"Have you really given me a big problem?"

Grevas sighed in a decent manner, with a distressed look on his face.

Restia stood aside, but Restia, who had never spoken before, suddenly said: "Lian is very strong, isn't he? Even if he lost me, his sword dance has not been lost. As long as he can contract with another An elf is still a powerful elf."

Grevas glanced sideways at Restia, not denying what the girl said, but the playful expression on her face was even more serious. She played with the hair beside her ears, pondered for a while, and said bluntly: "I don't know what you are saying. What have you been through? I don’t know what kind of wish you made to the Elf King, but right now, Lian Ashabel is no longer the same Lian Ashabel. In her current state, I’m afraid her memory is also confused. Well, it will probably take quite some time for him to wake up."

Restia remained silent.

Grevas glanced at Restia and continued: "By the way, I didn't know he was such a good-looking girl."

Speaking of this, Grevas snorted and couldn't hold it back any longer, laughing out loud with a happy expression on his face.

The corners of Restia's mouth twitched and she couldn't help but said: "You are still the same."

"Oh, you have changed a lot. I thought you would always stay by his side." Grevas pointed out.

Roja felt strange when he heard the words. He finally learned a very crucial thing from Grevas. Thinking of what the Dark Elf King said casually before, he reacted.

"Could this Lian Ashbel be a boy before and now a girl?"

Roja asked curiously.

Grevas nodded and said jokingly: "What, do you have any ideas? Indeed, Lian is a very good-looking girl now, and now she has lost her memory. I just need to lie to her a little, and I can get it, right?"

Roja shook his head like a rattle. Although Lian Ashbell is indeed very good-looking, Roja is not a vicious pervert. He will get close to beautiful women when he sees them. What’s more, he now understands that the other party is actually a boy. Down.

Grevas looked forward to it, looking at the two of them with gray-white eyes, and finally said: "Lian and I will take care of the matter. Now you should hurry up and prepare your team. The Elf Sword Dance Festival is not so easy to win. Well, even if you get Restia and the Demon-Destroying Holy Sword.”

After saying that, he waved his hand to signal Roja to get out of here.

Roja curled his lips and left the office unhappy.

Restia nodded to Grevas and left the office with Zeroya.

For a time, the originally bustling office seemed much empty.

Grevas reached out and touched the flowers placed on the desk. Grevas' smile faded and her face returned to its original serious expression.

"Restia, what are you thinking about?"

Grevas murmured.


The location came to the college. In the empty college, there were only two people standing in the corridor.

Roja sighed and said to Restia: "I'm going to coax Esther, she must be in a bad mood."

Restia had a smile on her face, but there was not much smile in her eyes.

The sun shines, and a morning has passed since Nalian passed by. This is the hottest time in the afternoon. The sun is high in the sky, and the scorching sunlight shines on the ground.

The weather has warmed up recently and the sun has become more and more intense.

Roja reached out to touch Restia's cheek, but Restia dodged to the right. Restia looked at Roja. Finally, even the last smile faded away. The girl said coldly: "What are you doing?" ?”

Roja didn't care. Although there was no way to know Restia's thoughts, girls were always like this. They might be happy for a long time because of a small thing, or they might feel heartbroken because of a small action.

Roja shifted his gaze to the outside of the corridor. In the center of the corridor was a garden. Gravel paths were interspersed with this sea of ​​flowers. The garden was not big, but it was only for the college.

The unknown flowers are delicate and delicate, exuding infinite charm under the sunlight, and the petals sway slightly with the wind.

The wind blew through the flowers and also through Roja's long golden hair.

Roja said to Restia: "Since you are my contract elf, then we will definitely get along for a longer time in the future. I hope you can treat me as a family member, just like that boy, oh no , the same as that girl.”

Roja's tone was serious, and the boy's words caused ripples in Restia Furui's mood.

Without speaking, Restia just nodded, and then the black feathers fell to the ground, and finally disappeared.

Roja sighed. He could feel the defensiveness in Restia's heart. Even with the so-called contract kiss, it was impossible to capture the elf's favor all at once, and there was no way to make the other party accept him frankly.

Why does it feel like raising a girlfriend instead of raising an elf?

A strange look flashed across Roja's face, and then he threw these messy thoughts behind him.

After adjusting his clothes a little, he poured divine power into his right hand and tried to summon Esther.

The door to the elemental world of elves opened, and Roja injected divine power into it.

But when the door opened, there was no response from inside.

Roya waited for another moment, but Esther ignored him.


This was the first thought that came to Roja's mind. The more he thought about it, the more he thought that the other party might be angry.

Although Esther has become an element, becoming an element does not mean that she loses her right to observe the outside world. At that time, she was probably peeping from the sidelines. If she saw that scene, she would almost inevitably be angry.


Roja took a breath and felt a toothache. The elves would peep, which made Roja feel very confused. No, he had to find a way to block Esther and Restia's desire to peep.

Roja doesn't think that Esther and Restia are both powerful elves.

Just looking at Esther's daily life, we can tell that Esther's temperament is definitely not big, or in other words, all girls are difficult to deal with.

Roja continued to inject divine power, trying to summon Esther, but Esther ignored him, as if he had completely disappeared.

At this time, boys usually have two choices.

a, and ignored her.

b. Stalker.

All classmates who have been in love know that you must not give up at this time. Luo Ya is well versed in this and naturally knows that he cannot give up like this.

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