Nakano Nino said softly with a smile on his lips.

...After all, this is your first time looking for a boyfriend, so the four of us will inevitably feel a little uneasy.

Nakano Ichika laughed twice, looking away unconsciously and said.

It sounds like it's true.

But actually it’s just to satisfy my curiosity!

Seeing her guilty expression, Nakano Nino's eyes twitched slightly, and he thought helplessly.

So do you want to go on this trip?

If you don't go, then I and Hagi will go together!

Retracting the complicated emotions in her heart, she asked again.

I'm going.

Nakano Ichika didn't hesitate at all and said with a smile.

She finally had the opportunity to go out and relax, but she didn't want to let it go.


Nakano Yotsuba, whose mouth was covered, also nodded, with a look of expectation on his face.

Since you are all going, I'll go too.

Nakano Satsuki hesitated for a moment, then nodded and agreed.

What about Sanjiu?

Nakano Nino turned his head to look at Nakano Mikiu in the corner of the sofa and asked curiously.

At present, she is the only one who has not made a choice.

Am I the only one left?

Nakano Sanjiu looked at the four sisters who agreed, bit her lip gently, and gave her own answer.

I'll go too.

Okay, then I'll go talk to you!

Nakano Nino looked at the phone, then put it by his ear and said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth.

They all agreed. Speaking of which - where are we going to travel?

If you want to talk about the sea, then Izu and Okinawa would definitely be your top choices.


“How about Bermuda or the Caribbean?”

Kitahara thought carefully for a moment, and then answered with interest.

…Are you kidding me?


After hearing this answer, Nakano Nino couldn't help but fell into silence.

It’s completely different from what I thought, and isn’t it too dangerous to travel to these two places?

Nino, where are we going to travel?

Nakano Yotsuba slowly approached her and asked curiously.

Bermuda or the Caribbean.

Nakano Nino took a deep breath and spoke slowly.


Nakano Yotsuba blinked her glass bead-like eyes blankly. After a while, she realized what she was doing. She tilted her head and asked, Are we going to travel abroad?

No, the focus is not on going abroad at all!

The corner of Nakano Nino's mouth twitched slightly, and a look of helplessness flashed across his blue eyes.


Ten o'clock in the evening.

After hanging up the phone, Kitahara also turned off the lights in the room, and then lay down slowly on the bed.

I originally planned to go to bed before nine o'clock, but now it seems that my plan can't keep up with the change.

Forget it, let’s go to bed first!

After all, I have to get up at four o'clock tomorrow morning, and then go to Cupido Town to use as a sleeping pillow for Miyamoto Yumi.

It’s really troublesome!

Thinking this, he gradually closed his brown eyes.

The night breeze carries rainwater and falls on the windows, making a crisp and dense sound, creating a unique atmosphere.

Along with the beautiful lullaby, the sound of steady breathing also came from the bedroom.

140: I don’t want to be a mother at such a young age!

Early Thursday morning.

The golden sunlight shines softly on the street through the thin mist, and is reflected in the water on the ground.

The weather is nice today!

Kitahara slowly opened the curtains, looked at the weather outside the window with lazy brown eyes, and murmured to himself.

Although he didn't hate the rainy weather - but it rained for four or five days in a row, even if he liked it, it would still be annoying.

After stretching vigorously, Kitahara Hao also looked down at the screen of his mobile phone and raised his eyebrows slightly.

It was now half past five in the morning, and I don’t know how long it had been since the originally scheduled four o’clock.

However, there were no messages or missed calls in the notification bar.

Even though I can't get up so early, I still have to ask him to arrive before four o'clock. This is really...

Kitahara Hao turned off the screen of his mobile phone and yawned slowly, with tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.

Anyway, we are already late now, so we might as well wait until after breakfast.

After all, there is still a Doraemon at home who needs to eat.


Cupido Town.

In room 308 of the apartment.

As a pink door slowly appeared from mid-air, Kitahara Hao also opened any door and walked in.

After noticing the two pet dogs sleeping soundly in the living room, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

It doesn't look like you've found the wrong place.

Because taking the elevator and searching for a room were too time-consuming, he chose to come directly through any door.

The props are really useful!

Throwing the arbitrary door back into the fourth-dimensional pocket, Kitahara Hao's lips slightly raised, and he walked slowly towards the bedroom door.

With a creaking sound, the unlocked wooden door was opened, and the scene in the bedroom appeared before his eyes.

I saw Yumi Miyamoto lying quietly on the bed in pink pajamas, with long dark brown hair scattered on the white quilt, looking unique and beautiful.

This kind of peaceful sleeping posture... is completely inconsistent with his usual prank-loving personality.

He couldn't help but think in his heart.

However, it looks even more exciting this way.

Kitahara walked over slowly, trying not to wake up Miyamoto Yumi, who was still sleeping.

Looking at that cute sleeping face, he couldn't help but pinch it gently with his hand.

Soft and smooth…

Kitahara...when did you come?

Feeling the touch on her face, Miyamoto Yumi half-opened her slightly sleepy eyes, and her dark brown eyes looked at him blankly.

Perhaps because she had just woken up, her voice sounded soft, as if she had no strength.

Because she was so cute, I couldn't help but pinch her. Kitahara Hao touched her soft cheek, chuckled and said, Go to bed quickly.

Is it cute?

I didn't expect to hear such happy words from your mouth.

Miyamoto Yumi rubbed her slightly sleepy eyes, and the corners of her mouth slightly curved in a nice arc.

Normally, this guy has never praised her so much.

Immediately afterwards, she reached out and grabbed Kitahara Hao's wrist, and pulled him forcefully to the side of the soft bed.

Come and sleep with me!

Miyamoto Yumi buried her head in his arms, her slender legs in pink pajamas were tightly clamped on his legs, and she spoke in a coquettish voice.

Without Kitahara Hajime as a pillow, it was indeed very uncomfortable.

Don't hold me so hard...

Kitahara Hao reminded helplessly.

How could I possibly sleep if I was hugged so tightly?

Don't worry about such small things~ Miyamoto Yumi found a comfortable position in his arms, then raised her head and asked, What time is it now?

It's almost six o'clock.

Kitahara touched her long brown hair and did not hide the fact that he was late.

Hey, didn't you agree to come at four o'clock?

Miyamoto Yumi couldn't help but poked his cheek with her finger and said dissatisfied.

The thought of going to work after just two hours of sleep made her feel inexplicably unhappy.

I can't help it, after all, I slept late last night. Kitahara Hao responded softly, and then his brown eyes gradually closed, If you want to use me as a pillow, then just sleep together tonight .”

No, I don't want to be a mother at such a young age.

Miyamoto Yumi replied decisively.

Just kidding, just based on this guy's initiative - he will definitely be eaten to death at night.

.?You can already be called an aunt at the age of twenty-eight, right?

Kitahara Hao said in a somewhat speechless tone.

No matter how you look at it, this woman obviously does not belong to the young category.

Can't you say something nice? Miyamoto Yumi half-closed her eyes angrily and gritted her teeth.

The guy who complimented her just now came over to piss her off again within three minutes.

Age is just that-

';?'',Sleep, don't talk!

In the middle of Kitahara's words, she covered her mouth in embarrassment and said loudly at the same time.


Beihara Hao seemed to want to say something, but he couldn't make any sound at all, so he had to give up the struggle in the end.

The sunlight passed through the gaps in the curtains and fell on the edge of the bed, embellishing the white quilt with a touch of gold.

--what are you doing?

A shameful voice sounded in the originally silent bedroom.

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