Chapter 97 Good fellow, you actually traded py!.

No. 18 felt that her brain capacity was a little insufficient. After all, a lot of memories were poured into her head when she just woke up.

When all these memories were poured in, she took a look at the surrounding environment and immediately understood what was going on.

The guy who poured the memories in, that is, the guy on the screen at the moment, saved her and sent her out.

And he made it clear to her that this was not the universe or world she had lived in before, but a brand new world.

After he finished dealing with Cell, she had only two choices.

I am this person called Lin Qi, giving her a peaceful and carefree life.

On the contrary, no matter her body and mind, she must say that she belongs to him, and everything is up to him.

Under this premise, she is given absolute freedom.

The second is to be killed by him personally. After all, she does not belong here. If he is not around to guarantee her, he, who does not belong to this world like Cell, will definitely be eliminated.

No. 18 just woke up and did not expect to receive so much information. It must be said that the amount of this information is really large.

Because she remembers the scene of her defeat and then absorbing it.

So he couldn’t help but smile bitterly, but he suddenly thought of something. He was rescued, but what about No. 17?

You know, No. 17 is his twin brother! He was able to rescue him, so he was probably alive.

No. 18 wanted to contact Lin Qi when she saw this, but she found that she didn’t have the relevant means.

But she browsed the memory Lin Qi gave her and suddenly walked in front of He Xi.

He Xi looked at No. 18 in front of her and had to admit that she was a little afraid of him. After all, to be honest, she couldn’t beat him. The opponent’s strength in the early stage was not something she could touch, not to mention that he could go to the Power Conference to play later.

So she must be alert, so as not to provoke the other party and cause any problems.

Recently, this guy seemed a little neurotic.

In He Xi’s eyes, No. 18’s mood was indeed a little unstable. After all, which normal person would wake up like that after being together.

So He Xi said that she had to be careful.

Not only her, but also the other angels looked alert. After all, the other party’s origin was a little unclear, not to mention that he was protruding.

“Can you contact him?”

“Tell him that I agree to his request, but I just want him to help me rescue No. 17.”

He Xi was confused after hearing this. What is going on? How did the other party know that I could contact that guy. And to be honest, He Xi was quite curious. Did these two people reach a py deal? They actually agreed to the other party’s request.

Although he was curious, he knew very well that now was not the time to talk, so He Xi chose to nod to show that he knew. At the same time, he felt a little gloating. After all, No. 17 had to be rescued, and after the other party was rescued, what was this guy going to do? The most naughty angel:”@The little yellow hair in the world of Zongman”

The most naughty angel:”No. 18 said he agreed to your deal, but there was a requirement that you rescue No. 17.”

The future empress:”Oh my god, these two people actually have a py deal.”

Cute little Linglong:”Curious.”

Playboy:”Uncle Tony, I am also curious.”

White-eyed Princess:”Curious.”

Tsundere God’s Tongue:”I’m sure the content of this deal is definitely not a good thing.”

The little yellow-haired man in the world of anime: The little yellow-haired man in the world of anime:”I just put the other party under my supervision.”

The little yellow-haired man in the world of anime:”After all, if I don’t kill her, I have to keep some tricks.”

The little yellow-haired man in the world of anime:”But I didn’t expect that I would be asked to rescue No. 17, and this is a problem.”

Gentle Sister Hua:”I don’t think this matter is a problem for you, Lin Qijun, right?” The little yellow-haired man in the world of anime:”The problem is not a problem, the problem is where should I throw No. 17?”

The little yellow-haired man in the world of anime:”After all, I don’t want to bring a man with me, let alone a non-mainstream guy with long hair around me.” The little yellow-haired man in the world of anime:”I also understand that it is difficult for the other party to deal with it.”

Dead kid:”Indeed, let alone the side of the world of anime, it’s such a small place, it’s easy for some chaos to occur.”

The little yellow-haired man in the world of anime:”He Xi, find a planet with beautiful mountains and rivers to dye the other party’s hair. Anyway, the other party has become a forest ranger according to the original book.”

The little yellow-haired girl in the anime world:”But the other person has a crush on No. 16. A little angel seduced her earlier, and the two went into seclusion.”

The naughtiest angel:”Damn! What do you think angels are? You send them to seduce them just like that?”

The little yellow-haired girl in the anime world:”Just think about it, once this plan succeeds, you angels in the known universe can do whatever you want.” The little yellow-haired girl in the anime world:”After all, there is such a top-level combat power, who dares to go against you?”

I’m not a vixen:”Cough cough cough”

Boil bones into soup:”These words are very spiritual, indicating that they have something to say.”

The most naughty angel:”Look, look, someone has already jumped out.”

The little yellow-haired man in the world of anime:”Except the little fox, I mean, except for the little fox, who dares to sing against you?” The most naughty angel:”Anyway, don’t give me such a big trouble, anyway, this guy can’t be dealt with on our side……”

Lynch felt a bit of a headache after seeing this, and then he closed the chat group. After all, there was something wrong with Cell at the moment, or the energy in his body was soaring like crazy.

Lynch thought to himself, could it be that the other party’s plug-in helped?

Just as Lynch thought, he didn’t expect that he could spit out No. 18 as in the plot, and he seriously suspected that this guy did it on purpose, just to make him spit people out.

As for whether there was another No. 17 in his body and he would be beaten out, Cell said it was impossible. After all, he knew very well what kind of person the time traveler was. No. 18 would be fine, but No. 17 would definitely be safe.

“System, if there is anything to save your life, please give it to me quickly, otherwise we will all be doomed.”

Sharu knew very well that he could not beat Lynch by himself, so he asked the system for help without saying anything.

To be honest, if it were not for the system’s request to let him play a killing game, he would have swallowed this place long ago, but the system’s reward allowed him to evolve again, and his potential was greatly improved.

To be honest, he was looking forward to it.

He originally thought that he was invincible in this universe and could play however he wanted, but he did not expect such a main force to appear so soon!

“Ding! The host is detected to be in a life-or-death crisis, and the system has specially activated a self-rescue plan.”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a Black Gold Cell Experience Card.”The co-traveler was a little confused after hearing the system’s prompt. He had never heard of this thing. Could it be that the system made it?

When he finished reading the experience card, he showed a strange expression on his face. He said that he didn’t expect to get such a powerful experience card, although it had never appeared in the history of Dragon Ball.

But this was made by the system, which means that it was produced by the system.

But he felt that the color was a bit strange. He was originally green, and it turned into black and gold, which made him a little unimaginable.

But now that life and death are at stake, he can’t think so much, so he used the experience card without saying a word.

The next thing is that Lin Qi sensed that the other party’s qi was soaring.

This guy must not use any formal means, or break the boundary to upgrade.

PS: The new book is about to set sail, and it urgently needs the strong support of all handsome men, beautiful women, and big guys! If you pass by, don’t miss it. Please collect it, recommend it, recommend it, ask for flowers, and ask for everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please click on the collection. Thank you! Kneel down to all the big guys!

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