After Kawasaki Saki finished speaking, he immediately looked at Lynch. After all, this guy was the backbone.

The rest of the people showed the same look, after all, it was Lin Qi’s words that mattered to them.

Lin Qi also felt helpless at the questioning glances from everyone, but after thinking about it for a while, he felt that it must not be too outrageous, but it also couldn’t be too monotonous, and it was best to be that way. You can start club activities at any time, and you can find excuses to run away after school.

“What do you think of the Supernatural Research Department?”

Lin Qi immediately received strange looks from countless people as soon as he said these words.

But Lin Xi only reacted at this time. Although there are many things in this world, those who are qualified to come into contact with those things are usually the so-called Big shots, people from big families, and even top chefs can have access to this kind of thing. After all, the food they make has extra effects.

Although Sanjiu among these girls can have access to it. For a person of this level, his stepfather would definitely not tell him such a thing, or because she was still young, there was no need to let the other person know, otherwise it would be impossible to know the rest in this life.

“Qi Jun, I didn’t expect you to believe this kind of thing.”

Sanjiu couldn’t help but complain.

And Lin Qi felt helpless about this.

“Yes, junior, I was surprised that you haven’t graduated from zhong 2 yet.”

The senior sister with black silk stockings couldn’t help but complain about the other party.

“Have you ever thought about a question? Our class teacher will not approve of your club name.”

Saki Kawasaki also interrupted

“And Qijun, what is the purpose of our club activities?”

“If you choose a name like this, then it must be related to these things.”

Kato Megumi also echoed.

Lynch felt a little bit of a pain in the ass after hearing these words.

But Lynch suddenly thought of a question. Even though they are from a big family, they should know something, right?

Or maybe they don’t have any access to it, and at most they know about Onmyoji and other things?

Lynch decided to test the waters. If that doesn’t work, he could just go and join Hirano.

Anyway, the other club doesn’t have enough people and might go bankrupt at any time, so why don’t we go and make up the numbers!

Lynch looked at the girls and spoke slowly:

“After all, what we want is just a community. As for what we really want to do, it’s not up to us.”

“You know, there are countless small groups in our school.”

“All the normal names have been registered, otherwise why would I do this?”

“Anyway, when the time comes, I’ll go test my voice and see if it works. If not, we’ll go and seek refuge with Hirano.”

“Will she agree?”

Kawasaki Saki asked with a curious tone. After all, although the other party was the same weird type as them, it seemed that the other party was more difficult to deal with than them.

After hearing the other party’s question, Lin Qi suddenly spoke with a gloomy look.

“Even if she doesn’t agree with this matter, she has to agree.”

“After all, don’t forget that the other party’s club has always had only one person, and that person occupies the entire classroom.”

“You must know that the minimum requirement for a club is five people.”

“Although Jingai opened the back door for her, it was just because everyone turned a blind eye.”

“And the worst I can do is call Qianhua and ask him to help stab me in the back. Then the other party will have to disband due to lack of personnel.”

“I don’t believe that she will die!”

“You know, the other person’s character is also a bit twisted, so she is not suitable to stay with other strangers. And we are relatively familiar with her, so it is the best choice for us to join the club.”

“The most important point is, what else can he do without the club? Join someone else’s club? She would never do that.”

“So this is a dead end for her.”

When Lynch said this, it could be said that his eyes were full of calculation, and for a moment the girls felt that this guy had become a big villain.

“Qijun, why do I feel like you are a villain?”

Kato Megumi couldn’t help but complain.

“In some book plots, yellow hair and beautiful girls are coerced. These are things that only villains can do!”

Senior Sister Heisi chose to ruthlessly strike.

Lin Qi didn’t pay attention to everyone’s gaze. Instead, he spoke in a very serious tone:

“Let me make it clear first, don’t treat me like a hero or something like that.”

“You must know that there is a saying that good people will not live long, but harm will last for thousands of years.”

“The hero will not have a good ending.”

“After all, reality is not that when a novel needs him, he is a hero. When he is not needed, let the other party have a wave of heroism.”

As soon as Lynch said these words, the girls present didn’t know what to say.

“Do you have any misunderstanding about the term”hero’s twilight”?”

Kawasaki Saki said in a helpless tone, but Lynch waved his hand indifferently.

“Oh, don’t worry about the details, just get the general idea.”

“There’s a lot of difference, okay!”

Forget it, the people present are unable to complain at this moment. After all, Lynch is often unreliable. In other words, he is unreliable when it comes to small things, but absolutely reliable when it comes to big things.

Sometimes they all wonder if this guy is doing it on purpose. But later it turned out that the other party really didn’t mean it. It was really easy to get confused over small things!

After the lunch break, they returned to the classroom.

After all, he still had to wait. He asked Erina to provide him with dinner.

After school, Lin Qi immediately found his sister.

“Ruiye, I have something to do today, so I won’t be back for dinner tonight, so you don’t have to make my share.”

Ruiye didn’t ask any more questions after hearing this, saying that she knew it.

After all, she knew that Lin Qi was sometimes busy, so he could only treat it as if his brother had something important to do tonight.

Ruiye knew very well that what she had to do was not to hold him back!

After saying hello, Lin Qi ran away in a hurry and went to the office.

“Jing Keai, I’m here to find you.”

Since it was after school time, there was a famous teacher in the office who instantly became the focus of the audience with such a roar.

Hiratsuka Shizuka’s face suddenly darkened, and then when Lin Qi arrived, she only gave him a punch.

Lynch tilted his head slightly to avoid it and said with a smile like a dragon king:

“Don’t waste your efforts trying to be cute, you can’t beat me with your three-legged cat skills.”

Hiratsuka Shizuka immediately gritted her teeth after hearing this.

“Bastard, don’t call me Jing Keai, how many times have I told you?”

“I’m your teacher!”

People in the office also felt helpless after hearing the gnashing tone of their colleagues. After all, these two people have been in this situation countless times.

A top student who can take the first grade in the exam even if he sleeps in class every day, and the other person On the first day of school, he also proved that he was not someone to be messed with. Although it was for his sister, it was just a bit too cruel.

And another female teacher with the Iron Fist Saint had countless students. She had been punished by her iron fist, but she could n’t beat Lin Qi, who was also very sharp-tongued and gave her the nickname”Jing Kei”, which made her helpless in the whole school. All the teachers couldn’t help but feel lucky that they didn’t become the other’s class teacher.

After all, everyone felt that these two people would complement each other perfectly as students and teachers!

PS: The new book is about to set sail, and we urgently need the support of all the handsome guys, beauties, and big guys! If you pass by, don’t miss it. Please add it to your favorites, recommendations, peace of mind, flowers, everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please add it to your favorites. Thank you all! Kneel down to all the bosses!

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