The Dark Elf King knew a lot of things, and everything he said gave Roja a clear understanding.

Wanting to become a true king, wanting to become a more perfect life, he opened the door to the source and stole the last true darkness and true fire, but he also paid a price for it.

Now, what Roja has to do is deal with the mess these guys have left for hundreds of years.

Roja silently evaluated the gains and losses in his heart, and finally turned his attention to the Dark Elf King and asked: "I will help you complete your mission, what can you give me?"

The reward given by the system is given by the system, which has nothing to do with the Dark Elf King. Roja plans to make another profit from the other party.

The Dark Elf King smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "Haven't you already taken everything I could give you? Whether it's Restia or something else."

Roja nodded. The other party's implication was that he had nothing to give Roja.

But Luo Ya didn't believe the other party's lies and said bluntly: "So, except for telling me the history of development, you have nothing else?"

The nine-wheeled sun hangs high in the sky, and underneath is the rolling black ocean. Roja's spiritual world has reached such a huge level.

The scorching divine power shone on the body of the Dark Elf King, and the Elf King bared his teeth. Although he was rough-skinned and thick-bodied, this level of divine power was enough to completely refine him.

The Dark Elf King took a deep breath, finally leaned down, lowered his head and said, "Please, help me to free them."

He wanted to live, but he would not be naive enough to think that Roja would let him live so easily.

Being pushed into the pit of fire by the life he created, the Dark Elf King was speechless.

If it is an ordinary person, or an elf user with weak mental power, he will secretly occupy the other person's soul and use his own personality to quietly change the other person.

But now Roja is obviously no longer an ordinary person. Originally, the Dark Elf King only wanted to catch a small shrimp, but who would have thought that a giant shark would come to him.

He was also in trouble at this time.

Although he has died long ago, this part of his consciousness is still left in his body, but as the saying goes, who wants to die if he can live? Even if it is a sad thought.

Roja glanced at the Dark Elf King and said nothing.

The Dark Elf King opened his mouth, gritted his teeth, and said to Roja: "I will inherit that power to you. I know that you are very strong, but if there is no suitable person to help, even if you get that power, you will still be in trouble." Big discount. Restia can't control that power, and you need my help."

Roja nodded noncommittally, and the water flow gathered and enveloped the Dark Elf King.

Roja's voice echoed across the sea.

"In that case, let's do what you said."

The water flow pulled and swallowed the Dark Elf King. Reluctance flashed on the Dark Elf King's face, but looking at the rising sun above, he just sighed deeply in the end.

The Dark Elf King has no other choice.

A black mark appeared on the elf lines on Roja's left hand, and the dark black color lit up from the elf veins. At the moment when the Elf King of Darkness was devoured, Roja's double contract was also completed.

After devouring the Dark Elf Queen, a wisp of black energy flashed in Roja's eyes. The black energy came and went as quickly as it came.

The long golden hair danced in the wind, and Roja's eyes became even more dazzling.

The uncontrollable divine power in his body also calmed down at this moment.

Roja manipulated his own divine power to control those divine powers together. The three forces were clearly distinct and did not invade each other, forming a delicate balance.

There is no doubt that Roja's body is very powerful. Even if the power of darkness comes from outside, it can still exist in Roja's body.

These three forces are:

Magic power, scorching divine power, and foreign dark divine power.

The three powers are neither good nor bad. In essence, after entering Roja's body, they have been completely possessed by Roja.

The quality of magic power is higher than that of Searing Divine Power, which is approximately equal to Dark Divine Power. All three can be converted into each other to a certain extent.

A little magic power can be converted into more divine power. Similarly, if it is to be converted into magic power, much more divine power is consumed.

This is the rule in Roja's body.

Roja stretched out his hand, and the mist rolled. The black billowing mist continued to condense, and an ominous atmosphere appeared. Roja looked at the black mist and fell into deep thought.

Restia's eyes exuded an indescribable look. The girl stepped forward, bowed slightly to Roja, and whispered: "Master."

Roja's eyes moved from the rolling mist in his hand to Restia's body, and stayed for a moment on Restia's delicate and pretty face. Roja nodded and said, "Just call me Roja from now on."

Restia was silent, with a faint blush remaining on her pretty cheeks.

Roja looked at Lian Ashbel who was lying on the ground and asked curiously: "What should she do?"

Lian Ashbel's wounds have healed, all the black aura on her body has dissipated, and she is lying quietly on her back on the ground.

Restia looked at Lian Ashbell with complicated eyes, a mixed expression on her face.

"How do you deal with it? Restia?" Roja asked curiously.

Restia was silent for a while, and finally said coldly: "Leave her to Gravas, she will take good care of her."

Oh, that old woman.

Roja felt a little dizzy when he thought of the girl's amazing sword dance. If the old woman hadn't secretly taught others the sword skills, the girl wouldn't have become so powerful even if she was eroded by the darkness of the other world.

Also eroded by darkness, if Roja met Solomon head-on, it would not be an instant, but it would definitely not be too troublesome to deal with him.

In my heart, I complained that the old woman was unreliable and would always cause trouble of one kind or another for myself.

After sighing in his heart, Roja stretched out his hand, picked up the girl, put it on his shoulders, and said to Restia behind him: "Let's go, I promised you that I will help you annihilate the Elf King, so just follow me first. Bar."

Looking at the open space full of ravines, who could imagine that this messy ruins was a lush green forest not long ago.

However, Roja, who was the instigator of all this, did not feel any psychological pressure at all. He was followed by a silent girl, carrying a girl in a brown kimono on his right hand, and set off with a faint smile on his face.

But suddenly, as if he remembered something, he looked towards the corner. Roja grinned at the corner of his mouth, handed the girl on his shoulders to Restia, and walked towards the corner.

In the corner, the face of the boy who was very arrogant before was full of panic.

Roja leaned over and looked at the kid in front of him, who was lost in thought. The kid was the guy who claimed to be the successor of the Demon King.

And this kid just witnessed everything that happened in the battle from the perspective of a bystander, and he was already trembling with fear.

There was no way, that kind of power was beyond his imagination.

Just that level of divine power fluctuation was enough to crush him back and forth dozens of times.

If he hadn't been smart enough to realize that something was wrong, he would have quickly found a bunker to hide.

The shock wave of the bunker was destroyed, and Geo was forced to summon the magic mirror elves to carry him. He lost four elves in a row, and then he could barely stabilize his figure.

"Tell me, what should I do with you?"

Gio forced a smile on his face, and he reluctantly said: "Ahem, um, just pretend that nothing happened, okay?"

Roja's eyes were fixed on the other person, as if he wanted to see something in the other person's eyes.

Geo suddenly felt the pressure doubled, and his whole heart trembled as he was stared at by those golden eyes.

The pressure from the top of the food chain made Gio feel like he was a piece of fish on the chopping board. As long as the other party wanted to, he could easily be cut into pieces.

Before, he thought that the person in front of him was no big deal at all, and that he could easily defeat him. Even when he saw the devastating curry stick, he thought about it and felt that he should be able to do that as well. Such a level of attack, so he came to provoke him.

Unexpectedly, Restia turned him into a gun and used it directly. Fortunately, Gio successfully led Restia here.

Unfortunately, Geo witnessed the beginning and end of a great war.

This battle made Geo deeply feel his own powerlessness and weakness.

If there is not much difference in strength between people, or even if the strength is a bit higher, but can still compare with others, they will have the mentality of comparison.

But right now, even if he looks up, he can't see Roja's appearance. The difference in strength is too great.

But, is this really the case?

If I get Solomon's power, if I get the inheritance of the Dark Elf King, can I be like him?

Majestic and arrogant, looking down at him like this, staring at him indifferently like this, as long as he wanted to, he could easily take his life away the next moment.

If, if.

Countless thoughts flew around, and the physical fear made Gio grovel and beg for mercy, but once the seeds in his heart fell, they would one day take root and sprout.

Roja looked at the person in front of him and raised the corners of his mouth.

Luo Ya always does things without leaving any consequences.

"Well, in that case, you'd better die."

Suddenly he reached out and grabbed Gio's neck. Flames ignited in Gio's eyes. The fear in his body made Gio tremble continuously. When all the fear turned into a wave and tried to extinguish him, he had to stand up and resist.

"Appear! Magic Light Elf————"

The lightning gathered in Gio's hand and stabbed Roja hard.

Roja looked at him with interest.

Feeling the fluctuation of the opponent's divine power, Roja smiled and said: "I see, that's it, you are not an elf user at all, are you?"

The thunder light gathered, and the thumb-sized thunder light exploded in front of Roya. Roya slightly grasped his left hand, and the exploding thunder light was wrapped in his left hand, and then disappeared without a trace.

Geo's face was ferocious and twisted, and he roared: "Appear! Sword Elf————!"

Gio's body lit up red again, the stripes lit up, and a long sword appeared in Gio's hand again.

However, before Gio could make any move, Roja's right hand exerted a slight force and completely broke Gio's neck.

Gio's eyes were bloodshot, and there was still a look of unwillingness on his face.

The attachment to life, the desire for power, and the envy of the powerful strength of the person in front of you.

But all of this disappeared in this crisp sound.


Roja coldly threw Gio's body aside, and the smile on his face disappeared.

"It's just using other means to simply liberate the elves that don't belong to you."

Roja glanced at Gio who was completely dead at his feet, and lit a ball of flame in his hand. The flame flew towards Gio's position, and turned into a raging fire the moment it touched the opponent. The fire burned, completely swallowing Gio, and finally Turned into a pile of fly ash.

Roja shrugged and turned his attention to Restia, seeing that there was no trace of sympathy on Restia's face.

Roja once again prepared to pick up the girl who fell on the ground. Then he seemed to think of something, frowned, and turned his attention to Restia again. After pondering for a moment, he said to Restia: "Well, Restia, will you hold her?"

Under Restia's confused gaze, Roja handed the girl into Gio's hand, and then walked directly forward.

After leaving this deserted area and walking forward for a long time, I saw trees again.

The ancient trees in the sky exude tenacious vitality. These trees can live for a long time, even for hundreds or thousands of years, they will still not wither.

However, these trees will all be destroyed due to a fire or a battle like the one just now.

Walking through the woods and walking on the path paved with withered yellow branches, you can soon see the huge white palace at the end of your field of vision.

Restia's steps paused slightly, and Roja continued to walk forward, with two small followers behind him.

The two girls are both stunning in appearance. No matter which girl is selected, they can be regarded as the school beauties of this academy.

—————————————————————————————————————————————— —————

In Grevas' office, Roja stood in the office, followed by Restia. As for Lian Ashbell, she was sent to the infirmary to recuperate.

Silence, a long silence.

Grevas kept frowning, her eyes flickering back and forth between Restia and Roja.

After all, Roja couldn't hold his breath anymore. With a sarcastic smile on his face, he mocked Gravas: "I never heard from you that you have a disciple outside."

Grevas turned her gaze to Roja and said strangely: "I didn't tell you that I was the only disciple, right?"

Roja snorted coldly, pointed at Restia, and said very dissatisfied: "You must be old acquaintances, right? Have you thought clearly about how to deal with this?"

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