Chapter 0086: Could this Sharu have learned Tietou Gong?!

Cute little Linglong:”Isn’t it similar to some of the speeches in some movies from a certain country?”

The future empress:”Tsk, tsk, tsk, I didn’t expect you, Linglong, to be such a person. I immediately thought of those movies. It seems that you don’t pay much attention to it. How would you feel if your suitors knew about this?

“What are you afraid of? Those guys won’t know.”.JPG”

Dead child:”Sure enough, this is a goddess in front of others and a filthy woman in the back.”

Cute and cute little Linglong:”Don’t talk nonsense like you, this is just a normal study of knowledge.” Cute and cute little Linglong :”And these are all shown to me by Hua’er. They have nothing to do with me. I was forced to do so.”

Dagu made soup:”I feel like this is a plastic sisterhood.”

Gentle Sister Hua:” Are you attacking the wrong person?”

The arrogant God’s Tongue:”What’s there to attack? That guy has always said that he is not a good person, what else do you want him to do?”

The Queen who wants to fall in love:”I agree with this, dear, I have always said not to treat him as a good person. He hates being treated as a good person.——”

Pirate Empress:”And if I remember correctly, it was the other party who kidnapped Lin Qijun with morality first, and now he is just kidnapping her behind her back.” The skinniest angel:”Tsk, tsk, tsk, if the other party really agrees, I really want to Liang Bing looked at what his favorite Space-Time Rose would look like when someone pressed her down and did whatever he wanted.”

The future empress:”Linglong, look at this, this is the role of setting up a character first.”

Playboy:”Indeed. , If Brother Lin said that he was a good person at the beginning, and the other party did that kind of thing subtly, we would definitely think that there was something wrong with the other party, or we would have some other bad emotions towards the other party.”

Playboy:”The problem is that your brother has said from the beginning that he is not a good person, so isn’t it normal to do such threatening things?”

Princess White Eyes:”It turns out that you can learn like this.”

Cute little Linglong :”I’ll go, the relationship can still be like this. If I had known it, I wouldn’t have any idol baggage or anything like that.”

Xiao Huangmao of the Comprehensive Comic World:”Is there a possibility that I am teasing him now? After all, the other party doesn’t have a chat group, and I won’t be able to stay in this world for long.”

Xiao Huangmao from the Comprehensive Comics World:”This girl clearly lacks a beating, and she dares to kidnap me morally. Who gives her the courage to kidnap me so much? , I want to see what she is going to do.”

The future empress:”What are you going to do if the other party agrees?”

Xiao Huangmao of the Comprehensive Comic World:”What else can you do? You should enjoy it. Well, it just so happens that my name is Xiao Huangmao, and that villain keeps staring at him from time to time, asking me to be Huangmao.”

Xiao Huangmao from the Comprehensive Comic World:”To be honest, I have never done it. This kind of thing always feels a bit exciting.”

The future empress:”Oh shit! You said that the chat group gave you a random name before, but the name was not wrong.”

Xiao Huangmao from Zongman World:”Is it possible? I do this because of the chat group?”

Playboy:”Brother Lin, don’t explain, we all understand.”

Dead child:”Yes, there is no need to explain this kind of thing, we all understand.

” Sister Hua:”Tsk, tsk, tsk, I feel like Mr. Lin Qi in the other world is starting to let himself go.”

The arrogant God’s Tongue:”This guy has two girls here. I seriously doubt that he suppressed them in order to set an example. It’s just me.”

Xiao Huangmao from Zongman World:”Is it possible that I have been busy since I awakened my memory, and now I don’t have to be so busy for the time being, and I have time to do my own things?”

The future empress ? :”Aren’t you invincible at the beginning? With a super bloodline at the beginning, who is your opponent?”

Xiao Huangmao of the Comprehensive Comic World:”After awakening the memory, I know so many things, I know there are more There are no alien civilizations.”

Xiao Huangmao from Zongman World said:”It wasn’t until I became successful in my cultivation that I couldn’t see any living ones when I walked around for a few weeks, so I was sure that this was the only one. There is life on the planet. Of course, I don’t rule out whether there is life in farther places. After all, I don’t have the ability to teleport.”

Xiao Huangmao from Zongman World said:”And this planet has also figured out its combat capabilities, so I can definitely do it now. To put it arrogantly, everyone here is rubbish.”

The most naughty angel:”This guy is also a scumbag in relationships.”

Xiao Huangmao from the comic book world:”Nonsense, it’s hard to live my life again, and I’m still in the comic book world. I have to cherish my life whether I have a house or not.”

Xiao Huangmao from the comic world:”After all, in my awakening memory, I have met a lot of female protagonists since I was a child.”

When Lynch was chatting passionately with people in the chat group, Qiangwei remained silent at this moment, as if thinking about something, until the first game started when Sun Wukong came on.

Qiangwei didn’t reply until then. , just turned around silently and looked at Sun Wukong on the field.

He held a trace of expectation in his heart, hoping that the other party would be able to kill this monster.

The rest of the people had no hope, but some people in the know knew about this monster. There is something wrong with the origin of the monkey, so there is a glimmer of hope. After Sun Wukong came on the stage, he and

Saru looked at each other…

Wukong shouted and his aura was fully activated, giving people a very oppressive feeling.

Lu didn’t pay attention to the opponent’s momentum. Instead, he held his hands in front of his chest and silently watched the opponent’s performance.

Sun Wukong jumped up with the golden cudgel in his hands, and his whole body became a C-shaped charge, using up all his strength. Half of it hit the opponent’s head from the sky.

Shalu didn’t care at all about the half-graceful stick. He still held his hands in front of his chest and hit himself on the head with paint.


There was a loud noise when the stick hit the opponent’s head, and an invisible energy began to spread outward from the point where the opponent’s head and the stick touched.

It’s just a pity that after taking such a heavy blow, Cell still didn’t move, his eyes were full of contempt, as if to say, that’s it?

Sun Wukong felt that his hands were really numb from the rebound force. You know, he has an indestructible body.

It can be imagined how hard the other half used just now, but in the end, nothing happened to Wan.

He didn’t believe in evil and used a set of methods to attack the opponent’s vital points.

“”Ping pong!”

These sounds rang out, but the opponent remained motionless.

At this time everyone understood that this monkey could not break the opponent’s defense at all.

As a result, Sun Wukong did not believe in evil, and used his clone skill. Countless monkeys appeared all of a sudden, and then surrounded and beat up Cell in front of him. He did not believe that there would not be a trace of scars after such a crazy attack on the opponent.

As a result, the opponent who had been beating up the opponent for nearly ten minutes still had no scars. Instead, he yawned and spoke in a tone full of disdain:”I said monkey, do you have any other moves? If not, I will take action.”

After hearing this, Sun Wukong looked back to the sky, and then threw the stick in his hand into the air. It grew wildly in front of everyone, and then when it grew to the extreme, he let the stick fall from the sky.

The stick was like a huge hill, and its shadow directly covered Cell. When it fell from the sky, there was a loud noise. But in the end, it was hit by the opponent’s head.

Seeing this scene, Lin Qi couldn’t help but sighed,”I don’t know what ability this Cell has, but he must have the Iron Head Skill.”

PS: The new book is about to start, and it urgently needs the strong support of all handsome men, beautiful women, and big brothers! If you pass by, don’t miss it. I’m begging for collection, recommendation, Amway, and everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please click on the collection. Thank you! I kneel down to all the big brothers!

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