Mao Lilan's aqua blue eyes looked at the tall castle not far away, her eyes flickered slightly, and she turned her head and suggested: Would you like to go to the castle together? I remember there seems to be a fountain show nearby.

0.6 When she came to this amusement park before, she happened to have been to the gorgeously decorated castle.


Kitahara Hao followed her line of sight and could just see the tall castle not far away.

Last time it was because we didn’t have enough time, so he and Kasumigaoka Shiu and I didn’t take a good look around the castle.

So I didn’t know there was a fountain show inside.

Sister Xiaolan——

Just when he was about to nod in agreement, an annoying voice suddenly came from behind. It was Conan who had followed the two of them out of nowhere.

Why is it you little brat again...

Looking at Conan who was panting, Kitahara Hao subconsciously half-closed his eyes.

Don't interrupt my date with your sister Xiaolan!

154: Conan: NTR in person, right? ?

Don't interrupt my date with your sister Xiaolan!

Looking at Conan who had caught up behind him at some point, Kitahara Hao's eyes twitched slightly and he said with half-empty eyes.

This guy always shows up when he shouldn't.


Seeing the disgusted expression on his face, Conan couldn't help but clenched his teeth.

What do you mean not to disturb his date with Xiaolan?

Are you talking human language? ?

It's okay, it just takes up a little time.

Mao Lilan shook her head gently, then looked at Conan in front of her with aqua blue eyes, and asked with a smile: Do you have anything to do with me, Mr. Conan?

She just heard Conan calling her name.

It was obvious that he came specifically to see her.


After hearing her soft voice, Conan was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously touched his head, his tone hesitant.

He looked like he didn't know what to say.

Although he came here with the intention of not letting the two people have close contact at first, after standing in front of the two people, he remembered that he had not found any suitable reason at all.

I'm so careless...

It's nothing, just can I follow -

Before Conan could finish his words, Kitahara Hao rubbed his head vigorously next to him, interrupting what he wanted to say later.

Since there's nothing else, just go somewhere else to play. Kitahara Hajime squatted down and said to him with a smile, Please don't disturb our date, okay?

If you keep taking up your time, Sister Xiaolan will be very troubled.

Eh, no...I'm fine.

Mao Lilan was stunned for a moment, and then spoke softly.

This guy!

Feeling the ravaging feeling coming from his head, Conan slowly clenched his fists, and his body trembled slightly due to excessive exertion.

He took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and raised his eyes to look at Kitahara Hajime, who had already stood up.

With such a handsome face, why does his smile make people so disgusting and disgusting?

I'm leaving, Xiaolan¢?

Kitahara Hao looked at the castle in front of him under the blue sky, stretched out comfortably, and then said with a chuckle.

After watching the fountain, it was time to find a place to have lunch.

Instead of worrying about that brat Conan, why not think about what you want to eat for lunch today?

Anyway, with his current body of a primary school student, he cannot pose any threat - not to mention that Xiaolan's first time is still her own.

Whether it’s your first kiss or your first experience.

Speaking of which, if nothing unexpected happens to Xiaolan today...

Kitahara Hao gently pinched his chin, looking at the girl next to him with his brown eyes, and an interested smile gradually formed on the corner of his mouth.

Um, what?

Mao Lilan turned her head subconsciously, tilted her head in confusion and asked.

You should still be wearing something blue, right?

He said thoughtfully.

Blue, blue?

Mao Lilan blinked her eyes so cutely, and then she seemed to think of something, her eyes widened suddenly, and her white cheeks instantly blushed like a drunk.

She is still very sensitive to this color - you must know that a few days ago, Kitahara Hajime suggested that wearing black is better than blue.

On a date, no one would ask a girl such a question!


...Why do you know?

Mao Lilan subconsciously held the hem of her skirt with her hands, looked at him with a pair of aqua eyes angrily, and asked with a slightly trembling voice.

It is true that she is wearing blue today, but the important thing is why Kitahara knows!

Don't be so nervous, it's not like you haven't seen it before.

Beihara Hao slightly raised his eyebrows and said disapprovingly.

So doesn’t this sentence mean that I did see the underwear she was wearing today?

Mao Lilan gradually half-closed his eyes, and his original steps forward also stopped.

She didn't reply, but just looked sideways at Kitahara Hajime.

It seemed like she would just keep staring at him if she couldn't get a satisfactory explanation.

I saw it when I was riding the roller coaster just now. Because I was sitting in the front row, my short skirt would inevitably be blown up by the wind.

Kitahara Hao shrugged and explained.

Is that so?

After hearing this explanation, Mao Lilan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't worry, I'm not a pervert who likes to peek under other people's skirts. Kitahara Hao shook his head disapprovingly, and then couldn't help but chuckle, Although I feel that black is better, but so is blue. It’s unexpectedly cute and fits Xiaolan’s character very well.”

But... cute?

Don't say that kind of thing again!

Mao Lilan was stunned for a moment, then blushed and turned away his head, walking quickly towards the castle not far away.

Xiaolan's character is really cute.

Looking at the girl who had lowered her head and walked away quickly, Kitahara Hao sighed softly, and then waved her hand behind her without looking back.

Goodbye, jealous brat!

——Kitahara Hajime!

Looking at the other person's back slowly leaving, Conan gritted his teeth and shouted his name.

After standing there and witnessing the interaction between the two people just now, he felt as if he had fallen into a deep pit, feeling uncomfortable and at the same time feeling powerless and desperate.

He is not a slow idiot, so he can naturally see the way Xiaolan blushed just now!

If she were a friend, Xiaolan would never blush to that extent... Then there is only one truth left.

And it happened to be the truth that he was least willing to accept.


The breeze blew slowly, and the sea of ​​clouds billowed under the blue sky.

The fountain in the center of the castle spewed out clear water columns, and the water splashed by the circular water column fell on the water in the center, causing ripples in the originally calm water surface.

Kitahara Hajime and Maori Ran were sitting on the public benches set up around the fountain, chatting while admiring the rainbow formed by the falling fountain.

...Does Xiaolan come to this amusement park often?

Kitahara Hao looked at the girl next to her with her hands on her chin, and then looked at the statue not far away, pretending to be casual and asked.

Ever since the two of them sat here, his [Spider Sense] had been prompting a vague sense of hostility coming from the statue.

Obviously - apart from Kudo Shinichi, there is probably no one else.

It’s really difficult to deal with...

Kitahara Hao withdrew his gaze, and a wicked smile gradually formed on the corner of his mouth.

A good idea suddenly occurred to him.

Well, I've been here twice before with...friends, so I'm quite familiar with this amusement park.

Mao Lilan replied softly, her aqua blue eyes staring at the fountain in front of her, wondering what she was thinking.

At this moment, a gentle touch suddenly came from her cheek, with a slight feeling of moisture.

Mao Lilan blinked in confusion, her red lips slightly opened, and for a moment she didn't come back to her senses.

Beside the statue not far away, Conan stared blankly at the movements of the two people on the bench not far away, and couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

NTR in person, right? ? .

156: Then... what should Yuanzi do?

The temperature today is not high, the gentle wind is blowing by, and you can even feel a slight chill.

However, the girl sitting on the bench did not feel any coolness. Instead, she felt an inexplicable feeling of heat - that was caused by shame.


Feeling the contact and moist feeling on her cheeks, Mao Lilan felt her body temperature rise instantly, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and a blush slowly appeared on her ears covered by her long hair.

Was…kissed by Kitahara? !

She opened her eyes blankly, her aqua blue eyes staring blankly at the rainbow formed by the falling fountain, and her cherry lips were slightly opened.

It was completely '':!:5:.7, as if he hadn't come back to his senses yet.

The warm touch didn't last long, they separated in less than two minutes.

It looks surprisingly cute.

Looking at the expression on the girl's face, Kitahara Hao took out his cell phone from his pocket with a slight smile on his face, and then took a photo slowly.

As the click sound sounded, the beautiful scene in front of you was instantly frozen in the mobile phone interface.

Looking at the girl in the photo, he nodded with satisfaction.

You can take it back and use it as a screensaver - provided that Nakano Nino and the others don't discover it.


Hearing the sound of taking pictures in her ears, Mao Lilan came back to her senses instantly and turned her head around in a panic.

It's a pity that it's still a step too late.

Kitahara Hajime had already put the phone back into his pocket in advance, replacing it with two extra lollipops in his hand.

Would you like something strawberry flavored?

He stretched out his hand and handed one over, asking with a chuckle.

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