He squeezed Mao Lilan's soft little hand slightly and asked with a smile.

If nothing happens, the two of us will continue to go on a date. After all, there are a lot of people queuing up for the roller coaster. If we go late...

But you'll be wasting a long time there.

Kitahara Hao looked at the roller coaster not far away and spoke slowly.

The time for the date was already limited, and he didn't want to waste it waiting in line.


After hearing this title, Conan gritted his teeth, looked up at Kitahara Hajime, and clenched his fists involuntarily.

It's really a polite name - in the past, this guy would just call him a kid, and he didn't care about his identity as a police officer at all.

That Conan-kun...

Seemingly noticing that something was wrong with his mood, Mao Lilan blinked his sapphire-like eyes and said softly: If you need any help, feel free to tell me.

No...it's nothing. I just happened to meet Sister Xiaolan, so I thought I would come over and say hello.

Conan forced a smile on his lips and whispered.

If you listen carefully, you can clearly hear a slight tremor in his voice.

I see, now that the greetings have been finished——

Beitahara nodded thoughtfully, and then said with a chuckle.

Then we'll leave first.

As the words fell, he also took the girl next to him and slowly turned around and walked towards the roller coaster not far away.

He didn't care at all about Conan's ugly face behind him.

Hey, wait a minute!

Mao Lilan, who didn't react, exclaimed, and then quickly turned his head to look at Conan behind him. He waved to him with his free left hand and said goodbye politely.

Goodbye, Conan-kun!

She had a slight smile on her face and looked just like her usual expression.

However, just such a smile made Conan fall into silence, with an indescribable feeling in his heart.

It was as if something important had been lost.

I had only been young for less than a month, and my childhood sweetheart was snatched away...

No - we have to find a way.

He couldn't just watch Xiaolan being snatched away by that guy Kitahara Hao!

Thinking of this, Conan took a deep breath slowly and took out his red flip phone from his pocket.

Looking at the number at the top of the communication list, he subconsciously touched the red bow on his collar with his hand, and his eyes gradually narrowed.

Now it seems that this is the only way.


It's a roller coaster again...

Looking at the familiar large roller coaster in front of her, Mao Lilan showed a subtle expression on her face and whispered to herself.

She can still recall the murder cases she encountered at that time, especially the head of the deceased who was cut off by the necklace rope...

Thinking back to this, Mao Lilan subconsciously squeezed Beihara Hao's hand.

If you are really scared, we can also play other games.

Feeling the warmth coming from the palm of his hand, Beihara Hao turned his head slightly and looked sideways. After seeing her slightly nervous expression, he couldn't help but say.

I'm fine. It's just that after seeing the roller coaster, I always subconsciously think of the last murder case I encountered.

Mao Lilan shook his head slightly and explained.

A roller coaster murder case?

Kitahara Hao thought about it carefully, and then nodded clearly.

He still had some impressions of this case, but because he was just joining the company at the time, Mumu Shisan did not ask him to come with him.

I remember that the deceased seemed to be a scumbag who played with emotions...

Mao Lilan tilted her head and thought carefully, then said with slightly opened lips.


The corner of Beitahara's mouth twitched, and his brown eyes stared intently at the roller coaster in front of him.

It always felt like Xiaolan was talking about her own appearance.

Ding bell~

A pleasant ringtone disrupted the chat between the two, and Mao Lilan subconsciously took out her mobile phone from her bag.


Looking at the call contact above, she gradually opened her eyes wide, and then pursed her lips with complicated eyes.

After hesitating for two seconds, his white and tender fingers pressed directly on the hang up button.

What's wrong?

Beihara Hao looked at the complicated expression on her face and asked with a somewhat puzzled tone.

Nothing, just a phone call from a friend...

Mao Lilan put away the phone, then shook her head as if nothing had happened. 6.

153: Don’t interrupt my date with your sister Xiaolan!

Got hung up on?

Listening to the blind voice coming from the mobile phone, Conan stood there with his eyes wide open, and his pupils trembled involuntarily.

This is already the second time - the last time was when Xiaolan disappeared, and the call was hung up right after the call was made.

Thinking of this, he slowly tightened the red bow in his hand, with a look of reluctance on his young face.

That guy Kitahara Hajime——

They had only known each other for less than half a month, so how did he get Xiaolan to agree to a date? !

And the most important thing is... Xiaolan doesn't seem to have any reluctance at all.

Conan raised his head and looked at the lively crowd in front of him. His vision gradually began to blur, as if covered with a thin layer of mist, making it difficult to see clearly.

After rubbing his eyes a little, he subconsciously wanted to find those two familiar figures in the crowd.

But unfortunately it was not found.

Are you going to ride the roller coaster?

Recalling the content of the conversation just now, Conan couldn't help but look a little dazed.

I remember that not long ago, he and Xiaolan rode a roller coaster together, and they also solved a murder case at the scene.

But now - we are also in Dorobiga Paradise, but the person accompanying Xiaolan is Kitahara Hajime.

...No, I have to follow and take a look!

After a moment of silence, Conan gritted his teeth and whispered.

When he thought about what might happen between the two of them during their date, he instantly felt a sense of suffocation.

To be on the safe side, it’s better to follow up and take a look. If something goes wrong, you can stop it immediately!


Are we going to sit in the front row?

Looking at Mao Lilan who was waving to him, Kitahara Hao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

I have to say that in terms of psychological quality alone, Mao Lilan is much better than Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

You must know that last time, because he was sitting in the front row, he was complained by Kasumigaoka Shiyu for a long time after the end.

Even his finger was bitten.

Hey, don't you think you're used to sitting in the first row?

Upon hearing his inquiry, Mao Lilan blinked blankly and said with a somewhat doubtful tone.

She is not as resistant as ordinary girls to exciting entertainment facilities such as roller coasters. Group 9.80?2ュ0 @5ヘ8?5♀6, it is better to say that she is vaguely still There is a sense of anticipation.

There's nothing I'm not used to. I can actually sit anywhere.

Beihara Hao shook his head, and then slowly sat next to her.

After everyone lowered the safety guardrails on their seats, this roller coaster was officially ready to set off.

As the staff's prompts fell, the car gradually began to move, slowly climbing on the track.

Beihara Hao slightly looked sideways at the girl beside him, and after seeing the slight smile on the corner of her mouth, he couldn't help but laugh.

It seems that Xiaolan has no fear at all...

Is it because there are too many murder cases?

What's wrong, Kitahara-kun?

Mao Lilan seemed to be aware of his gaze. She also looked sideways at Beihara Hao beside her and asked softly.

The two pairs of bright eyes looked at each other for an instant, reflecting each other's figures.

It's nothing, I just suddenly felt that Xiaolan's hobbies are a little different from other girls.

Kitahara Hao stared at the pair of beautiful sapphire eyes in front of him and said with a smile on his lips.

Like karate, roller coasters... No matter how you think about it, it's impossible for ordinary girls to like this kind of thing.

Also, didn't you agree that you should use Kitahara or Hajime as your address? Kitahara Haru asked thoughtfully, You must have forgotten, right?

I, I know.

Mao Lilan looked away subconsciously, scratched her cheek with her fingertips, and said with a blush.


It's really a pity. I still prefer the name Hazuki to Kitahara.

Kitahara Hao poked her cheek with his finger, feeling the soft touch from his fingertips, and joked with a chuckle.

Currently, both of them are riding on the roller coaster, so there is no need to worry that Xiaolan will suddenly run away shyly.


Mao Lilan bit her pink lips, then gently turned her head to the side, exposing her flushed cheeks...

The jade-white skin is tinged with pink, and it looks like a ripe fruit, making people want to take a bite.

Next to him, Kitahara Hao took back his finger with satisfaction after poking it, and looked at the blue sky with his brown eyes contentedly.

The roller coaster slowly climbed to the top, and then swooped down quickly the next moment, with the screams of the tourists behind it also ringing out.

With the howling wind, Mao Lilan's hair also fluttered in the wind, and a few strands of long black hair fell on his face.

It really smells familiar...

Kitahara Hao picked up a strand of hair that fell on his cheek, and the faint fragrance seemed to be teasing his sense of smell.

It was very similar to the smell I smelled in the hotel that rainy night.


The roller coaster slowly stopped.

The two of them stepped out of the car as if nothing had happened. Compared with the pale-faced tourists around them, they were completely different from each other.

What do you want to play next?

Kitahara moved his aching shoulders, then looked at the smiling girl next to him, and asked.

You can play whatever you want.

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