turned, and the mysterious symbols in them began to bloom with dazzling brilliance.

Analyzing the target's injuries, it was confirmed that there were pulverized fractures all over the body and multiple massive bleeding. It was confirmed that it was life-threatening. Reconstruction has begun.

Buzz, Tang En's body lit up with green chakra representing life, covering Uchiha Itachi's whole body through his palms.

I saw Uchiha Itachi's scarred body changing at a dreamlike speed. In an instant, he returned to a healthy state, which was as weird as violating the laws of nature.

Reconstruction is over, restoration is complete.

Recovering his body only lasted a moment for Tang En.

Huh, your body is almost recovered.

PS: This illustration is for every friend who loves brothers and sisters. manual funny

Chapter 145 Another Waiter

Looking at Itachi Uchiha lying there, his body miraculously recovering, several disciples were shocked.

This is the first time they have seen Tang En use this mysterious ability. Can this really be called a ninjutsu? Or should it be called a miracle?

Well, this is just some simple Yang Dun and the use of my own abilities. There is nothing surprising. With your strength, you should be exposed to Yang Dun and Yin Dun abilities by now. Practice well. Then what happens next yes……

Tang En began to form seals with his hands!

A series of marks, probably hundreds of them! This shows how complex this ninjutsu is!

Tang En's body burned with transparent chakra! That's right, it's crystal clear and colorless chakra!

This represents the power of space and time.

Tang En can use this power to summon anyone's soul back from the infinite underworld!

The Eye of the Ten Worlds God, the Law of Cause and Effect, and the Glory of the Underworld!

The next moment, the whole room suddenly lit up, and the dazzling light made everyone naturally raise their arms to block their eyes.

After a while, it calmed down.

After calming down, everyone stared at Itachi Uchiha lying there...

Suddenly, his fingers trembled, and then his eyelids trembled slightly before he slowly opened his eyes.

...Huh? Is this hell? I wonder how my brother is doing, huh...

Just after he finished speaking, he felt something was wrong... He was not in a soul state, which meant that he could feel his body...

Uchiha Itachi suddenly woke up, this is clay reincarnation? No, no, this is his own body... then this is it!

Just as he was thinking quickly about what was going on, a man's voice suddenly sounded in his ears...

Are you awake? Just wake up. Although it didn't take much effort to save you, it still counts as selling yourself to me? Just stay and help in the store from now on.

Hearing this familiar voice, Uchiha Itachi turned his head in surprise and looked at the figure who made the sound.

As expected, it was that man...

Yes...Mr. Tang En, did you save me?

Tang En shrugged his shoulders, spread his hands and said:

Then do you think anyone else in the entire ninja world can do such a thing?

Itachi's face twitched, it was indeed like the legendary stinky fart...but.

Uh, what Mr. Tang En said is... Itachi is very grateful for your help. Do you know how my brother... Uchiha Sasuke is doing?

Well, you don't have to worry about him. He will have a much better life than you. Of course, there will be some training in the middle.

Hearing Tang En say this, Uchiha Itachi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he took a closer look at the other people in the room.

So Mikoto-sama, Kushina-sama are here, and... Konan-sama. Uchiha Itachi is polite here.

Mikoto smiled softly and replied:

Haha, you must have suffered a lot these years. If others don't know about you, how could we not know?

Uchiha Itachi had a wry smile on his face.

As expected, nothing can be hidden from your eyes.

Kushina pouted.

Don't talk about things like your Uchiha family, even things about the Akatsuki organization can't escape our eyes. It was really stupid for the third generation old man and the top management of Konoha to let you go and be a spy, huh.

Okay Kushina, after all, those old immortals are dead, so don't complain.

Tang En lit a cigarette and said to Uchiha Itachi:

I have helped you recover your body, including removing your terminal illness, and helping you restore your eyes to their best condition. There will be no problem even if you consume too much in the future. I have given you a little bit of me in your body. The bloodline is the same as Quan. As long as you practice hard, it is possible for your eyes to be the same as Quan.

Then, you will be working in our store starting tomorrow. You have a good rest and we will go back first! By the way, this will be your room from now on.

Well, thank you very much Mr. Tang En, but my identity... I am still a rebel ninja of Konoha. I cannot come forward... to do this part-time job.

Tang En exhaled a puff of smoke and waved his hand at him.

This is nothing, just go to work in the store tomorrow.

After saying this, he said hello to everyone, took Kushina, Mikoto, and Konan away, walked to the door and told them:

Well, you are both about the same age. Let's communicate well. We will work together in the future! Bye!

Several people in the room thought that Tang En had left, but unexpectedly he put his head back and said with a playful expression:

By the way, Itachi, your acting skills are really not that good.

This time, he really left.

Several disciples looked helpless and spread their hands towards Itachi.

Don't worry, teachers are just like that. Sometimes they are very out of tune, but they are very reliable at critical moments.

Itachi nodded, agreeing with Karin.

Mr. Tang En, it goes without saying that he is strong. In the entire ninja world, he is the only one who can be feared by the Akatsuki organization...

Oh? Hey, can you tell us your story in the Akatsuki organization? It must be very interesting!

That's right, Itachi, can you tell me? There's nothing wrong with your health anyway, it's still early!

The four Tang Ens who had just arrived at the door of their house in the distance looked at each other and smiled.

On the other side, within a few minutes of Tang En and others leaving with Itachi's body, A Fei and Black White Zee arrived.

You told me the duel is over, so where is Itachi Uchiha's body?

Black and white Jue looked around, looking confused. What's going on?

How is it possible? I just left here less than a few minutes ago. There is no way someone could have quietly taken away Itachi's body without my knowledge.

Hmph, why is it impossible? What if it's that person?

That person? Who?

Damn it, are you mentally retarded? Who else could it be, Uzumaki Twain!

Uh, you mean, he was here when Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi were dueling just now?

Don't you know that he can also use space and time ninjutsu? Moreover, it is much more powerful than ours.

At this point, the two big bosses behind the scenes fell silent, calculating over and over again, forgetting about this super big boss who they thought was the least likely to take action.

Fuck, forget it. It doesn't matter if there's no Itachi's body. Let's go! The fish from Konoha over there have already arrived.


Kakashi and others rushed to the scene of the incident. When they arrived, only ruins were left. Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi all disappeared, leaving only black flames burning in the rain.

Everyone wore cloaks and stood on the high ground, facing the heavy rain, silently looking at the ruins that had just become a mess.

Naruto clenched his fists unwillingly. Gritting his teeth.

Sakura looked even sadder.


Rain Ninja Village, the main base of the Akatsuki organization.

In the dark room where the leader of the organization, Payne, is located.

The space began to distort, and A Fei slowly appeared wearing an orange vortex mask.

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