Chapter 102: Lynch: I feel like Erina is going to explode when she returns

“Let your grandson spy on me with malicious intent”

“Do you really think I don’t know and that I can’t die if I become a phantom?”

“It’s nothing more than recording the data on the big clock. I’ll help you blow up the big clock, and see what else you can do.”

Lin Qi’s words spread throughout the universe in an instant. Everyone seemed to understand why the other party wanted to do this to Carl. And Lin Qi also received a prompt from the chat group after killing Cell.

At the same time, he couldn’t help but sigh, it was really violent.

【Group reminder: Congratulations to the little yellow-haired man in the world of Zongman for completing the task】

【Received 350,000 points + one chance to win a prize】

【Group members will be detained for 24 hours.

After Lin Qi solved all this, everyone thought that he would come back, but suddenly he said to the sky:

“Jilan, if you don’t want to die, get out of here as far as you can.”

“Killing you is easier than killing a chicken.”

Then everyone felt that the space in the direction where Lin Qi was looking was slightly distorted, and then it returned to calm. At this time, everyone also understood the feeling. The principal of Space was watching here.

“Oh my god, the other party has been here all the time but not showing up, what does that mean? For a moment, everyone had different thoughts in their hearts.”

Lin Qi didn’t care so much. He returned to the earth and waved his hand, indicating that everyone should disperse. What else can they do here?

After seeing this scene, the rest of the people also left in a very fashionable way. The reason they were together was to face the enemy, and now that the enemy was killed, everyone dispersed without saying a word. Are they here to cause trouble for Lin Qi? After seeing these guys fighting, they knew that causing trouble for each other was tantamount to seeking death.

Especially Morgana, who ran very fast. Although he was reluctant, after all, the Time and Space Rose lived in front of him, but the monster Lynch was not someone she could mess with. So Morgana decided to take a good look at what was going on.

After all, her intuition told her that this monster would not stay here for too long.

You know, the emergence of a monster like this was beyond their expectations. because she is not a fool, this is obviously not the system of their universe.

And the appearance of this guy Lynch is obviously to destroy the other party, so there is a high probability that he will leave after the destruction. Morgana’s only curiosity is whether the other party is from an unknown universe or the void, or another legendary universe. To be honest, she is very interested in this topic, but the other party is in the same group with the angels.

So Morgana was very unhappy, but she also had to admit that the angels might control something far beyond them, and the demons, who are the mortal enemies of the angels, have to stay as far away from them as possible now, and everything will be discussed later!

Lynch ignored others and walked in front of No. 17 and No. 18.

The two looked at Lynch and didn’t say much. Instead, they were waiting for the other party to speak. After all, it was the other party who saved them.


“No. 18, I have reached a deal with you.”

After Lynch looked at No. 18 and said this, he immediately looked at No. 17.

No. 17 also woke up and saw Lynch’s battle. He knew very well how powerful the opponent was. At the same time, Lynch also gave him a memory. So he himself knew very well what happened.

“No. 17, I give you two choices”

“The first is to stay here and find a planet or a life you like, of course, without causing damage or anything like that, unless someone provokes you.”

“The second is to come back with me, but there is only one planet there, which is the Blue Planet, and there is no alien life.”

“And you can’t destroy it either. I can also arrange a job for you that you like and live an ordinary life.”

“So make your choice.”

When No. 18 was about to speak, he was glared back by Lynch.

Although he knew very well that the other party cared about his twin brother, he had to let the other party make a choice now.

After the other angels heard that the other party wanted to stay here, they had to admit that they were a little scared.

After all, people like them are very powerful. If they really want to make trouble, the angel civilization can’t stop them at all.

After hearing what Lynch said, No. 7 was silent for a while, then looked at Lynch and asked:”No. 18, you plan to take him back to your place, right?”

Lynch nodded heavily after hearing this, and then he had to explain to the other party.

“Let me make it clear first, my place is not where you were before, don’t get me wrong.”

In order to prevent the two from thinking that he was returning to the Dragon Ball Universe, Lin Qi had to make some things clear first. The two did not react to Lin Qi’s words, after all, it was not what it was.

After a brief silence, No. 17 made a decision.

“I’ll go back with you.”

Lynch nodded in agreement after hearing this, and in his heart he was thinking about the little tsundere Erina, who would definitely be furious after knowing this.

After all, having No. 18 was troublesome enough, and now there’s No. 17, will Lynch be content unless he blows up the earth?

The other party would definitely say this, but he himself also said that he was helpless.

After all, he couldn’t promise No. 18 to get the person out, so he had to give an explanation.

Lynch stretched out his hand first and tapped the beauty’s head at a fast speed.

The two felt as if something had melted into their minds, and then they felt as if their restless hearts were calmed down, and then it seemed as if something was missing, and the whole person became relaxed.

“I helped you get rid of the bomb in your mind, and by the way, I used something on you so that you won’t be as easily tempted to kill people as before.”

“After all, you are very clear about the memories I gave you. It is just an ordinary world with a little bit of extraordinary elements, and your abilities are too extraordinary, so just in case you can’t control yourself, I have to put some restrictions on you.”

Lin Qi stuffed a lot of things into the two people’s minds. After digesting it, the two of them had no objection to it. After all, the bomb in their heads was gone, and they could live a new life.

“Don’t you have any way to send me back?”

No. 17 couldn’t help but ask this question.

Lin Qi shook his head after hearing this.

“I really can’t do this. After all, to be honest, I can’t travel through the world by my own strength, let alone send you back.”

Lynch said that he would not do such a thing. After all, who knows what he will face when traveling through the world.

Anyway, it is very likely that he can’t even beat the angels in Dragon Ball now, let alone the High Priest and the King of All, so forget about traveling through the world. To be honest,

No. 17 felt very disappointed after hearing this answer, but he also understood that there was nothing he could do about it.

Lynch looked at the little fox and the rose, and the angel 5.5 Yan who had been eaten up by him if it wasn’t for the lack of time. He suddenly felt a little troubled.

After all, to be honest, he really wanted to stay here, but the problem was that he had to arrange for these two people.

“How about you two take a walk around first, after all you just went through this kind of thing, find a place to relax, I’ll take you back in a few days.”

After hearing this, No. 17 and No. 18 thought about it and said it was okay, after all, they were also curious about the other world.

And He Xi immediately gave him a contemptuous look after hearing this. Did he really think she didn’t know what this guy was thinking? He just wanted to pick up girls! I was too embarrassed to expose this guy.

PS: The new book is about to start, and it urgently needs the strong support of all the handsome guys, beautiful girls, and big guys! If you pass by, don’t miss it, and beg for collection, recommendation, Amway, flowers, and everything. If you haven’t collected it yet, please collect it. Thank you all! I kneel down to all the big guys!

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