Chapter 0076 I finally waited for you to wake up, and we can have dinner!!

Just as she was thinking about life, Lin Qi also woke up.

After Lin Qi woke up, he spoke with a full of energy:”Awake?” After

Shizuka Hiratsuka looked at Uncle Lin Qi as if nothing had happened, he felt even more confused. After all, if something really happened, it would not be as natural as it is now.

Shizuka Hiratsuka could not care about her current state. After all, it was not the first time, so she didn’t care too much and spoke hurriedly.

“What the hell happened to us last night?”

After Lin Qi heard what the other party said, he showed an expression that wanted to eat someone, and then said in a gritted tone:”Why don’t you respond carefully?”

Hiratsuka Shizu looked at this guy’s posture, why did he feel as if the problem was hers?

The problem is that no matter how you look at this situation, it seems that the other party is the fault.

However, Hiratsuka Shizu still listened to 07’s words and thought about it carefully. , and then after thinking about it, he seemed to have a vague impression that he had a hard time throwing up yesterday.

Combined with the current posture of the two of them, he seemed to understand something.

“Could it be that yesterday when I was vomiting?……”

Lin Qi decisively took over the other party’s words and spoke

“That’s right! You not only vomited on your clothes, but also on my clothes. After I helped you clean it up yesterday, you still had to deal with it in the middle of the night.”

“And don’t think too much. Those things on my body are just rewards. After all, you were drunk and vomited. Do you think I can do it?”

After hearing this, Shizuka Hiratsuka’s face also showed an embarrassed expression. It was her own fault.

She couldn’t help but feel a little lucky, but also a little disappointed. The encounter she imagined didn’t happen. After all, if this happened when she was drunk, she could still find an excuse for herself, but now forget it.

Shizuka Hiratsuka didn’t care about her current situation. Instead, she spoke carelessly.

“Haha, you should just forget about this matter. Let’s just pretend that nothing happened yesterday. Now I should go to work.”

After hearing what the other party said, Lin Qi spoke in a flat tone:”It’s already noon, what are you thinking about?”

After hearing this, Shizuka Hiratsuka’s face suddenly changed. She picked up the mobile phone thrown on the bedside and saw that it was already noon.

Oh my! His expression instantly became very ugly. After all, he didn’t ask for leave for no reason and didn’t go to work. This is a bit hard to say. Then she thought that Lin Qi didn’t go either, so it was enough to show that the two of them asked for leave together.

Or one of them was absent from work and the other was absent from class. Is there such a coincidence in the world? This way, it is easy to arouse suspicion.

Just when she was thinking about how to make up for it, Lin Qi continued:”I have already asked for leave for you, so you can rest assured. As for me, just think of it as me sending you a text message.”

Hearing this, Shizuka Hiratsuka couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. This was still easy to say.

Just when she was about to speak, Lynch continued to speak to himself:”Okay, these little things have been resolved, so let’s do some business.”

After hearing this, Shizuka Hiratsuka was immediately confused. What was this business?

Lynch simply covered her mouth.

Shizuka Hiratsuka’s eyes suddenly opened wide, and she wanted to struggle, but found that she couldn’t. After the two separated, she temporarily adopted a smiling tone and said,”You smelled too bad yesterday, and you were drunk. That was meaningless.”

“Now it’s all right, it’s my turn to collect the reward.”

After Lynch finished speaking, he blocked the other person’s mouth again, and thought to himself, don’t you think he is a good person?

You know, he has always looked down on those Asian-type guys, so how could he become that type of person, it’s just that the situation yesterday was a bit difficult to bite.

After hearing what 07 said, Shizuka Hiratsuka felt bad all of a sudden. You know, if it happened once when she was drunk, he could probably barely treat it as a mistake made after being drunk, but this bastard had to wait until she was sober to do this.

Isn’t this a sure way to mess with her mentality?

She is not drunk now, and she can’t even think about it after she wakes up.

In this way, the two of them entered the mode of extreme pulling, but it’s a pity that she is not better than Lynch?

As a result, this violent and mature female teacher who has been single for 30 years finally said goodbye to her singleness…

But when Lynch returned to school the next day, the other party asked for another day off.

Lynch remembered the scene when he sent the other party home early in the morning, which made her want to bite him to death, but it’s a pity that she was The whole person was limp, and she was really weak. He was even responsible for carrying her upstairs.

Before Lynch left, the other party did not forget to threaten her that if this matter dared to be spread, she would die with him.

Lynch heard the other party’s determination, so he raised a few fingers and promised that it would never be spread.

After all, why would such a thing be spread? Just keep it to yourself.

After Lynch sent the person back, he went straight back to school. As for the smell on his body, or the dirty clothes, he could completely solve it with witchcraft. The reason why he didn’t do a one-click solution before was just to wait for the other party to wake up and couldn’t leave.

After all, he is not a good person, this is the key point!.

When Lynch came to the classroom, it was already early, and the rest of the people arrived one after another, but no one asked him what happened yesterday. After all, since they knew there was a ghost, these people felt that Lynch seemed to have become a little elusive.

At most, they thought that the other party might have gone to work yesterday.

And when class was about to start, he was willing to come here and give Lynch a lunch.

“Oni-chan, this is your lunch”

“I didn’t know if you would show up today, so I didn’t do so much.”

Rui Ye left after he finished speaking, but for a moment the others felt a little weird. After all, as far as Lynch was concerned, his sister knew roughly where this guy went, but it sounded like this guy just disappeared.

Lynch felt a little bit of a toothache when looking at the lunch. After all, he notified the other party quite late to ask him to bring him a lunch…

I guess the other party also hurriedly made some.

But in response to everyone’s gazes, Lynch said that he couldn’t see it.

After all, some things are hard to explain, so simply don’t explain.

The others didn’t say much after seeing Lynch choose to play dumb, after all, if the other party didn’t say anything, they would definitely not be able to get this guy to talk.

And later everyone knew that after asking for leave once, Kawasaki Saki, who was only sitting in the front, spoke in a joking tone

“I thought you stayed with Teacher Jing yesterday.”

Lin Qi even trembled slightly after hearing this, and then quickly returned to normal, pretending to be joking.

“Ahaha, your joke is not very funny. After all, where did you come to the conclusion that the two of us would stay together?”

“If I have to say it, I can only say that it is intuition. After all, my intuition tells me that this is the case.”

“And it was a coincidence that you two asked for leave at the same time without saying anything. Plus, I felt that something was not right with you two. Or maybe it was you who was not right. After all, you are a beautiful lady and a teacher!”

“Based on my understanding of you, it would be strange if you didn’t take action.”

At this moment, Lin Qi also felt the stinging gazes from other directions.

To be honest, he couldn’t help but sigh why their intuitions were so accurate?

Or was it because they knew him too well?

PS: The new book is about to start sailing, and it urgently needs the strong support of all handsome men, beautiful women, and big men! If you pass by, don’t miss it, and beg for collection, recommendation, Amway, and everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please click on the collection, thank you everyone! I kneel down to all the big men!

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