Chapter 0087 No. 17 No. 18?!

Because the movement in this scene was a bit loud, everyone stared intently, but unfortunately, the other party was still very calm.

The people present couldn’t help but feel disappointed. How should such a monster win?

Sun Wukong saw that this move was not working, so he immediately took back the stick and made it shrink. Then it turned into a figure with three heads and six arms, and pointed the weapon on the arm at the killing in front of him, and the weapon was actually attached with a layer of golden energy.

“Oh, there are special effects.”

Lin Qi looked like he was having fun.

The energy that Sun Wukong exploded at this moment really gave everyone a threat.

But hitting the opponent was still useless.

Sun Wukong beat the opponent for nearly two minutes, and it seemed that It had no effect, so he had to roar up to the sky, and then a huge monkey appeared. This was his unique trick, the law of heaven and earth.

Then the monkey swung the stick hard, and the stick made a huge noise, which was also successful. The opponent was moved, of course, just by taking a step back. It had to be said that this was a very successful start.

Everyone saw hope and was able to push the opponent back.

The monkey, no matter how hard he strikes, can’t push the opponent back. So everyone wonders if they were blinded by the attack?

Lu also spoke.

“I didn’t expect you to be able to knock me back a step when I was in a relaxed state, which is indeed worthy of praise.”

Everyone was stunned after hearing this. They were in a relaxed state, which means that the other party just took the stick like a limp and only took a step back.

Now the other party is probably more serious and stood and let this stick go. The monkey beat him, but he became motionless again.

After hearing this, Sun Wukong looked up to the sky and roared, and then a more powerful energy burst out from his body, and the figure of the heaven and earth became an incomparable snack, especially The stick on the dharma image can be said to be emitting a dazzling golden light, and then this half was raised high and chopped down like a battle axe.


The entire arena collapsed, and a large number of cracks appeared on the ground, and a huge pit appeared in the center of the stage.

The cracks continued to spread, and only stopped spreading after reaching dozens of kilometers, which was enough to show how powerful this attack was. Was it trying to smash the planet directly?

Because the dust had not yet dispersed, it was unclear what was going on inside, causing many people to swallow their saliva, and in their hearts they hoped that this half could successfully beat the other side back.

“Brother Monkey’s stick is so powerful, he should be able to finish off the opponent, right? The whole planet was almost destroyed.”

“Brother Monkey will definitely be able to solve it.”

The people in the Xiongbing Company kept cheering themselves up.

Qiangwei also had a lizard expression on her face, hoping to succeed.

But unlike these guys, the capable people all had serious faces.

As expected , when the dust went up, Sun Wukong’s appearance of heaven and earth had been cancelled, and his whole body was supported by a stick, giving people a feeling of being crumbling and about to fall at any time.

It can be said that that half of his whole body was concentrated on it. The tone was knocked out.

In other words, it was a desperate fight. Unexpectedly, the other party was still standing intact and without any dust on his body.

“Monster… Monster!”

Sun Wukong only had time to finish this sentence before he was absorbed by the other party.

“Okay, let’s start the next one.”

After doing all this, Cell looked like he was doing something that he could do easily, and then he turned around and walked off the stage.

It was enough to prove that he didn’t take this battle seriously at all, or that he had no interest in it.

Although the previous half was more lethal than Pan Zheng in a sense, it was still useless to him. On the Earth side, everyone wailed when they saw their idol, the God of War, being absorbed.

Everyone felt desperate, but the martial arts competition continued.

And Rose suddenly looked incredulous.

“How could this happen?”

He had also heard about this monkey. He was a true god of war who had fought off Lieyang alone 1,000 years ago. But he had no power to fight back against this monster. He even tried his best but couldn’t leave any scar on the other party.

Lynch was not surprised by this result. After all, it would be strange if he could leave any scar. Although this guy had some bugs, it only worked here, not outside. Instead, Lynch discovered something very interesting!

Just now, when the other party was searching for Wukong, he found that he was not wrong for the first time. There were still other people’s qi in the other party’s body.

And although there were two qi, which were nothing to him, they were indeed stronger than them here.

Lynch seriously suspected that this was the one in the original book, or that the other party had been possessed and came here. After all, those two auras definitely belong to No. 17 and No. 18.

Although Lynch was interested, he also had a headache. He was not interested in No. 17. If No. 18 was saved, then what should he do with the other party?

After all, even in the later period, the other party was still a hot-tempered person, let alone this period…

This is not easy to deal with. It is impossible not to really kill the other party, that would be a pity.

And what to do after doing it is also a problem. Should he stay here or swallow the other party into his body through the power of the fairy and take her back, and then spit her out?

Wait, when Lynch thought of this power in himself, he suddenly remembered something. He has always lacked the means of teleportation, and doesn’t this ability allow teleportation?

Damn! If it is possible, why does he keep staring at the teleportation in the chat group? He can rely on this.

“System! Come out, come out, I have a question for you”

“Ding! Host, do you have anything to ask?”

“Doesn’t the fairy power in me give me the ability to move instantly? By the way, which one is better than this ability or the unlimited teleportation in the chat group?”

“Ding! This system personally recommends the one above the chat group”

“Ding! Although it has the same effect, the one in the chat group is the most suitable.”

“The instantaneous teleportation ability of the fairy power can be easily restricted by others”

“For example, if the same person restricts the array, the fairy power will be restricted by that person, but the instant movement of the chat group will not be restricted.”

“On the other hand, if teleportation is also restricted, the teleportation of fairy power will definitely be restricted.”

“Ding! Of course, the host can make do with it in his current situation.”

Lin Qi curled his lips after hearing this, it seems that this point can’t be saved.

To be honest, after obtaining this power, he has not studied it much, after all, he feels that it is useless. It seems that he has to study 1.6 and develop it now. Moreover, he also has the ability of mind control. He feels that he can control No. 18, or give her some hints or something like that.

As for how to bring people back, isn’t there a chat group? At most, I can negotiate with the chat group.

When Lin Qi thought of this, a smile appeared on his face. At the same time, he had the urge to scold others or himself in his heart.

There is obviously a mountain of gold, but it is placed aside and he runs to get the sperm on the surface instead of digging deep.

Lin Qi simply closed his eyes and didn’t watch the next game. After all, there is nothing good to see next, and he has to dig his memory well.

PS: The new book is about to set sail, and it urgently needs the strong support of all handsome men, beautiful women, and big men! If you pass by, don’t miss it. Please collect it, recommend it, and ask for everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please click on the collection. Thank you! Kneel down to all the big men!

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