Chapter 103: Lynch and Erina’s py transaction.

Lynch said that he was mainly afraid to take the two back immediately. Although there was indeed an element of picking up girls, he still had to let the two accept the fact.

Then Lynch bought another week to stay, and then notified Erina.

The little yellow-haired man in the anime world:”@Tsundere’s God’s Tongue”

The little yellow-haired man in the anime world:”Erina, please tell my sister that I will not go back for at least another week.”

The little yellow-haired man in the anime world:”During this period of time, I have to let these two people calm down first. After all, I am afraid that their emotions are still a little unstable. It’s better to explode here, not to explode back to our place.”

Tsundere’s God’s Tongue: Tsundere’s God’s Tongue:”Are you sure you are not kidding? I said one before, but now it’s two. Do you know that these are all dangerous elements!”

Erina now has the urge to kill this bastard with a knife. Does this guy know that these two people are dangerous?

The little yellow-haired man from the anime world:”Don’t worry, these two people have been scared by me and put a small restriction on them. They won’t kill innocent people like before.” The little yellow-haired man from the anime world:”After all, don’t forget that I have the power of fairies, and can even turn people into puppets, so it’s quite simple to put a little restriction on them.” The little yellow-haired man from the anime world:”By the way, can you help 24 get their ID cards?”

Tsundere Divine Tongue: Dead kid:”Erina is so miserable. She feels like she’s about to be bullied by Brother Lin and become a tool.”

Gentle Sister Hua:”Is there a possibility that she’s already a tool?”

Tsundere Divine Tongue:”Asshole! You want me to help you pick up girls, aren’t you going too far?” The little yellow-haired man from the anime world:”I’ll take the potion for you and your mother’s Divine Tongue evolution.”

Tsundere Divine Tongue: Tsundere Divine Tongue:”Deal!”


After hearing this, Erina said that she was no longer sleepy. After all, to be honest, she really needed this thing. After drinking it, the defects of the God Snake would disappear. And it was only 10,000 points for one bottle. She even suspected that the chat group was playing a trick on her. Is this thing so precious?

She seriously suspected that the chat group was formulated according to the needs of each beauty, otherwise only she would buy this kind of thing, but it was sold so expensively. This was not normal at all. Playboy:”I seem to have witnessed an incredible py transaction.” The future empress:”This guy is good at controlling others. He knows what others need and gives it to them.”

Dead kid:”By the way, Brother Lin, don’t you have a lottery? Why don’t you try it?”

Big bone soup:”I’m also very curious.”

Pirate empress:”I’m wondering if there will be such a bug-like thing like last time?” The little yellow-haired man in the anime world:”I don’t know about that.” The little yellow-haired man in the anime world:”Let’s draw it later. After all, there are still things to do here. At least we can get some of these lucky girls’ money. Luck first.”

Playboy:”I just want to ask if this is a serious thing?””

Future Empress:”It’s a miracle if it can be serious.” The little yellow-haired man from the anime world:”I just looked through the chat group records and found that one thing you said is very true. I seem to have really taken Chopper’s script and was tricked by the chat group.” The little yellow-haired man from the anime world:”Damn it! If it weren’t for the Senzu Beans, I would definitely be beaten to death.”

The little yellow-haired man from the anime world:”That guy’s strength is definitely at the peak of a strong single unit!” The little yellow-haired man from the anime world:”At least he beat Beerus, I doubt it.” The little yellow-haired man from the anime world:”After all, I have the blessing of the power of the fairy. Although it has been weakened because of my potential, I have also broken through to this level. , and I have come a long way.”

The little yellow-haired man from the anime world:”As a result, with my transformation into all super worlds, I have barely reached the peak, not to mention the realm of angels.”

The little yellow-haired man from the anime world:”In the end, I was almost beaten to death.” The little yellow-haired man from the anime world:”After this fight, I feel that if I don’t transform, I can at least enter the later stage.”

The future empress:”This is indeed the fault of the chat group, or the chat group doesn’t know that the other party has such a trump card.” The little yellow-haired man from the anime world:”@The most naughty angel”

The little yellow-haired man from the anime world:”I have helped you to do this, why don’t you show any expression?”

The most naughty angel:”What else do you want to show, didn’t the tomboy betrothed Yan to you?”

The little yellow-haired man from the anime world:”Really? How come I don’t know about this?”

I’m not a vixen:”Damn! Another vixen comes to this universe to snatch my man?”

Cute Xiao Linglong:”Well, isn’t it a bit inappropriate to call someone a vixen?”

The most naughty angel:”Get lost! Do you think I’m frustrated? The chat group records are all there.”

The future empress:”This guy is obviously thinking that the battle just now was so shocking that you may have forgotten about it, so he plans to fish in troubled waters and make more money.” The little yellow- haired man in the world of anime:”Ahem, some things are better to know, there is no need to say them out.”

After Lin Qi boasted to others for a while, he came to the angel civilization, but he was not alone, but brought Rose and the little fox.

After all, Rose knew Lin Qi’s strength and had an understanding of her own position. She couldn’t leave until the other party spoke.

All the angels looked at Lin Qi with curious eyes. After all, the other party had just shocked them too much.

Holy Kesha did not stand up to greet Lin Qi at this moment.

After all, this is respect for the strong.

“Mr. Lynch, nice to meet you.”

“”Hi, Your Excellency the Divine King!”

Lin Qi looked at the others smiling and he must smile back.


The other party made a gesture of invitation, and Lynch did not hesitate to come to the other party’s exclusive space battleship.

Then Lynch and the other party had a friendly exchange, which could be said to be very polite. After all, there was no other way. The other party was not a member of the chat group, not to mention that the other party greeted him with a smile, and he could not put on an arrogant look.

You know, he was still thinking about secretly getting two more angels.

He Xi couldn’t help but curl his lips when he saw Lynch like this. This guy is really good at pretending.

After the conversation, Lynch said that he wanted to find a place to take a shower and rest.

The other party ordered someone to prepare 6 50 preparations.

Lin Qi leaned comfortably in a bathtub, feeling like he was alive again.

After all, to be honest, this was his first intense battle. Even if he had a training ground or something like that, it wasn’t the kind where he would fight to the death.

It could be said that this was his first life-and-death battle, causing him to be very tired in his heart.

Just as he was enjoying it, a little fox suddenly ran in.

Lin Qi was a little surprised to see the other party come in.

Then the other party spoke in a grinning tone:”Brother Lin, Qiangwei and I are here to help you rub your back.”

Lynch was stunned after hearing this, and then he saw a red-haired girl following behind the other party, who was also wearing a bath towel at the moment.

Lynch didn’t expect this little fox to be so sensible and to provide him with this kind of service.

However, the red-haired girl was a little tiptoeing, and with the panic expression on her face, it was clear that the other party was quite resistant to this matter or was coming here with a stiff upper lip. As for why this happened, Lynch glanced at a certain little fox and it was probably the other party’s work. If he guessed correctly, this little fox was definitely using his name to intimidate the other party to come in, otherwise he would blow up the earth or something like that!

PS: The new book is about to start, and it urgently needs the strong support of all the handsome guys, beautiful girls, and big guys! If you pass by, don’t miss it. I’m begging for collection, recommendation, Amway, flowers, and everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please click on the collection. Thank you all! I kneel down to all the big guys!

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