Chapter 98 Cell: It’s time for you to experience the feeling of being beaten.

Lynch felt the opponent’s soaring energy, and his face began to become serious.

After all, the opponent was weird everywhere, especially at this moment he seemed to think of some system, it must be the system that helped him to cheat.

But he didn’t believe that the opponent’s system was so awesome that it could make his strength surpass him in an instant. If so, he would admit defeat. Sure enough, the opponent’s energy began to become stronger and stronger. Lynch felt that it was approaching him, and even vaguely surpassed Lynch. He couldn’t help but sigh that other people’s plug-ins were really powerful, and then he started to criticize the system.

“Look, look, others have become stronger than me in just a short period of time. Why do I still have to practice so hard?”

“Can’t you learn from others?”

“Ding! Get out!”

“Why is he so strong? Don’t you have any idea? This is obviously the last resort to save his life, and he can’t maintain this state for long.”

“Once you get through it, he will have to wait for death.”

“What level do you think the other party will reach? I tell you, if the other party reaches the level of an angel or a boxing champion in one go, I’m doomed!”

“Ding! Impossible, absolutely impossible to that extent, at most it is just the level of destroying gods.”

Lin Qi: Lin Qi really wants to ask the system 24, can’t you listen to what you say, at most it is just the level of destroying gods, this level can’t be touched by you at all, okay?

“Are you serious? You think I can beat you?”

“Ding! Don’t forget that there are strong and weak gods of destruction”

“If you really want to calculate, you yourself are also at this level.”

“So why are you afraid of fighting him? This guy just happens to be your sharpening stone.”

“Don’t forget that if you can’t win with your Qi martial arts, you still have the power of the fairy to back you up.”

“Normally you seldom use this ability, but have you forgotten the essence of your power?”

After hearing this, Lynch also remembered that, yes, if you can’t beat it, you can still cheat, what’s there to be afraid of!

Lynch’s silence at this moment made people think that the other party felt serious because the monster in front of him had become different, but no one expected that he still had time to play with his own system.

Until this moment, when Cell’s energy in front of him reached its peak, Lynch confirmed that the other party’s normal state was much stronger than his own.

At this moment, the other party regained his confidence, clasped his hands in front of his chest, and moved to Lynch at high speed.

“Come, let’s continue with the second part.”

When Cell was about to continue speaking after saying this, he made a temporary stop gesture, interrupting him and making him say what he wanted to say.

“Wait, I have something to say before the fight.”

Lin Qi’s words made him feel confused.

“Tell me about it.”

Cell was not in a hurry at all. After all, he felt that he was incomparably powerful now. He also felt how strong the opponent’s energy was, but his normal state had already crushed him, not to mention that he could transform into a black and gold form.

To be honest, he felt that this guy was quite reckless. With his own strength, he could have easily defeated his previous self in seconds, but he was playing cat and mouse with him here. Now it was good that the positions of the two were reversed.

So he didn’t suggest listening to what this little mouse wanted to say.

“Why don’t you return No. 17 before the fight? Anyway, you are more angry than me now, and I promised, you can’t let me break my promise.”

“And with your current appearance, you probably won’t be able to use him.”

After Lin Qi admitted that the other party was stronger than him, everyone was stunned, and then everyone in the Super God Universe felt desperate.

Morgana went crazy.

“Bitch! What the hell is going on with He Xi? How did that monster suddenly become so strong?”

“That oppressive feeling, at such a long distance, I feel frightened now, as if I am going to be crushed to death at any time.”

The rest of the people looked unhappy.

After all, to be honest, they also felt a fatal threat. Do you know how far apart they are?

He Xi was too lazy to answer, and his face became very solemn.

The most naughty angel:”Fuck! Can you handle it? Don’t tell me I’m going to flip over.””

White-eyed Princess:”Brother Lin Qi, is the opponent really stronger than you now?””

Lovely Little Linglong:”Open it, this guy is definitely open.””

I’m not a fox spirit:”Wow XX, I can’t escape this disaster, right?””

Dead kid:”It is estimated that the plug-in in his body gave him a temporary counterattack, but Brother Lin is quite calm.””

Playboy:”It seems that he doesn’t take the opponent seriously at all. If I remember correctly, Brother Lin seems to be able to transform.””The Queen

Who Wants to Fall in Love:”I think my dear will not lose.”

The little yellow-haired man in the anime world:”I guess the other party should have a new transformation or something. After all, this is the trump card given to him by the system, and his basic stats are indeed better than mine!”

The little yellow-haired man in the anime world:”Even much better than me.””

Bones made into soup:”Ah, then Lin Qi-san, what are you going to do about this?””

The future empress:”You are worried about a hammer. You can tell at a glance that the other party has a time limit. This is clearly an experience card.””The future empress:”And the fellow villager is so calm, you can tell at a glance that he treats this guy as a whetstone.”

The little yellow-haired man in the anime world:”Indeed, don’t forget that I am Chuanchao and I just happen to have a good whetstone. It’s a waste not to use it.”

The most naughty angel:”Brother, can you not toss so hard? My small place can’t stand the tossing of you two.”

He Xi felt that this small place of hers really couldn’t accommodate these two great gods. After all, if the two of them fought, the universe would easily explode, not to mention that they didn’t have the angels who controlled the power of time like over there.

At this moment, Cell didn’t expect that Lin Qi was talking about this matter. He felt it was interesting.

“Haha, do you think I would do such a brainless thing?”

Lin Qi couldn’t help but sigh after hearing this. The other party was not the simple guy in the original Dragon Ball, but a time traveler.

This time, Lin Qi could only sigh and speak with a helpless expression on his face.


“I don’t think you can maintain this state for long, let me see your full strength.”

After hearing this, Cell looked at the other party’s expression and thought that the other party was desperate and wanted to fight with him before he died. He didn’t mind satisfying the other party.

After all, because of the other party, he also had the opportunity to cheat.



Then Cell’s arrogance exploded directly, and the original green skin instantly changed to black, and there were golden patterns embellished. Instantly, the style was much higher.

And this aura suddenly increased the pressure on everyone.

Lynch couldn’t help but brighten his eyes when he saw the other party like this, but he had to admit that the aura after the transformation did suppress him.

As a result, although Lynch’s eyes lit up, his expression was a little uncomfortable.

Seeing Lynch like this, Cell’s smile on his face became more arrogant.

“This is my black gold form.”

“Well, if you don’t have any other cards, then just prepare to die.”

“But before you die, I will repay you for what you did to me before.”

Sharu has been thinking about the fact that he was beaten like a dog by this guy.

Anyway, there is only one hour, he doesn’t mind taking out half an hour to beat this guy, and there are still more than 20 or nearly 30 minutes left. After all, leaving this time is just in case.

Lynch felt helpless after hearing this.

PS: The new book is about to start, and it urgently needs the strong support of all handsome men, beautiful women, and big men! If you pass by, don’t miss it, and beg for collection, recommendation, Amway, flowers, and everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please collect it. Thank you! I kneel down to all the big men!

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