Shizuka Hiratsuka looked at the guy in front of her who was not afraid of boiling water, took a deep breath and sat down, and then went straight to the topic, lest this guy would make any more mistakes to piss her off.

“Tell me, what are you going to do?”

Lin Qi didn’t say anything after hearing what the other party said.

“Jing Keai, I plan to start a club”

“After all, you keep urging me to find a club, so I plan to set up one myself.”

Hiratsuka Shizuka raised her eyebrows slightly after hearing what Lin Qi said. She didn’t expect that this guy actually planned to set up one himself.

Originally in her script, this guy should have gone to his deskmate Yukino’s club.

After all, in her understanding, this guy would not join someone else’s club unless the other side was full of beautiful girls. The only one who met this requirement was Yukino.

As a result, the other party played this trick, which was beyond her expectations. It can be said that she was caught off guard.

But she couldn’t stop it. After all, it was very reasonable. In addition, this guy couldn’t be stopped by herself.

“Tell me, what kind of club are you planning to start?”

“”Supernatural Research Department!”

Lynch said in a very resolute tone.

However, as soon as he said this, he immediately received a look from the other party as if he was looking at someone with a Chuunibyou.

“I said you haven’t graduated from the second grade of secondary school yet, right?”

“Do you think I would agree to this kind of association? There is no such thing.”

Hiratsuka Shizuka never expected that his guy who could take the first grade in the exam while sleeping would be a chuunibyou, which was a bit beyond his expectation.

Lynch didn’t care about the other party’s words, and instead smiled Speaking in a tone of voice:

“After all, it’s hard to say. Who can be sure that this thing really doesn’t exist?”

“The purpose of our club is to find these things.”

Hiratsuka Shizuka refused without thinking after hearing what Lin Qi said.

“turn down!”

“I seriously suspect that you are just trying to create an empty shell to fool me.”

After Lin Qi heard what the other party said, he counterattacked without thinking.

“Do you think I am Ping No?”

“I have such a big classroom and I am alone”

“That’s what we call a hollow club, okay?”

Hiratsuka Shizuka was silent after hearing what Lin Qi said. After all, the other party was just as he said. She was the only one in the whole club.

“Wait, what is Hirano? Others call her Yukino, okay?”

It was only then that Hiratsuka Shizu realized that there was something wrong with Lynch’s address to the other party.

“That’s pretty much it, it’s all the same anyway, after all, she is indeed flat.”

Hiratsuka Shizu couldn’t help but feel a little headache after hearing the other party’s careless words.

“I said, can’t you respect each other?”

“If it were her sister, I wouldn’t mind respecting her, but she’s too peaceful, so forget it.”

Hiratsuka Shizuka was stunned when she heard Lin Qi’s words, and then she spoke in an unbelievable tone:

“Do you know her sister?”

Lin Qi shook his head and said:

“But I have seen it.”

After Hiratsuka Shizu heard what the other party said, for the sake of Lin Qi, she couldn’t help but remind the other party.

“Seriously, take my advice and stay away from that guy.”

Hiratsuka Shizuka doesn’t want his students to be played with by the other party.

Although this guy is also a problem child, he is not a bad person, so he really doesn’t want him to be cheated.

After all, apart from the first day for his own My sister started to make connections, but the rest of the situation didn’t cause any commotion. On the contrary, she still ranked first in the exam.

Therefore, Hiratsuka Shizuka has a full understanding of this guy and is responsive to the needs of the people around him. It can be said that he is a great person..

For strangers, they will be treated as weeds!

Shizuka Hiratsuka doesn’t want to say anything about the other person’s thoughts. I know that it is normal to show no concern for strangers in this country.

“Jingkeai, don’t you think the other person is interesting?”

“She has been wearing a hypocritical mask. What will it be like if you take it off with your own hands?”

“By the way, Jing Keai, are you and the other party friends? Why don’t you help me set up a line?”

After hearing what Lin Qi said, Hiratsuka Shizuka suddenly felt that her best friend was being targeted by the other party.

Good guy, neither of us are kind-hearted people when it comes to relationships, so we can’t get along with each other.

And this guy also let him Help him set up a way to pick up girls. This guy really doesn’t think of himself as a class teacher.

“Get out!”

“This is your own business and has nothing to do with me. Hiratsuka

Shizuka said that he was still single and wanted her to help him pick up girls, but he was thinking too much!

“Okay, let’s get back to the point.”

Hiratsuka Shizuka felt that she couldn’t continue to talk nonsense with this guy, otherwise if she suddenly agreed to arrange a meal for him, wouldn’t that be embarrassing?

“Well, why don’t you just go to Yukinoshita?”

“Anyway, you two are at the same table.”

“Moreover, the other party is also a beautiful girl, which is in line with your values of joining the club.”

Hiratsuka Shizuka still wanted to help the other party to attract people.

After Lin Qi heard what the other party said, he refused without thinking:

“I refuse!”

Hiratsuka Shizuka was very confused by Lin Qi’s refusal.

“Why? I don’t think going to her place will have any impact on you, right? I’ll help her make up the numbers.”

After hearing what the other party said, Lin Qi immediately spoke with a righteous look:

“I never do anything bad, and I know the other party’s purpose.”

“Isn’t this just a waste of time?”

“If I were that kind of person, I would just go to the student union and play with Chika.”

“By the way, I can also tease that Shinomiya Kaguya.”

After hearing what Lin Qi said, Shizuka Hiratsuka felt that this guy was courting death.

After all, who is Shinomiya Kaguya? She is the eldest daughter of the Shinomiya family, and even his own family is far inferior to her. This guy seems to want to attack her.

Isn’t this a clear way to seek death? Because in his cognition, this family belongs to one person who supports the whole family, and they are not people of the same class at all.

“Boy, I suggest you don’t spread this word outside, otherwise you will get yourself into trouble.”

Lin Qi felt very disdainful about this in his heart. If he was unhappy, he could just crush the planet and it would be no problem. Of course he knew that the other party was doing it for his own good, so he suddenly said with a smile on his face:

“Alright, alright, lovely Jing, I was just joking.”

Although Hiratsuka Shizuka was smiling when she looked at this guy, she still felt that he didn’t seem to take it seriously at all. Could it be that this guy had falsified information? He was playing the trick of pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger in school. , but that’s not right, she also has his sister’s information. Hiratsuka Shizuka said that she didn’t understand it and simply didn’t want to think about it.

“By the way, how many people want to join your club? You must know that there must be at least five members.”

Shizuka Hiratsuka decided to bring the topic back to the topic.

“I, Miku, Xiaohui, Saki, and Shiwa, are Kasumigaoka Shiwa!”

“There are five people in total, just right.”

Hiratsuka Shizuka’s mouth twitched after hearing this, and then she immediately clenched her fist and punched. Lin Qi tilted his head slightly and dodged it by chance.

However, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the other party was very clear. This arc was enough to dodge, so he was too lazy to move any more.

“Hey, hey, Jing Keai, what do you want to do? If you have something to say, just talk to me nicely, don’t keep touching me.”

“Don’t forget that you are a teacher, you have to pay attention to your image.”

Hiratsuka Shizuka heard that this guy was the first to complain, and he immediately took a deep breath and calmed himself down. After all, as this guy said, he couldn’t do anything casually, which would damage his image as a people’s teacher. It’s not worth it!

PS: The new book is about to set sail, and we urgently need the support of all the handsome guys, beauties, and big guys! If you pass by, don’t miss it. Please add it to your favorites, recommendations, peace of mind, flowers, everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please add it to your favorites. Thank you all! Kneel down to all the bosses!

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