Chapter 0047 Old guy, are you playing bondage?!

Although this is just a small BOSS, I don’t know why, but I always feel that his tone is full of pride when he introduces himself. What’s going on?

And based on Lingqi’s understanding of what people usually do, he even regarded this guy as a braggart, the kind of person who brags about himself.

To put it another way, this guy is second-rate in Linyi’s eyes. Of course, whether he is truly first-rate remains to be verified.

However, looking at the aura exuded by the other party, it is indeed as if compared to the two weak chickens just now.

Although Lin Qi could stand very calmly, the other people could not, because they never thought that he was just solving something that harmed their family. How could he offend such a big shot!

Although they don’t know how many minutes of what the other party just said is false, it does not prevent the other party from instantly killing the disturbing Onmyoji and displaying an aura that is like an abyss in their eyes.

“Black Soul looked at the people present and felt that the reactions of these three people were normal.

But what happened to the young man in front of him? After listening to his self-introduction, his expression did not change at all, and it was exactly the same as before. This surprised him.

Black Soul ignored the three people from the Yukinoshita family and looked at Lin Qi with a curious tone:”Kid, I have introduced myself, what about you?”

After hearing what the other party said, Lin Qi said with a smile on his face:”Me?”

“Can’t you see what I am?”

After hearing Lin Qi’s words, Black Soul’s tone was full of doubt.

“Forgive me for being clumsy.”

“I can’t tell which family you are from, little brat?”

“Yin Yang Hall? Or the Three Magic Clan or the rest of the forces!”

After Lin Qi heard what the old guy said, he gave him a middle finger and started scolding him.

“Fuck you, are you blind?”

“I’m a Chinese and I’m joining the garbage forces on your little island. Who the hell are you insulting?”

“Donate your fucking eyes to someone in need!”

“Even the super houses on your little shabby island are not enough for me to hit with one hand, and you still put me on them, I’ll fuck your mother.”

Lin Qi suddenly cursed, making several people look stupid.

Especially Black Soul, who didn’t expect that he would just guess the power of this country based on normal thinking. He didn’t expect that the guy in front of him would be so ignorant of martial ethics and directly greet his family.

You know, no matter how much he said that he was from this country, the other party’s tone was full of contempt for the extraordinary power of this country!

This kind of thing made him intolerable!

“court death!”

Black Soul said these two words in a tone full of anger, and then several black shadows appeared on his body, and the hot-blooded black shadows passed directly by Lin Qi’s side, and then he heard two bangs!

Lin Qi, just do it! Nothing happened. Now, the two Onmyojis were bleeding immediately. Instead, they said with Qing Miao smiles on their faces:”Here?”

Although Lynch only said two words, although these two words are not very harmful, they are full of insults, especially in this situation.

Please everyone today also see clearly what the black shadow is.

These black shadows are some terrifying-looking ghosts, some are in the shape of beasts and hungry wolves, and some are in human form, but their faces are covered with blood, just like female ghosts, and they have sharp long claws in their hands. An evil spirit like a wolf, the hungry wolf that was supposed to be majestic was now like Erha, mainly because the sharp teeth in the opponent’s mouth were broken directly!

The same was true for the female ghost, and the sharp long claws in her hands were also broken in half!.

As for why this happens, you don’t have to guess. It’s because attacking someone did not cause harm to the other person, but the place where he attacked was injured!

Black Soul also looked solemn at this moment, because he knew very well where his spirit attacked the other party. Wrong, and the opponent seems to have no defense, but he successfully managed to attack him, which proves that the opponent is physically strong.

But fortunately, this is not a big problem. , after all, he has never used this kind of opponent before and it was just a tentative attack just now!

“Kid, it seems that you are the type who exercises his body!”

“It’s just not a big problem. After all, although the physical training is quite good, this world is still dominated by special powers.”

Black Soul finished speaking to himself and then hit the ground hard with the crutch in his hand, and then something like a magic circle appeared under the ground.

Lin Qi felt quite interesting when he saw this thing, and he didn’t He didn’t stop this guy from doing anything. He saw that the two spirits he had released earlier returned to each other, guarding him like a loyal guard. Then the black soul practiced the spell.”

Lin Qi, you held your hands in front of your chest.” They looked like they were waiting to watch the show, but Lynch’s behavior was the same. The Yukinoshita family’s merchants and the three merchants were immediately anxious. After all, at this time, shouldn’t they make a sneak attack to stop the opponent? You could tell at a glance that the opponent was going to use a big move, but you… What’s going on? Hey!

You know there is a saying that villains die by talking too much. You are acting like a villain. Normally, the villain is waiting for the protagonist to make a move! The scene in front of them was exactly the same. For a moment, the three of them couldn’t figure out who was the protagonist and who was the villain!

Yukino was even more worried in his heart. He didn’t expect that his deskmate turned out to be this type of person. Well, the time for chanting the spell was actually no longer than ten seconds. Then countless evil zeros flew out from under the magic circle. For a moment, the entire Yukinoshita family seemed to be having a party of hundreds of ghosts. Or to put it bluntly, it gives people the feeling of a small ghost walking in the night…

Lin Qi also knew something, that is, when this guy created this thing, he created a barrier, which led to what was going on inside. No one knew about it at all.

Lin Qi sighed when he saw that the old man wanted to speak first.

“I have to say you are quite smart!”

“At this time, don’t forget to create a barrier to prevent people from discovering the situation here.”

Lin Qi’s words made the three people feel a little desperate. Looking at the evil spirits in the sky and the surrounding environment full of evil spirits.

Originally, this was a garden, quite lush, but now many flowers have withered and died. It should be caused by these resentful ghosts.

“Kid, you are quite discerning!”

“It is true that I have set up a barrier here. No one can see everything that happens here, so just accept your fate!”

Black Soul looked at Lin Qi with a very calm look, then threw out some black talismans around Lin Qi, then made a spell-casting movement and spit out the word”lock”.

Then the talismans around Lin Qi turned out to be It strangely connected into a purple magic circle, and then countless dark chains broke out of the magic circle on the ground, and for a moment Lin Qi was wrapped into a big rice dumpling.

Lin Qi couldn’t help but fall into 4.3 silence as he looked at the chains on his body. Because he found that the order was too brittle and could break into pieces with just a throw of force!

Black Soul looked at Lin Qi and thought he was silent because he had no way to break away. Suddenly, his old face revealed his expression. A proud expression!

“Little devil! I can deal with special-grade cursed spirits in my condition, so you can’t do anything to me, right?” As soon as the Dark Soul said this, coupled with Lynch’s silence, the three people from the Yukinoshita family couldn’t help but fall into despair.

But Lynch raised his head at this moment and said something unexpected:”Old man, you are not playing bondage play, are you?”

PS: The new book is about to start, and it urgently needs the strong support of all the handsome guys, beautiful girls, and big guys! If you pass by, don’t miss it, and beg for collection, recommendation, Amway, and everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please collect it. Thank you all! I kneel down to all the big guys!

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