Chapter 0077 Damn it! You actually lied!

“Maybe it’s just a coincidence. Can’t you see that I’m bubbling now?”

“Don’t tell me that the other party also happened to be popping up today?”

“I’m taking a day off. Is there any problem with going to work today?”

Kawasaki Saki said in a matter-of-fact tone. After all, he is just asking for leave, not resigning, so generally speaking, one day is enough.

Not to mention the unmarried head teacher, although he has a terrible personality, he is indeed very responsible.

Lin Qi was speechless for a moment after hearing this. Then you choose to kill him and refuse to admit it.

“Anyway, it’s just a coincidence that I don’t take the blame for this matter.”

Lin Qi said this with a confident look, because he knew very well that the other party would not show up to ask for leave today, and his suspicion could be washed away.

Although looking at Lin Qi’s confident look, he was reluctant I believed it, and sure enough, they all dispelled their suspicions when they heard that the other party had asked for leave again today, and Lin Qi couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief, and then he started to go back to his normal life in the evening. Thinking of going there again, but after sending a message,

Lin Qi thought about it and continued practicing. After all, she had been very lazy during this period.

The next day, Jing Keai regained her strength. It was all online, but when she first came, Lin Qi gave him a wink, and someone gave him a direct look, which meant to tell Lin Qi not to talk nonsense, or else be careful about the consequences.

Faced with this threat, Lin Qi could only relax his shoulders and said that he understood.

After all, what else could he do?

Plus, he didn’t have time to do that much today. After all, he had fun. Without saying a word

, Lin Qi entered the table-side mode and was completely immersed in the chat group:

“I heard that there is going to be a fight over there today.”

Xiao Huangmao from the comic world:”@ the most skinny angel @ I am not a fox”

The future empress:”If I remember correctly, I don’t know how the people on their side are preparing for today.

Playboy:”This is a rare scene. I have postponed all my appointments today, prepared Coke, popcorn, etc., waiting for the arrogant God’s Tongue to show up:”Ahem, I I just have a day off today, so I have time to take a good look.”

The gentle sister Hua said:”There is a crisis of world destruction on the other side. Why do I feel that you all see this as fun?”

The dead kid:”It’s not our fault. Ah, after all, we have no way to go and help.”

The Queen who wants to fall in love:”After all, this is the behavior of the jungle, it is normal.”

The Queen who wants to fall in love:”Their side is not strong enough, so they can only be slaughtered by tourists.”

Pirate Empress:”There is no one available to help with all the tasks in the chat, so it’s just like this.”

Big Bone Soup:”I just have a rest today, so I can finish it. I guess I can finish it in one day.”

I’m not a vixen:”The relationship is really hopeless this time.”

The cute little Linglong:”What’s going on now? Let’s start a live broadcast and see.”

Su Xiaoli could only respond to the crowd. After watching the live broadcast, I saw an arena built on a piece of land, with no buildings around it, only wasteland.

But there were many people around, many even dressed in ancient styles, and some even wore animal shapes.

Lin Qi accidentally saw two familiar faces that appeared in anime, and then he didn’t know anything about them anymore. Even the triangle thing started to pop up.

The little yellow hair of the comic book world:”Where is this place?”

I am not a vixen:”Earth!”


Playboy:”Actually, I am quite curious. There are so many planets in the Milky Way, why do you have to choose this one?”

Dead child:”You don’t want to recreate the original plot, so you choose this place specifically?”

Cute little Linglong:”It’s really a troublesome little ball, especially yours..”

I’m not a vixen:”, I just want to eat and drink and wait for death, why should I encounter such a mess?”

Princess Baiyan:”Actually, I want to ask, can this planet withstand the opponent’s battle?”

Xiao Huangmao from Zongman World:”There is a saying that concentration is the essence. Can’t you see that when these people are fighting on the planet, their attacks can destroy the galaxy and even the universe, but the planet remains intact?

” Xiao Huangmao from the comic world:”The main reason is that when these people fight, they will minimize the impact on the surroundings.”

Xiao Huangmao from the comic world:”After all, destroying planets and the like will not be of any use. The main thing is The purpose is just to defeat the opponent.”

The future empress said:”That’s true. Can’t you see that the earth in Dragon Ball has gone through so many battles and rarely exploded? Is it purely a deliberate attempt to lower the opponent? The destructive power of the planet is concentrated on one point and hits the body.”

Xiao Huangmao from Zongman World:”Of course, sometimes the impact of the battle is too strong, and there is nothing we can do about it.”

The queen who wants to fall in love. Adult:”I’m curious, are these people really coming here so well-behaved?”

I’m not a vixen:”As far as I know, the other party is trying to scare the monkeys.”

The skinniest angel:”Several gods have been raped. The other party is beaten to death, do you think these people dare not come?”

Xiao Huangmao from Zongman World:”Fuck you! I thought you had always planned not to watch the chat group.……”

The skinniest angel:”Go away! Mom, I just have something to do. It’s not like you don’t know that your vote is on me. How can I have time to take care of so many things.” The skinniest angel:”Now is the time to prepare. Everything is ready, and the rest is left to fate.”

Xiao Huangmao from Zongman World:”By the way, how have you been tortured by the other side these days?”

Xiao Huangmao from Zongman World:”And you have. Didn’t you notice anything unusual?”

The future empress said,”Did you notice something?”

The skinniest angel said,”I didn’t notice anything unusual, or I didn’t have time to care about it. , On the contrary, the other party has done something mysterious to scare the monkeys, so that everyone knows that the other party is powerful and has to come.”

The most naughty angel:”And the man-in-law also sent a notice to all civilizations, everyone knows that the other party is powerful. Now we can only unite together and mobilize the troops as much as possible. Once the opponent wins, then everyone will fight to the death.”

Xiao Huangmao from the Comprehensive Comic World:”By the way, I saw Carl and Morgana. Where is that guy Jilan?”

Xiao Huangmao from Zongman World asked,”Are there any so-called void creatures that haven’t bubbled up yet?”

The skinniest angel said,”That guy Jilan can’t be contacted at all, and the Super Seminary Those people also said that the other party didn’t contact them, and they couldn’t find anyone.”

The skinniest angel:”As for the void, I don’t know how to be familiar with them.”

The future empress:”Isn’t Kieran said to be integrated into the universe? ?how?”

“Such a big thing has not been discovered?”

Playboy:”I feel that the other party should be hiding and planning to 0.3 to see what is going on.”

Playboy:”If you can solve it, everyone will be happy. If you can’t solve it, and he can’t solve it, he will probably choose to run away.”

Cute little Linglong:”Can he run away?”

Tsundere God’s Tongue:”I feel that the other party is unlikely to run away. After all, this guy wants to destroy the universe, so the other party can’t hide at all.”

The little yellow-haired manga world:”In fact, there is one thing I really want to know. How did you know when the other party killed the chicken to scare the monkey? Or did this guy do a live broadcast?” The little yellow-haired manga world:”This guy gives me a very weird feeling.”

PS: The new book is about to start, and it urgently needs the strong support of all handsome men, beautiful women, and big guys! If you pass by, don’t miss it. I’m begging for collection, recommendation, Amway, and everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please click on the collection. Thank you! I kneel down to all the big guys!

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