Chapter 0066 No ring? Then let’s be girlfriends first!!

When Lynch said this, he looked distressed, as if he regretted doing something wrong.

Kawasaki Saki was immediately numb when she saw Lynch like this. Mianmian looked frivolous one second ago, but the next second he looked distressed.

Kawasaki Saki said that it was a waste for this guy not to be an actor.

Just when she wanted to speak, she saw her mouth was blocked.

Kawasaki Saki’s inner thoughts were that Lynch was a sneak attack on her again without martial ethics!

But because of the experience she had once before, and under Lynch’s not-so-experienced leadership, she was not so resistant.

To put it bluntly, she herself did not reject this matter, otherwise Lynch’s tongue could be said to be useless.

About three minutes later, Lynch let go of the other party. The other party blushed and looked down, as if he didn’t dare to look Lynch in the eye.

Lynch licked his lips and said with a grinning tone:”How is it? Are you satisfied with this explanation?”

When Kawasaki Saki was about to speak, she suddenly remembered that her hand had been held down by this guy, and she hurriedly said:”Let go of my hand, you’re squeezing it numb.”

Lynch immediately put down the other’s hand after hearing what the other said, and then she rubbed her own hand and said in a complaining tone:”Don’t you know how to be gentle?”

Lynch said sorry with an apologetic expression on his face after hearing what the other said.

Then he grabbed the other’s hand that was a little red from his hand and put it in front of him, and said with a grinning tone:”Come, let me see?”

Lynch put the other’s hand in front of him, and saw that it was a little red.

Kawasaki Saki immediately retracted her hand and said it was okay.

After hearing what the other party said, Lynch smiled and said,”Since it’s okay, let’s continue.”

Lynch didn’t give the other party a chance to refute, and once again attacked him forcefully. This time, after they separated, the other party was not angry or anything like that. Instead, he looked at Lynch with a serious look and said,”What’s the situation with us?”

Lynch said that the most classic and important question came after hearing this.

This clearly means that she wants an attitude from herself.

Kawasaki Saki really thought so. What she wanted was an attitude or a promise from Lynch.

Although some things are clear to everyone, the other party must say it in person, otherwise she will feel a little uneasy.

If she hates the other party, she will definitely not communicate with the other party anymore, especially in the case of this guy.

But because of this, this guy must give her a promise for some things.

I dare to show off now, so at least don’t want her to pay attention to him in the short term.

Lynch is not a fool. Seeing that the other party has no joking expression at all, and has such a serious expression, how can he not know what the other party is thinking in his heart? What he wants now is a statement from himself.

After Lin Qi understood this, he put away his frivolous look and said seriously:”What else can we have now? You are nothing more than my girlfriend, one of my future wives.”

After hearing this, Kawasaki Saki rolled her eyes at Lin Qi and said in a very dissatisfied tone:”Can’t you remove the one of them?”

“Let me see what the situation is now. It turns out that you have to add one of them.”

“If it had been anyone else, they would have been beaten twice and then broken up.”

Kawasaki Saki said that this time he was really angry with this damn steel man. He could get away with lying to himself at this time, because he knew some things very well.

But this bastard still didn’t dare to lie to himself. She had to tell the truth.

If such a person dared to confess like this to a girl he didn’t know very well or didn’t like very much, she guaranteed that the matter would be blown away.

Lin Qi had a smile on his face after hearing this. With a smile on his face, he said:”Of course I know this.”

“It’s just that I don’t really like to lie to people, especially on things like this.”

“So I will tell you honestly and leave the choice in your hands.”

Kawasaki Saki seemed to have thought of something after hearing Lynch’s words. A smile appeared on his lips and he said:”Then what if I disagree?”

Lin Qi didn’t expect that this chick was doing this. He knew exactly what the other party was thinking.

Lynch said, OK, OK, OK, you actually want to know the consequences of not agreeing, so I don’t mind telling you.

Lynch suddenly pretended made a distressed look

“Oh, if you don’t agree, then I’m really embarrassed.”

“But I can’t give up, so I have to kidnap you by force and get a marriage certificate with you.”

“I’ll let you have a few more babies before I let you go. What do you think of this suggestion?”

After hearing this, Saki Kawasaki was speechless. She originally thought that this guy Lin Qi would pester her to get her, but she didn’t expect him to be so direct.

He was planning to do it all at once.

“Do you understand that you are breaking the law?”

Kawasaki Saki spoke in an angry tone.

After hearing what the other party said, Lynch said in a nonchalant tone:”What are you afraid of? The law has nothing to do with me”

“And what if I broke the law just to abduct you home?”

After hearing this, Saki Kawasaki said in a tone full of ridicule:”I can’t stand this kind of thing.”

“And I don’t want to visit you in the police station or prison in the future.”

Lin Qi turned his head away after hearing what the other party said, and then said in a gentle tone:”So, Saki, are you satisfied with the relationship I just answered?”

Kawasaki Saki was silent for a while after hearing what Lin Qi said, and then said in a very dissatisfied tone:

“You said I was one of your future wives, but you didn’t even have a ring, and you agreed to it like this?”

Lin Qi:…

Lin Qi was also stumbling after hearing the other party’s dissatisfied words. It was indeed as the other party said. He talked about the issue of wife in one breath, but he didn’t prepare anything. It was impossible for the other party to agree like this, right?

“Those girlfriends, I will make up the ring when I find something suitable.”

Saki Kawasaki felt a little strange after hearing what Lynch said. Although he was not ready to become his wife so early, to be honest, she was very eager for the ring, especially when she was surrounded by all kinds of wolves, she wanted to be the first to take the ring.

So she couldn’t help but ask:”This thing shouldn’t be difficult for you to make, right? Why do you say you want to find materials? Are you planning to make it yourself?”

Lynch heard the other party ask this question and spoke in a teasing tone:”Saki, are you eager for this ring?”

Saki Kawasaki blushed after being pointed out by Lynch’s straightforward words, and then spoke in a hypocritical attitude:”Who is eager for this thing? I’m just asking out of curiosity.” Lynch looked at the other party’s blushing face and couldn’t help but feel it was quite interesting, but he still explained it to the other party.

“Didn’t I tell you before that I would get you the best defensive items?”

“So I plan to make it into a ring or a necklace or bracelet.”

“You won’t take these things off, so you can wear them for the rest of your life.”

“At the same time, this way, there will be no danger of not having it with you.”

Lin Qi was afraid that these people would lose everything and feel that they were too valuable to carry with them, so he planned to get some things that must be carried with him.

PS: The new book is about to start, and we urgently need all the handsome guys, beauties, and bosses. Thank you for your strong support! Don’t miss it if you pass by. Please add it to your collection, please recommend it, please add it to your favorites, please add it to your favorites, thank you!

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