Chapter 0046: Did I run into a little boss?!

Lin Qi thought about it and took out his cell phone to take a picture of the other person’s expression. Yang Nai, who did not forget to care about her sister in this situation, couldn’t help but twitch her mouth a few times after seeing this scene.

At the same time, she felt relieved because of Lin Qi’s behavior. After all, seeing that the other party didn’t care and even wanted to play around, she knew that the other party didn’t take this thing seriously at all. So what was she worried about?

Then Lin Qi saw that the two Yin Yang masters didn’t seem to look very good after seeing this thing, but they still controlled their paper figures and this thing to fight.

As time went by, there were fewer and fewer people, and the puppet looked more and more illusory.

Until finally all the paper figures were gone, and the puppet ghosts also disappeared.

Then the two Yin Yang masters didn’t forget to destroy this thing. It can be said that their operation was smooth and professional at this time. It was completely different from the way they controlled the little paper figures before. Lin Qi even suspected that these guys were���Is it the logistics team who came out to make extra money?

Otherwise, how did they achieve such a huge difference in proficiency?

Just when everyone thought that the matter was over, including the two Yin-Yang masters. He regained his aloof look again, as if the hard work just now did not exist at all.

Mrs. Yukinoshita, as a shrewd person, also knew that some things must not be mentioned. Just when he put on a smile on his face. When he wanted to walk over to express his hard work for two years, suddenly a stronger resentment appeared!

At this moment, a guy in a black robe appeared. And the other party was holding a cane in his hand. Anyone with a little knowledge could see that the cane was also a magic weapon.

The two Yin-Yang masters looked like they were facing a great enemy when they saw each other. After all, the aura exuded by the other party was completely different from theirs. So their subconscious warned them that they could not fight against such a person.

The other few people were stunned by the sudden change.

They thought that the matter was over, but suddenly such a person appeared halfway. And the aura exuded by the other party made them feel a little breathless.

“You… who are you!”

One of the Yin-Yang Masters mustered up the courage to ask.

The man turned his body around, revealing his face from under the black robe. It was an old face with white hair.

But for some reason, it gave people a very scary feeling. After all, the other person’s face did look a bit scary.

The man spoke in a very old voice:”My name is Black Soul!”

“Young men, are you the ones who destroyed the little props I made?”

When the other party said this, his eyes were fixed on the two Onmyojis, and the aura he exuded made the two men sweat madly on their foreheads.

The two men didn’t know how to answer for a moment. After all, in this situation, they felt that if they didn’t answer well, something would definitely go wrong.

But facing the other party’s oppressive eyes, the two men still bit the bullet and said:”Your Excellency Black Soul, we are just entrusted by others.”

“If you are angry about this matter, we two are willing to apologize.”

“As for the affairs of this family, we will not care about it anymore and leave immediately.”

The two sisters and the charming lady changed their faces when they heard this. They never expected that these two people would be so shameless and abandon their employer so decisively.


When Yukino was about to speak, the man pounded the floor heavily with his cane. He looked at Yukino with his oppressive eyes, and she didn’t dare to speak at all, or she couldn’t help swallowing back what she wanted to say. Yangno was also very anxious at this moment. She didn’t expect her sister to be so stupid and dare to speak in this situation.

The two Yin-Yang masters ignored this situation and kept their heads down. Then the man called Heihun spoke in a voice that people couldn’t hear:”Are all the kids nowadays so unruly?”

Yukino listened to this voice that sounded like a demon. The whole person’s face turned very pale.

Heihun didn’t say anything more and looked at the two and said:”Since you destroyed my little toys, then you two should die too.”

As soon as these words came out, the two Yin-Yang masters immediately raised their heads and showed a very terrified expression on their faces. Just when they were about to say something, they saw two spirits appearing beside Heihun, and they flashed past each other in an instant. Then everyone present saw the two Yin-Yang masters’ necks bleeding wildly.

Then the two opened their mouths, but fell down without saying anything.

The sudden change scared the three women present and made them scream. After all, someone died for no reason, and died in front of them like this, causing their instincts to make them scream.


The man seemed to find the scream annoying when he heard it, and immediately scolded these people.

And the people from the Yukinoshita family immediately shut up. Then Black Soul looked at Lin Qi, and he found Ever since he appeared here, the other party has had a very bland expression, which made him feel a little strange or interested.

“Little kid, aren’t you afraid of me?”

As soon as the other party said this, everyone immediately looked at Lynch. As a result, everyone present found that Lynch had been watching a good show from beginning to end, and there was no trace of worry or fear on his face.

Lynch, who was watching the good show, did not expect the other party to lead the topic to him. Lynch said,”Do I have to fight for what you ask me?” He did not answer the other party’s question and ignored the corpse on the ground. There was also the oppressive force emanating from the other party. Instead, he spoke in an interested tone:”Old man, let me ask you a question. Is your strength ranked among the best in this world?”

“Or if you think the world is too big, then let me put it another way, does your strength rank among those of this small country?”

“How does it compare to Gojo Satoru’s pretentiousness?”

When Lynch said this, Xue Nolai and the others’ pupils shrank immediately, because they always felt that Lynch seemed to be provocative when he spoke.

Although these words seemed to be asking about the other party’s strength, this attitude gave people a feeling of provocation.

However, the man named Heihun did not get angry after hearing Lin Qi’s words.

Instead, he spoke in a curious tone.

This was the first time that everyone heard a fluctuation in the other party’s tone:”Do you know Gojo Satoru?”

Lynch first nodded, then shook his head and then spoke in a matter-of-fact tone:”That guy is quite famous in your country, so it’s hard not to know him, but he is not qualified to know me.”

When Lynch said this, his tone was full of pride, which made Heihun unable to figure out whether Lingqi was arrogant or really capable, but at this moment Lynch seemed to have run out of patience.

“It seems you haven’t answered my question just now, right?”

Lin Qi said, now I ask you, why are you just telling me what is there and what is not?

And the black soul did not act rashly, after all, these things are not a secret.

“My strength is barely among the top humans in this country.”

“But it’s top-notch in this world!”

“It can’t reach the top level.”

Lin Qi couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows after hearing this. It seems that he met a small BOSS!

It’s a pity that he didn’t meet a big BOSS who gave a bad review!

PS: The new book is about to start, and it urgently needs the strong support of all the handsome guys, beautiful girls, and big guys! If you pass by, don’t miss it. Please collect it, recommend it, and ask for everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please collect it. Thank you! I kneel down to all the big guys!

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