Miyamoto Yumi's neck was stained with a touch of Kasumi red. She bit her red lips and stared angrily at the man in front of her who was pretending to sleep.

I can't sleep, I'm just counting the stars.

The corner of Beihara Hao's lips raised slightly and he answered softly.

You're a liar, and-- Yumi Miyamoto hit him with her forehead and said through gritted teeth, Go and count your own!

Can't this damn guy just be a pillow?

If you dare to move again, I will... tell Miwa Zicha about this!

Miyamoto Yumi threatened fiercely.

Speaking of Miwako... Kitahara thought carefully, and said with a chuckle, You seem to be much younger than hers.

But it doesn't matter, the little ones are cute too.

Shut up!.

141: Yoneka Town is hopeless!

seven in the morning.

Kitahara, what time is it now?

Miyamoto Yumi sat up half-supported and looked at the place next to her with sleepy eyes, but she did not see the familiar figure.

Did you wake up early again?

It was the same thing last time. After waking up, I saw him preparing breakfast.

This feeling of being taken care of is really good.

The corners of her mouth raised slightly, and her brown eyes looked at the scenery outside the window, subconsciously half-squinting her eyes.

The dark curtains that were originally used to block the sun were opened at some point, revealing the blue sky and the sea of ​​floating clouds outside.

The afterglow of morning light pours through the glass into the bedroom, giving people a warm feeling.

I don't know what to eat this morning?

Miyamoto Yumi stretched out comfortably and murmured with her lips slightly parted.

Recalling Kitahara's cooking skills, she couldn't help but show an expression of anticipation on her face.

One thing to say, the breakfast that day was definitely the best she had ever had in her life!


At this moment, the bedroom door was suddenly opened, and the sound made Yumi Miyamoto turn her head subconsciously.

I didn't expect to wake up so early. I thought you would sleep until eight o'clock.

Kitahara Hao looked at the woman who had already gotten up, chuckled and teased.

When I stay up late, I do sleep until eight o'clock, but I didn't go out to play mahjong last night...

Miyamoto Yumi raised her eyebrows lightly and spoke slowly.

Ever since her relationship with this guy went wrong, she never went out to play mahjong again.

After all, I come back from get off work very late every day, and I am in a bad mood - so I have no intention of playing mahjong at all.

Yeah, your panda eyes look a lot lighter.

Kitahara Hao sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out his hand to help her tidy up the long brown hair scattered in front of her shoulders, and said thoughtfully.

To be honest, he still prefers Yumi Miyamoto who has dark circles under her eyes.

Looks cute and cute.

Now that it has faded, it makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

It's so rude, it's just a slight dark circle under the eyes! Yumi Miyamoto pinched his cheek and pulled it hard with dissatisfaction.

What are panda eyes?

How could anyone talk to his senior like that!

What are you having for breakfast this morning?

After kneading for a while, Miyamoto Yumi lay on his shoulder and asked curiously.

Following her movements, Kitahara Hao also felt a very soft touch on her back.

Ma Po Tofu and bread.

He chuckled softly while smelling the scent of roses coming from behind him.

Mapo tofu and...bread?

What kind of strange breakfast combination is this? Miyamoto Yumi said speechlessly.

Putting aside the issue of matching, mapo tofu is not something you can eat for breakfast at all, right?


I remember there seems to be no tofu in the refrigerator at home, right?

Miyamoto Yumi tilted her head and thought about it for a moment, then said in his ear.

The refrigerator at her home only contains beer and quick-frozen food. No matter how you think about it, there is no such thing as tofu.

I went to buy it from a convenience store outside.

Hey, that's it...

Miyamoto Yumi nodded in sudden realization.

Okay, hurry up and get up to eat. If you keep putting it off like this, it will be eight o'clock. Kitahara rubbed her long brown hair and said softly, You don't want to go too late and end up in the parking lot. Did you meet Miwako?


After hearing this familiar name, Miyamoto Yumi's slightly sleepy expression instantly became energetic, and her brown eyes slowly opened wide.

As the two have been friends for many years, she naturally knows Miwako Sato's working hours.

I, I know.

Miyamoto Yumi finally chose to compromise.

There was no way, he could use Miwako to threaten Kitahara Hajime - and vice versa.

However, just when Miyamoto Yumi was about to lift the quilt, she suddenly remembered something important, and her hand movements paused slightly.

She looked at the man sitting by the bed staring at her with interest, and gradually half-squinted her eyes.

This guy has no intention of leaving at all.

Get out, I need to change clothes!

Miyamoto Yumi kicked him lightly with her little foot and said with a vigilant expression.

She wasn't sure whether Kitahara Hajime would suddenly rush up to her while she was changing her clothes.

It's not like you've never touched her before. Are you so shy? Kitahara shrugged and said with a slight smile, Besides - I won't do anything weird to you.

Does this guy think he is a child?

Miyamoto Yumi looked at the smile on his lips and thought silently in her heart.

She didn't even know how many times Beiyuan had deceived her in this way?

If you still fall for it, you are an absolute fool!

...Can't you get out?

After a moment of silence, Miyamoto Yumi stepped on his body and asked with half-squinted eyes.

She didn't believe that Kitahara Hajime could continue to persevere!

I see.

Kitahara Hao twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and sighed softly.

If the stalemate continues like this, both of them may have to take a day off this morning.

Wouldn't it be great if you were so obedient earlier?

Looking at the door that had been closed, Miyamoto Yumi snorted proudly, but then she thought of something again, and her face couldn't help but blush.

It would be better to step somewhere else next time...


Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

After waiting for Miyamoto Yumi to finish breakfast, the two arrived at the parking lot before eight o'clock.

The long-lost sunny day~

After getting off the passenger seat, Miyamoto Yumi felt the soft warm wind and sighed involuntarily.

It had been raining for four or five days in a row, which had already made her tired.

Yes, this kind of weather is perfect for a date. Kitahara Haji echoed from the side.

I wonder if the weather will be as sunny as today on Saturday?

Do you mean...do you want to go on a date with me?

Miyamoto Yumi showed an interesting smile, poked his arm with her elbow, and asked with a smile on her lips.

Speaking of which, she had never gone out on a date with Kitahara Ou alone.

Sorry, my time on the weekend is already taken up.

Kitahara Hao shrugged and said.

On Saturday, he was going on a date with Xiaolan, and on Sunday, he had to deal with Miyano Akemi's affairs. The two days' rest time had been clearly divided.


The corners of Miyamoto Yumi's eyes twitched slightly, and her face gradually became unhappy.

Can't this guy say something to make her happy?

Even if it’s just to lie to her!

As the two of them walked into the hall of the warning hall, Kitahara Hao's footsteps suddenly paused, and his brown eyes looked at the figure not far away with some surprise.

What's wrong?

After noticing his abnormality, Miyamoto Yumi followed his gaze with some confusion and raised her eyebrows slightly.

That person... seems to be the recently famous Maori detective, right?

She had some impression of the man wearing a blue suit and a mustache.

After all, in the newspapers in recent days, whenever he comes across a crime scene, he will definitely be there.

And what kind of sleeping detective is he called?

Well, it is indeed Mr. Mori. Kitahara nodded and said thoughtfully, If nothing else happens, he should come to the Metropolitan Police Department to take notes.

It seems like he encountered another murder case?

Mika Town is hopeless...

142: Miwako Sato: What girlfriend?

Let's go, Miyamoto-senpai.

After looking away from Mouri Kogoro, Kitahara Haji turned his head and said softly, then turned and walked towards the door of the elevator.

It's just a transcript, nothing interesting to read.

If you have that time, you might as well go back to the office and have a good sleep.

Wait for me——

Miyamoto Yumi looked at his retreating figure, puffed out her mouth in dissatisfaction, and then quickly followed him.

Really, why are you walking so fast?

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