Chapter 0065: Account? I’d rather you give me a roll of tape!!

After Tony heard what Lynch said, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, and the most important thing was that no matter how he looked at it, he was not at a loss.

Tony believes that Hexi is absolutely willing to make this deal.

But the only thing that worried him was.

Playboy:”By the way, Miss Hexi, do you have a backup of the power of the Galaxy?”

Playboy:”I remember that there is only a backup on Earth?”

Xiao Huangmao from the Comprehensive Comic World:”Don’t you? Silly? Don’t you know how to do it? And do you really think this is a precious thing?

“Isn’t it precious?”.JPG”

Princess White Eyes:”I think that kind of thing should be very expensive.”

Future Empress:”You are overthinking it. The reason why you think it is precious is mainly because you think it is used by the protagonist, and it is also praised by the public. , so you subconsciously think this thing is precious.”

Xiao Huangmao from Zongman World:”You have completely formed a misunderstanding. This thing is not expensive at all, or it can still be restored to those top civilizations. It was carved, but it was wasted because it couldn’t find a suitable carrier after it was re-engraved.”

The future empress said:”Another point is that this can be said to be something of the major angelic forces of the Super Seminary, and other advanced civilizations are not. Dare to move.”

Xiao Huangmao from Zongman World:”Seriously, if it is really precious, why is there a backup in the 763 version of the Super Seminary of the Earth Tribe? This is not normal at all, okay?”

Lin Qi felt speechless when he thought of this. In fact, this behavior has clearly shown that this thing is not something that no one can do. In other words, there is no suitable carrier after it is made, so there is no need and we don’t dare to do it.

The Queen who wants to fall in love:”It is indeed true. If it is really precious, it will not be placed in a place with such a weak guard.”

Xiao Huangmao from the Comprehensive Comic World:” And I don’t believe that Pi Pixi is such an honest person without some backup.”

Xiao Huangmao from Zongman World said:”After all, they just ignored the future that they had considered. How is that possible?”

He Xi was busy at this time and had no time to watch people trolling in the chat group. Otherwise, he would definitely complain to Lin Qi. What does it mean that I am not an honest person?

You know, they also have shares in this thing, so what if they have a little backup as a shareholder?

Playboy:”This relationship is good.”

After listening to everyone’s analysis, Tony felt that the situation was stable.

Lynch doesn’t want to have so many peaceful sleeping groups. As for the things in the Super God Universe, he has read a lot of novels about the chat group’s broken routine, so there is a high probability that they will come to the rescue later, so He’s not in a hurry.

The same is true for Lin Wan’s family. She knows that everything is not a problem with Lin Qi. As for why those people are so anxious, the main reason is that he has never shown them other chat group novels, so the other party is like this. Just anxious.

When it was time to eat at noon, Lin Qi stood up, stretched, and looked at the girls and said,”Let’s go eat!”

When Lin Qi was about to take the lead and leave, he saw someone turning around. She looked at him with a smile on her face, but her eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Only when Lin Qi saw the other party’s appearance did he remember that he seemed to have done something careless, but well, he would never regret it in his life.

Of course, you can’t say it directly in this situation. He immediately pretended that nothing happened, coughed twice and then said:”Ahem, Shashi, what do you think of me like this? Is there something dirty on my face?” ?”

“Although I know I am handsome and my face has fascinated you, you don’t have to keep staring at me, I will feel embarrassed.”

Kawasaki Saki didn’t care after hearing what Lin Qi said. After all, he said that she was used to such rubbish.

Now she wanted to do something else.

“You will feel embarrassed. Stop joking. You are the second most shameless person among the people I know. No one dares to admit you are the first.”

“And don’t play dead, you haven’t forgotten what you did this morning, have you?”

After Lynch looked at the girl in front of him and said this with a gritted teeth tone, he thought to himself that it was bad, this matter would not be easy to resolve.

And Lynch also felt several knives-like gazes behind him.

In this situation, Lin Qi suddenly realized what he should do, and without saying a word, he took the other’s hand and ran out of the classroom, and did not forget to say to the girls:”You go to the club first, I’ll be there later.”

Everyone was stunned after seeing this scene.

They never expected Lynch to do such a coquettish operation, just taking people away? What bad things are he going to do and hiding it from them?

Xue No looked at the group of girls with big eyes and couldn’t help but said:”You just watch, don’t you plan to chase the people back?”

Yukino felt that if it were him, he would have to chase the person back, so he said now to prevent the other party from falling into the clutches of Lynch alone.

However, what he never expected was that these girls looked at each other and shook their heads.

Yukino felt a little confused about their actions. What did they mean? Were they going to turn a blind eye or what?

At this time, Kato Megumi walked up to Yukino with her calm expression and said:

“Yukinoshita, let’s go.”

Yukino looked at the girl who she would often ignore when Lynch was not around, and now she actually invited her to go. What the hell was going on?

Yukino couldn’t help but speak in a curious tone:”Just let those two people leave.”

Miku spoke in his flat voice at this time:”Well, Qi-kun will take care of it.”

After hearing what the other party said, Yukinoshita Yukino was roaring in her heart, is that what I mean?

Then she suddenly felt that these two people were hopeless!

In this regard, she had to take her lunch box and leave with the two people, after all, it was on the way now.

On the other side, Lynch pulled Kawasaki Saki to an empty corner, and then pressed the other party tightly against the wall.

At this moment, the girl who looked like a bad girl panicked.

Originally, she thought that Lynch pulled her out to say something or something, and was ready to listen to this guy’s quibbling.

As a result, she never expected that the other party’s posture did not look like he wanted to say something, but was going to continue to do bad things.

Kawasaki Saki looked at Lynch in front of her, with a panic expression on her face and said:”You…what do you want to do? This is a school, don’t mess around.”

After hearing what the other party said, Lynch said with a playful smile on his face:”Why did I mess around? Don’t you want to explain? So I’m here to give you an explanation.”

Kawasaki Saki looked at Lynch’s appearance and immediately realized that something was wrong.

After all, normal people don’t come to such a place and say the word”explanation” in this posture.

She would rather Lynch take out a roll of tape and give it to her.

Kawasaki Saki said at this time very sincerely:”No, no, I don’t want your explanation, let’s leave it like this.”

She felt that the best choice at this time was to run away quickly. After all, she always felt that there would be some danger if she stayed, which came from her intuition.

It’s just a pity that it was too late. How can it be so easy to run away?

Lynch grabbed the other party’s wrist, lifted her chin, and said in a light tone:”No, no, no, I am a very reasonable person. After all, I was impulsive before. I should give you an explanation, otherwise I will be uneasy.”

PS: The new book is about to start sailing, and it urgently needs the strong support of all the handsome guys, beautiful girls, and big guys! If you pass by, don’t miss it. I am begging for your collection, recommendation, and everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please click to collect it. Thank you all! I kneel down to all the big guys!

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